HFA Increasing Focus on Getting Women Out to Vote


On Friday, Hillary for America released the following statement about their efforts to get women, both Democrats and Republicans, out to vote on November 8th.

Following First Lady Michelle Obama’s powerful speech outlining the stakes of this election for American women, Hillary for America is dispatching top women surrogates to battleground states across America, as well as deepening its concentrated national effort to emphasize the troubling accusations against Donald Trump and his degrading comments about women to women voters. The Clinton campaign will have hundreds of events nationwide this weekend to contact women voters, including many Republican women, and urge them to register, vote early or get out the vote for Clinton ahead of November.

In addition, Hillary for America is launching a new call team feature to its voter call tool, including a new “FLOTUS Call Team,” where supporters can join together as a community around the First Lady’s statement that “enough is enough” and make phone calls to turn out voters for Clinton in the election. Additionally, on Saturday, women’s health advocate Cecile Richards will join her daughter, Hillary for America’s Lily Adams, for a Facebook Live on Hillary for America’s Facebook page to launch their own “Mother-Daughter Team” to contact voters and echo Obama’s message.

“This week has further shown just how high the stakes are for women in this election,” said Mini Timmaraju, Hillary for America’s Women’s Vote Director. “Donald Trump believes women are to be degraded and demeaned, while Hillary Clinton has been fighting for women’s rights for 40 years, with concrete plans to support them and their families as president. Our campaign is mobilizing women disgusted by Trump to organize their communities and get out the vote for Clinton, either during early voting or on Election Day.”

Hillary for America’s state campaigns will focus their organizing activities on women this weekend, launching women-to-women phone banks, canvasses, voter registration drives and Get Out the Early Vote events across critical battlegrounds. Recent polls show that Trump is lagging badly among women voters — woefully underperforming 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney in critical, vote-rich areas like the Philadelphia suburbs — giving Clinton an opening to further widen the gender gap, effectively walling off Trump’s capacity to make the gains he needs to win.

Additionally, starting today, top Clinton supporters and surrogates are hitting the campaign trail to emphasize the choice women have in this election. Today, for example, Chelsea Clinton was in Pittsburgh, urging women on campus at Pitt to reject Trump’s offensive candidacy, while Gov. John Hickenlooper of Colorado joined local athletes to reject Trump’s defense of his degrading comments as “locker room talk.” Additionally, Eva Longoria urged Latinas to register to vote in Orlando and EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock did grassroots organizing activity in North Carolina, while former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will give remarks decrying recent Trump revelations tonight in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

This weekend, Anne Holton will campaign in North Florida, focusing on reaching out to women voters, while members of Congress like Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Grace Meng, Sheila Jackson Lee, Donna Edwards, Brenda Lawrence and Barbara Lee join actors and activists like Alfre Woodard, Connie Britton, Danai Gurira, Marlo Thomas, Naturi Naughton, Erika Alexander, Busy Philipps, NARAL president Ilyse Hogue and former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to campaign across Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, Iowa, Virginia, Michigan and Wisconsin, to spread Clinton’s message that women need someone who will fight for — not degrade — them in the White House.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Speaks at Grassroots Event in St. Louis


On Friday evening, Hillary Clinton followed up her rally in Tulsa with a similar grassroots rally at the Union Hall for Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 in St. Louis, Missouri. After being introduced by Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, Clinton fired up the crowd of 500 with a speech focused on the economy and how she plans to make it work for everyone, not just those at the top. She said, “Our economy does best when we have a Democrat in the White House. It’s just a fact. Their answer to any economic question is, ‘We’re going to cut taxes on the wealthy.’” A video from the event is below (Note: Clinton begins speaking at 2:32:20).

She was also scheduled to attend a private fundraiser while in St. Louis. The event was held at the home of Kim and Bruce Olson. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is in Minneapolis, Minnesota on December 15. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox2, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Clinton Makes First Campaign Stop in Oklahoma

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Today, Hillary Clinton was in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I was there! This was my first time going to an event for Clinton, and I highly recommend it if you get the chance. Clinton spoke to an energetic crowd of about 1,000 at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame. She opened her speech by telling a story of her time as a lawyer in nearby Arkansas. She then went into a full rundown of her platform and plans as president. In speaking about her health care plans, Clinton took the opportunity to criticize Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin for not taking federal funding to expand Medicaid in the state. She wrapped up her speech telling the story of her parents humble background, and in particular, her mother’s rough childhood, and how she maintained optimistic and had a chance to better herself in spite of it. Clinton said she is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has that same opportunity. A full video from today’s speech is below.

While in Tulsa, Clinton attended a private fundraiser hosted by BOK Financial Corporation chairman George Kaiser and his wife Cookie. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is in Minneapolis, Minnesota on December 15. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Photo Note: All the photos in the gallery above were taken by the author.

News Source: Tulsa World

Clinton Rallies in Florida


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton hosted a grassroots organizing event at the Meadow Woods Recreation Center in Orlando, Florida. During the event, Clinton rallied the crowd by touting her platform and plans as president. Her primary topics were her recently introduced infrastructure plan which would create tens of thousands of jobs across the country. She spoke about the infrastructure needs in Florida, specifically highway improvements in and around Orlando. Clinton also spoke about heath care, defending Planned Parenthood, and defeating ISIS. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

While in Florida, Clinton also attended a number of private fundraisers. The first was hosted at the home of Alex Sink in Thonotosassa. Sink is the former Chief Financial Officer for the state of Florida. Then, she attended a fundraising event in Windermere at the home of Bill Kitchen, the CEO of US Thrill Rides LLC. Finally, Clinton attended an event hosted by Sallyn Pajcic in Jacksonville. As with all private events, they were closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to appear at events in Boston and New Hampshire. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Orlando Sentinel, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail Following Testimony

Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the Democratic National Committee 22nd Annual Women's Leadership Forum National Issues Conference in Washington, Friday, Oct. 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the Democratic National Committee 22nd Annual Women’s Leadership Forum National Issues Conference in Washington, Friday, Oct. 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Following her 10+ hours of testimony before Congress yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to the campaign trail today. She began by attending the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C. She addressed a number of topics and took a shot at her Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders on gun control. He has made comments about people “shouting” about gun control, and that shouting doesn’t get anything done. Clinton addressed his comments today by saying, “I am not shouting. It is just when women talk, some people think we are shouting.” Clinton was the final speaker this morning and spoke about about twenty minutes. A video of the speech is below.

Clinton then went to Virginia where she appeared with Governor Terry McAuliffe at a rally in Alexandria. McAuliffe introduced Clinton saying that she is a poised leader and that she will fight for Virginians and Americans. Clinton then took the stage and spoke about her record as a progressive, but a progressive who is open to ideas and willing to work with others. She then encouraged Virginia voters to turn out in state-wide election on November 3. The grass roots event was attended by a large crowd outside of Alexandria City Hall. She promised to fight for everyone as President saying, “Your fights are my fights and I won’t quit until all Americans have a chance to get ahead and stay ahead.” A video of the speech is below.

Tonight, Clinton is scheduled to appear on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, then she head to Iowa tomorrow. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN, Huffington Post, The Washington Post

Clinton in Florida

85Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton made several appearances in Florida. Her only public event was a grassroots organizing event at Broward College in Davie where she gave a speech. In her speech, Clinton responded to yesterday’s shooting at a community college in Oregon by criticizing Republicans for backing down from imposing stricter gun regulations because they are heavily influenced by the NRA. She used strong language saying that Republicans continue to, “put the NRA ahead of American families.” During her half hour speech, Clinton also addressed a number of topics including climate change and the expansion of Medicaid for Floridians. A video from Clinton’s speech is below.

While in Florida, Clinton also attended three private fundraisers. The first, in North Palm Beach, was hosted by Robin Noyes and Fred Cunningham. Cunningham is a founding partner of Cunningham, Whalen & Gaspari. The second event was held at the home of Sharon and Mitchell Berger in Fort Lauderdale. The final fundraiser took place this evening at the Miami Beach home of prominent Democratic fundraisers Abigail and F.J. Pollak. As with all private fundraisers, the event was closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to attend the Human Rights Campaign’s National Dinner before appearing on Saturday Night Live. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WFLA, Tampa Bay Times, CNN

Clinton Begins Health Care Discussion in Louisiana and Arkansas

Screen_Shot_2015-09-21_at_6.01.08_PM_t630 Hillary Rodham Clinton began the day by making a speech at the Louisiana Leadership Institute in which she vowed to support the Affordable Care Act and announced that she is preparing to address some of its shortcomings. She was critical of Republicans for trying to repeal the law, and she said it is too important of a law to abandon. Clinton said, “I’m not going to let them tear up that law, kick 16 million people off their health coverage and force the country to start the health care debate all over again. Not on my watch. I want to build on the progress we’ve made.” The level of uninsured Americans is at it lowest rate in nearly fifty years. Following the event, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in Baton Rouge at the home of businessman Jim Bernhard and his wife, Dana.

In Little Rock, Arkansas, Clinton made a speech at a grassroots event on the campus of Philander Smith College. In her speech, she focused on her plans to give every American a “fair shot.” The focus of her speech was on heath care, raising the minimum wage, more affordable education, and a reformed tax system. Arkansas is home to Clinton as she lived there for a number of years, practiced law there, and was the state’s First Lady. She thanked the people of Arkansas for their continued support and recalled that the state “holds so many wonderful memories for me and my family.” A video from her speech in Little Rock is below.

A videos from today’s event in Louisiana will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to unveil her prescription drug plans at an event in Iowa. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

New Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, Arkansas Online

Clinton Makes Third Trip to Iowa

07firstdraft-clinton2-tmagArticleSince announcing her presidential campaign in April, Hillary Rodham Clinton has made two stops in Iowa. Today, she was in Iowa again, visiting Iowa City where she addressed a large crowd of supporters. In her speech, Clinton hit on a number of topics including women’s access to health care, the environment, gun control, and the recent Supreme Court decisions upholding the Affordable Care Act and legalizing same-sex marriage. As Iowa City is the home of Iowa State University, Clinton also spoke about the rising cost of college tuition and called for making college more affordable. After her speech, she took questions from reporters on topics ranging from the Greek debt crisis and her fellow Democratic competitor, Bernie Sanders.

Following her stop in Iowa City, Clinton headed for Ottumwa where she met with supporters at a grassroots organizing event. She then took questions from the crowd. Hillary for America has been very active in Iowa since April, and the campaign has started organizing larger events for Clinton as she continues to travel across the country.

While in Iowa, Clinton also sat down with CNN’s Brianna Keilar. The interview will be posted once it is available.

New Source: The New York Times, Politico

Clinton in New Hampshire

usa-election-clintonHillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in New Hampshire to continue the listening tour that she started last week in Iowa. The focus of Clinton’s visit was to meet with local students, business owners, and citizens to learn about what their concerns are. As noted last week in Iowa, Clinton is still in the process of building her 2016 platform, and her listening tour is intended to help in that process.

On Monday, Clinton stopped in Keene to speak to a roundtable of business owners and workers at Whitney Brothers. Her discussion focused on education, technical skills, and the challenges of small business ownership. The tone was similar to that in Iowa, as she is gathering a sampling of voices from across America on similar topics. She also visited Kristin’s Bistro and Bakery, a place she remembered from her first trip to New Hampshire in 1991.

On Tuesday, Clinton toured and met with students at New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord. She moderated a discussion with students and administrators where she stressed the importance of two year schools, but not one of the attendees asked a question. The rest of the day, Clinton made several unannounced stops in Concord before meeting with lawmakers.

Clinton’s next campaign stops have yet to be announced; however, many people have criticized Clinton for the cautious roll out of her campaign. But the general election is still over nineteen months away, so there is plenty of campaigning left to do. For now, the grassroots and localized events are a way for Clinton to meet with ordinary Americans before larger primary race begins.

You can see pictures from New Hampshire on the Hillary for America Facebook page and Flickr account. Also, be sure to follow Clinton’s Twitter account and donate to the campaign.

News Source: Boston.com, CNN, New York Daily News, Boston Globe

Clinton on the Road to Iowa

Just hours after announcing her formal campaign, Clinton Tweeted a photo with a family she met while on her way to Iowa. Her first event in Iowa is on Tuesday because tomorrow will be driving day…that’s right, Clinton is literally taking her campaign on the road. Clinton will meet with everyday Americans along the route and when she arrives in Iowa. This is part of a grassroots strategy to focus on the American people.

Follow along on Twitter and don’t forget to support Hillary for America.