Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky Welcome Son

On Saturday, Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky announced the birth of their son Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky. He is the second child of Chelsea and Marc. Their daughter, Charlotte, was born in 2014. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton had light schedules this weekend and several wondered if the impending birth of their second grandchild was the reason. A statement released by former President Clinton said, “We are all over the moon as Chelsea and Marc welcome Charlotte’s little brother to the world and grateful for our many blessings. Chelsea and Aidan are both doing well and enjoying this very special time together.”

We congratulate the parents and look forward to seeing both of Clinton’s grandchildren on the campaign trail!

Update (6/19/2016)

Update (6/20/2016)

Today, Chelsea and Aidan left the hospital with Marc, Bill, and Hillary.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal

Congratulations to Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky

Today, Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky announced that they are expecting their second child. Their first daughter, Charlotte, was born September 26, 2014. Hillary and Bill Clinton both tweeted their excitement following the announcement. Congratulations to the entire family!

Clinton Proposes Caregiver Tax Credit

Hillary Clinton just wrapped up a town hall event in Clinton, Iowa where she announced a plan to assist families providing care for their loved ones. She too the time to answer several questions from attendees at the local middle school on a variety of topics including health care, the VA, and renewable energy. But the focus of Clinton’s introductory speech was announcing her plan to provide relief for the millions of Americans who are the primary caregivers for parents and grandparents. The plan adds new tax credits and expands existing programs in an effort to lesson the burden on those trying to ensure their loved ones stay safe and healthy. Clinton’s campaign outlined the plan on The Briefing, and the primary points of the proposal include:

  • Providing a tax credit, up to $5,000, to family members caring for ailing parents and grandparents
  • Launching a Care Workers initiative to assist care workers in learning the skills they need
  • Expanding Social Security by counting the work of caregivers toward their personal Social Security benefits
  • Building on the Caregiver Respite program

Tomorrow, Clinton will travel to Nevada. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, CBS News,