Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky Welcome Son

On Saturday, Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky announced the birth of their son Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky. He is the second child of Chelsea and Marc. Their daughter, Charlotte, was born in 2014. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton had light schedules this weekend and several wondered if the impending birth of their second grandchild was the reason. A statement released by former President Clinton said, “We are all over the moon as Chelsea and Marc welcome Charlotte’s little brother to the world and grateful for our many blessings. Chelsea and Aidan are both doing well and enjoying this very special time together.”

We congratulate the parents and look forward to seeing both of Clinton’s grandchildren on the campaign trail!

Update (6/19/2016)

Update (6/20/2016)

Today, Chelsea and Aidan left the hospital with Marc, Bill, and Hillary.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal

Clinton Host Second Facebook Q&A

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 6.47.06 PMThis afternoon, Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted her second Facebook Q&A event. During the session, Clinton received over 1,500 questions. She answered a number of them including questions about her thoughts on recent comments by Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio’s family leave plan, and prescription drugs. She answered a number of other questions about her platform, and she also answered more personal questions including one about her granddaughter’s recent birthday and her thoughts on pumpkin spice lattes. You can read the full Q&A on Hillary for America’s Facebook page by CLICKING HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time

Clinton Appears on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 8.34.25 PMToday, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on an episode of Ellen DeGeneres Show. The episode was taped on Tuesday, but Clinton talked about a variety of topics including her granddaughter, a possible presidential run by Kanye West in 2020, her opponents, and her age. Clinton also danced during a commercial break!

There is not a video from the episode, but you can watch clips from the show HERE and HERE.

UPDATE (9/22): Added video of full episode.

News Source: CBS News

Clinton has a “Chair Chat” in South Carolina

Hillary Rodham Clinton was interviewed for a “Chair Chat,” an online series hosted by South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman, Jaime Harrison. In the interview, Clinton was asked about a number of non-political topics including her granddaughter and her favorite TV shows. But a number of political topics were covered as well including race, education, and income inequality. The interview was filed on July 23 and published August 3, and the full video of the interview is above.

News Source: Time