Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail Following Testimony

Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the Democratic National Committee 22nd Annual Women's Leadership Forum National Issues Conference in Washington, Friday, Oct. 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the Democratic National Committee 22nd Annual Women’s Leadership Forum National Issues Conference in Washington, Friday, Oct. 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Following her 10+ hours of testimony before Congress yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to the campaign trail today. She began by attending the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C. She addressed a number of topics and took a shot at her Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders on gun control. He has made comments about people “shouting” about gun control, and that shouting doesn’t get anything done. Clinton addressed his comments today by saying, “I am not shouting. It is just when women talk, some people think we are shouting.” Clinton was the final speaker this morning and spoke about about twenty minutes. A video of the speech is below.

Clinton then went to Virginia where she appeared with Governor Terry McAuliffe at a rally in Alexandria. McAuliffe introduced Clinton saying that she is a poised leader and that she will fight for Virginians and Americans. Clinton then took the stage and spoke about her record as a progressive, but a progressive who is open to ideas and willing to work with others. She then encouraged Virginia voters to turn out in state-wide election on November 3. The grass roots event was attended by a large crowd outside of Alexandria City Hall. She promised to fight for everyone as President saying, “Your fights are my fights and I won’t quit until all Americans have a chance to get ahead and stay ahead.” A video of the speech is below.

Tonight, Clinton is scheduled to appear on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, then she head to Iowa tomorrow. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN, Huffington Post, The Washington Post

Clinton talks Health Care in New Hampshire

03firstdraft-hillary-clinton-nh-2-tmagArticleOn Friday, Clinton met with the citizens of Hanover, New Hampshire. She delivered a speech to an estimated crowd of 850 at The Bema. Clinton focused her attacks on Republicans and their reaction to the recent Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act. Clinton said the Republican candidates would repeal the act after taking office. Clinton also spoke about the need for new gun control laws and the potential nuclear deal with Iran. She also confronted recent criticism by defending her record as a liberal. She said, “I will fight hard against what I see as the injustice and unfairness in our society. I take a back seat to no one when you look at my record of standing up and fighting for progressive values.”

After giving her speech, Clinton went to Lebanon where she visited with people at Dairy Twirl ice cream parlor. She continues to focus on a grass roots effort in the early stages of the campaign. Follow along by following Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

A video from the event is available below:

News Source: New York Times

Support Ready for Hillary


Ready for Hillary is a grass-root PAC that was formed by Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters in January 2013 with the simple goal of convincing her to run for president in 2016. The group is not affiliated with Clinton or her staff, but they have raised a lot of money and awareness. The fact that a non-affiliated organization can raise money and receive high profile endorsements on the mere possibility that Clinton will run in 2016 sends a clear message: Hillary Clinton should run for president in 2016.

We encourage everyone who supports Clinton to join Ready for Hillary and contribute. The money this group raises and the high profile supporters it receives might encourage Clinton as she makes her decision.

How can you get involved? Join Ready for Hillary on Facebook and Twitter. You may also Contribute to the group, sign up to receive a FREE bumper sticker, and shop in the Ready for Hillary Store. We highly encourage you to visit the Ready for Hillary website, sign up for email alerts, and pledge to support Hillary in 2016. Grass-roots support is key in any campaign, and it is never too early to show your support!

Image Courtesy: The National Memo