Details: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Presidential Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Civil Rights Leader Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Civil Rights leaders Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Rev. Dr. Moss Jr. served as the Pastor of Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio before retiring after 33 years of service.  He was also the co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Atlanta, Georgia. A copy of his endorsement is below.

Why Secretary Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President
By The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss. Jr.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is our best hope for moving the U.S. Supreme Court out of the hands of right wing, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, anti-human rights judges. The next president will shape the U.S. Supreme Court for perhaps the next 50 years! By that time, the millennials will be nearing (80) years old. Their children and grandchildren will be the living with the results of the 2016 election. The next president will nominate three or four U.S. Supreme Court justices plus score of federal district and appeals court judges.

We need Hillary Clinton to be our next president because she is qualified. She is prepared. She is dedicated. She is an activist in the struggles of the common life for the common good and has the record to prove it. She did not wait 70 years to “think” about civil rights and human rights. She is committed activist nationally and globally. She is the epitome of excellence.

Let me repeat, Hillary Clinton will save the U.S. Supreme Court from political arsonists, obstructionists and destroyers of the civil rights, human rights and voting rights. All the right wing extremists know this. This is why they are endorsing and supporting Trump – including some who tend to despise him. Mrs. Clinton will fight for voting rights protection, health care for all and education for all without crippling debts.

Hillary Clinton will give extraordinary national and global leadership. Leadership anchored in reason, wisdom, sound judgement, spiritual strength and moral courage.

She has been and remains active in her faith commitment from her youth. She has embraced The Holy Scriptures from her youth and knows the names of the books of her Bible and the unsearchable riches contained therein. She knows the songs and hymns and music of her faith and does not scorn and demean other faith traditions. She believes in the total Constitution – not just one or two amendments such as states’ rights and gun rights.

She does not bully her way through life. She has the courage of kindness, the endurance of long-suffering and the joys of Amazing Grace.

She loves children of all races, colors and ethnicities, rich and poor, rural, urban and suburban, healthy and ill, victorious and vulnerable, immigrant and Native American and those whose ancestors came in chains. This includes the well housed and the homeless. She does not seek votes from one group by hating and insulting other groups.

Mrs. Clinton deserves and needs our support and votes. If her opponent should win, we all lose; children, youth and adults. We can all win with Hillary Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Read: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Meets with Bipartisan Group of National Security Officials


On Friday, Hillary Clinton convened a group of bipartisan National Security experts to discuss a number of global issues. The key focus of the group’s discussion was defeating ISIS and combating terrorism. Following the meeting, Clinton held a press briefing during which she spoke about the importance of Republicans and Democrats working together on issues of national security. She also criticized Donald Trump saying that the experts she has spoken with are “chilled” by what Trump has said and proposed. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below as is a release from Hillary for America about the meeting, including list of those who attended.

Hillary Clinton today brought together a bipartisan group of distinguished national security officials to discuss the challenges our next commander-in-chief will face. Today’s conversation, which focused largely on defeating ISIS and the global network of terrorism, gave Clinton the opportunity to discuss these crucial issues with a wide range of experts with different background and diverse perspectives – something she has always been deeply committed to and will continue to seek as president.

Clinton said, “We won’t always see eye to eye, but when it comes to questions of war, peace and the safety of our country, we can’t let party affiliations stand between us. We need to put partisanship aside and work together for the good of all of us. I know we can do it. I have seen it happen under both Republican and Democratic presidents. That will be my goal if I am elected this fall.”

Clinton added, “National security experts on both sides of the aisle are chilled by what they’re hearing from the Republican nominee. That may be the number one reason why this election is the most important in our lifetime. So I’m not waiting until November, I’m bringing Democrats and Republicans together now because I plan to get right down to work on Day One. The stakes are too high, and the issues too serious for anything less than that level of preparedness. Americans should be able to count on their president and Commander-in-Chief to provide rational, confident and even keeled leadership, especially in tumultuous times like these so I’m very grateful to the men and women that I met with today — experts with a broad range of understanding and willingness to share their insights– and I look forward to receiving their advice in the days and weeks ahead.”

Today’s conversation included a wide range of experts, including nonpartisan military leaders as well as top national security officials who served under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Working Session Participants:

  • General John Allen, USMC (ret.), former Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (via videoconference)
  • Rand Beers, former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor and former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Daniel Benjamin, Former Ambassador-at-large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the U.S. Department of State
  • Ambassador Reuben Brigety, Former U.S. Ambassador to the AU, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
  • Secretary Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Richard Fontaine, former foreign policy advisor to Senator John McCain
  • Chris Fussell, former Aide-de-Camp to then-Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal at the Joint Special Operations Command, former Navy Seal
  • Kathleen Hicks, former Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Forces
  • Juliette Kayyem, former Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security
  • Michael Morell, former Acting Director and Deputy Director of the CIA
  • Secretary Janet Napolitano, former Secretary of Homeland Security (via videoconference)
  • Matt Olsen, former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
  • General David Petraeus, USA (ret.), former Director of the CIA, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (via videoconference)
  • Admiral James Stavridis, USN (ret.), former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO (via videoconference)
  • Vikram Singh, Former Deputy Assistant secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia
  • Michael Vickers, former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

This morning, the campaign also rolled out an updated list of 110 retired generals and admirals who have endorsed Hillary Clinton as the only candidate in this race prepared to be commander-in-chief, 15 of whom came out in the 48 hours after the Commander-In-Chief Forum.

Clinton is honored by the overwhelming support of those who have served our country and looks forward to continuing these important national security discussions with bipartisan leaders in the coming months. In a new Hillary for America television ad released today, Hillary Clinton makes the case that the “Only Way” we solve problems is bringing people together like she did today.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN

Clinton Campaign Releases Details of Proposed Democratic Party Platform


On Saturday, Hillary For America Senior Advisor Maya Harris released a statement following a Democratic Platform Drafting Committee meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. The meeting was one of four held around the country allowing national and local Democrats to gather and discuss the party’s platform. While the official platform will not be adopted until the Democratic National Convention next month, several proposed platform points are discussed in Harris’ statement including a $15 minimum wage, updates to the country’s prison system, a commitment to clean energy and fighting climate change, and ensuring everyone pays their fair share of taxes. Videos from the drafting committee hearings are available on the Democratic National Convention’s YouTube Channel and, the full statement from Harris is below:

“We are proud that the draft 2016 Democratic Platform, which the drafting committee approved yesterday, represents the most ambitious and progressive platform our party has ever seen, and reflects the issues Hillary Clinton has championed throughout this campaign, from raising wages and creating more good-paying jobs to fixing our broken immigration system, reforming our criminal justice system, and protecting women’s reproductive health and rights. As our Chairman, Congressman Elijah Cummings, directed us at the outset, our platform does not merely reflect common ground—it seeks higher ground.

For the first time ever, our platform calls for ending mass incarceration, shutting down the school-to-prison pipeline, and taking on the challenges of systemic racism. This year’s platform contains the most ambitious jobs plan on record, including historic investments in infrastructure, pledges to increase American manufacturing and stop companies from shipping jobs overseas, and a robust, stand-alone plank on youth jobs. It contains ambitious, progressive principles on wages, stating that working people should earn at least $15 an hour, citing New York’s minimum wage law and calling for raising and indexing the federal minimum wage. It also calls for the elimination of the ‘tipped’ wage and for the right of workers to form or join a union.  And for the first time, the Democratic Party platform explicitly calls for repealing the Hyde Amendment, which restricts access to women’s reproductive rights, particularly low-income women and women of color.

Four years ago, the Democratic platform called for an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy. This platform moves far beyond that framework, with a robust commitment to combating climate change and ambitious goals, like generating 50 percent of our electricity from clean sources within a decade. This vision was further strengthened through an amendment offered by representatives of both campaigns to see America running entirely on clean energy by mid-century.

We are also pleased that there were many issues where committee members worked collaboratively to articulate a bold vision, including making sure Wall Street greed and recklessness never again threatens American families and businesses on Main Street; proposing a surtax on multi-millionaires to ensure the richest among us are paying their fair share to build an economy that works for everyone; and expanding Social Security benefits by raising more revenue above the $250,000 threshold.

Members also worked together on framing Democrats’ shared commitment to comprehensive immigration reform, with an eloquent unity amendment stating, ‘Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and history to be supported and defended against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants.’

And we are proud the draft 2016 Democratic platform sets forward progressive principles and high standards on trade, including calling for trade agreements to be more protective of workers’ rights, labor rights, the environment, and public health. The draft reviewed by committee members yesterday included a call to review past trade agreements and update them to reflect these principles. An amendment adopted yesterday further emphasized the fact that many Democrats oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership because ‘the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform.’ Hillary Clinton is one of those Democrats, and has been strongly and unequivocally on the record opposing TPP. Just this week, she said, ‘We will defend American jobs and American workers by saying ‘no’ to bad trade deals and unfair trade practices, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.’

Make no mistake about it: The 2016 Democratic platform represents an ambitious, progressive agenda that all Democrats can and should be proud of.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Statement on NRDC Endorsement

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses supporters at the Electric Park Ballroom in Waterloo, Iowa January 11, 2016. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein - RTX21X9X
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses supporters at the Electric Park Ballroom in Waterloo, Iowa January 11, 2016. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein – RTX21X9X

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). This the first time the group has ever endorsed a presidential candidate. In a statement, Rhea Suh, president of the NRDC Action Fund, said “Hillary Clinton is an environmental champion with the passion, experience and savvy to build on President Obama’s environmental legacy. More than any other candidate running, Hillary Clinton understands the environmental challenges America faces, and her approach to solving them is grounded in the possibility and promise our democracy affords us.”

Clinton released a statement in which she spoke about the importance of protecting the environment, and she pledged to fight alongside groups, such as the NRDC, who are fighting to protect the environment and fight climate change. Her full statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the first-ever presidential endorsement of the NRDC Action Fund.

Climate change is real, it is being driven by human activity, and it is happening right now. We can’t wait for climate deniers and defeatists to get on board–we need to take immediate action to build on the progress President Obama has made in fighting this unprecedented global threat. We need to use every tool we have to make America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century and to make sure no one is left out or left behind in the clean energy economy, from communities struggling with the legacy of environmental racism to the coalfield communities that kept America’s lights on for generations.

That’s why I have a comprehensive plan to combat climate change with bold, national goals to expand clean energy, boost energy efficiency, and slash oil consumption. I will fight alongside the NRDC Action Fund for environmental and climate justice and invest in building a bright future for coalfield communities. And together, we can get half of our electricity from clean sources within 10 years, create millions of good-paying jobs, protect our communities from the dangerous climate impacts that we’re already seeing, and ensure America is leading the world in the fight against climate change.

The stakes for our children’s health and the future of our planet have never been higher. The presumptive Republican nominee has called climate change a Chinese hoax and called for scrapping the landmark Paris climate agreement. He has pledged to open up millions of acres of pristine public lands and waters to fossil fuel production at a time when America’s public lands are under unprecedented pressures. We need to be accelerating the transition to a clean energy future, not letting a climate denier doom our children to a future beyond their capacity to repair.

It has never been more critical that we come together to face the shared challenge of climate change–because there is no Planet B.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by IFPTE

HIllary CLinton

On Thursday, the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. In their release, President Gregory Junemann said, “She is also solidly in the corner of working Americans, as is reflected in her opposition to the damaging Trans-Pacific Partnership, and her strong support for collective bargaining rights.” Clinton responded to the endorsement by releasing a statement saying that she is “honored to have earned the endorsement,” and she vows to work with the IFPTE to ensure American workers are protected. A copy of her statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers.

In both the public and private sectors, the diverse members of IFPTE have helped build the mighty American middle class–standing up for workers’ fundamental right to organize and bargain collectively, opposing trade deals that have benefited big corporations at the expense of working families, and demanding the fair pay and respect American workers deserve.

As President, I will fight alongside IFPTE to protect workers’ rights to organize free from corporate intimidation, to oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership and build a level playing field so American workers can compete and win in the global economy, and to stand up for the dignity of all workers in the public and private sectors. As President, IFPTE and organized labor will always have a champion in the White House and a seat at the table–because when unions are strong, families are strong, and when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: IFPTE

Hillary Clinton Presents Manufacturing Plan in Syracuse


On Friday, Hillary Clinton held two public events in Syracuse, New York. The first was a round table discussion during which she unveiled her plans to boost manufacturing. The plan calls for an investment of $10 billion and is called “Make it in America.” The basic components of the plan include:

  • The establishment of “Make it in America Partnerships” that make America the first choice for manufacturing production by harnessing regional strengths.
  • Prevent foreign countries like China from abusing global trade rules, and reject trade agreements that do not meet high standards.
  • Revitalize the hardest-hit manufacturing communities.
  • Crack down on companies shipping jobs and earnings overseas – and create incentives for companies to bring back jobs to the U.S.
  • Invest in America’s manufacturing workforce to ensure that they will always be the best in the world.

Full details of her plan can be read on The Briefing, and a video from the round table event is below.

Clinton then held a public rally in Syracuse’s Regional Market where she covered a number of topics including her pledge to fight for equal pay for women, making higher education more affordable, and growing the economy of New York and and the country. She also touched on the topic she covered earlier in the day at the small business round table saying, “Upstate New York has a storied history of manufacturing. We now have a chance to recapture that.” While in Syracuse, Clinton also made stop at Varsity Pizza where she posed for pictures and signed basketballs. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Clinton also attended two fundraisers today. The first was held before the rally in Syracuse where donors could meet Clinton. She then traveled to New Jersey for a fundraiser in Tenafly.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, WXXI,, The Briefing

Clinton Attends New Hampshire Rallies

Yesterday, after officially registering for the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended three rallies in New Hampshire, including one in Windham. Each of the rallies were similar to others held in the past in that she spoke about key platform topics such as infrastructure, health care, equal pay, Planned Parenthood, and college affordability. She has called for making higher education at public colleges and universities virtually cost free to those who wish to attend. She said, “That will enable middle class working families, poor families to send their kids to a four-year public college or university without having to borrow anything for tuition.”

While in New Hampshire, Clinton was endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters. Clinton gave a brief speech following the endorsement in which she spoke about her plans to combat climate change and build a clean energy economy. Clinton said, “I believe we can have 500 million more solar panels installed by the end of my first term and enough renewable electricity to power every home in America within 10 years.”

Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WMUR

Clinton Voices Support and Skepticism for Nuclear Agreement with Iran

This morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a highly anticipated speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. After being introduced by Brookings president Strobe Talbott, she voiced her support for the agreement between the United States and Iran, and took a strong stance on enforcement of the oversight introduced by the agreement and ensuring that Iran does not break the agreement. The key to ensuring safety in the region is limiting Iran’s nuclear capabilities and ensuring oversight by the IAEA. Clinton’s primary focus was a continuing diplomatic approach to Iran, but she did not rule out a stronger response if Iran broke the agreement.

Clinton did not shy away from her skepticism of Iran and understands why many world leaders and politicians are skeptical as well. But a lot of work has gone in to getting Iran to the negotiating table and, while the agreement may not be perfect, it is a start. She addressed her success as Secretary of State of putting together a global sanctions package against Iran. As a result, many countries cut back its use of Iranian oil and cut off financial ties. This was successful because it was global, and the sanctions persuaded Iran to come to the negotiating table that ultimately led to this agreement.

Clinton admitted several times that the agreement isn’t perfect, and that continued work and strong enforcement are necessary to make it better over time. But it is better to have the oversight the agreement provides. It is up to the United States to ensure the deal is enforced by the global community. As president, she said that her strategy with Iran would be “distrust and verify,” and that if they cheated the deal, the United States and the world would respond swiftly and with strength.

She voiced her support for Israel and her understanding for the skepticism that has been voiced by Israeli leaders. As president, she would strongly support Israel, and ensuring the security of Israel is one of the primary pillars of Clinton’s foreign policy plan. She’s confident that Israel will be safer with this deal, and the oversight of Iran’s nuclear program, then without it.

Following her address, Clinton had a brief conversation with Martin Indyk, executive vice president of Brookings, in which she went in to more detail about the agreement and how to go about implementing it. The floor was then opened to the audience to ask questions. The full video from the event is above.

Source: The Guardian, Brookings