Chelsea Clinton Campaigns in Milwaukee


Chelsea Clinton campaigned for her mother today in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She spoke about Hillary Clinton on a personal level and how she was raised. “I’m really glad (my parents) made sure I knew how lucky and how privileged I was. Because my mom has been driven my whole life, and even longer than I’ve been alive, to do all the good we can for all the people we can in all the places we can for as long as I can. And that’s the bedrock for her campaign.” Chelsea then outlined a number of Hillary’s platform proposals including her plan to create new jobs and build an economy that works for everyone and not just those at the top. “My mom has ambitious goals, but she’s never going to say anything that’s unconstitutional. She’s never going to promise something she knows is impossible because of our structure of government, but she is going to work her heart out to push the limits of what is possible for our children, for our families and for women’s rights and human rights,” she said. Chelsea asked everyone to vote for Hillary on Tuesday. Watch a video of Chelsea’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WISN

Hillary Clinton Discusses Economic Plan in North Carolina


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton followed up her economic speech on Tuesday with an event in Raleigh, North Carolina. In a second powerful speech on the economy, Clinton said that the country is stronger when the economy works for everyone, and she acknowledged that parts of the system are broken. She outlined five key areas of the economy that she wants to focus on to ensure that the economy works for everyone. The five goals she has set for her presidency are (full details are available on The Briefing):

  1. Break Through Washington Gridlock to Make the Boldest Investment in Good-Paying Jobs Since World War II
  2. Make Debt Free College Available to All Americans
  3. Rewrite the Rules to Ensure That Workers Share in the Profits They Help Create
  4. Ensure That Those at the Top Pay Their Fair Share
  5. Put Families First by Matching Our Policies to How Families Live, Learn, and Work in the 21st Century Economy

Clinton contrasted her plans with those of Republican Donald Trump. She said, “Compare what I am proposing to what we hear from Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed king of debt. No credible plans for rebuilding our infrastructure, apart from his wall. No real plan for creating jobs.” She did not offer as many attacks on Trump and his businesses as she did in yesterday’s speech, but she made it clear that she is focused on making the economy work for everyone while arguing that Trump will destroy it. A video from the speech is available below and a transcript can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The News & Observer, The Briefing