Clinton Outlines Climate Plan in Des Moines

In Des Moines, Iowa Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined her plans to combat climate change and invest in clean energy after touring green-certified transit station. In her plan, she called for cutting incentives to oil companies, extending tax credits for clean energy development, and continued investment in solar and wind energy. Clinton indicated that her plan would move the economy toward decarbonization by 2050 and provide enough renewable energy sources to power every American home by 2027.

The plan is ambitious, and she said that in the coming weeks she will outline plans to pay for the changes she is planning on making. She said, “A lot of these changes will pay for themselves. So there will be front-end money needed. But there are ways of making those investments and getting a return on those investments that will redound to the benefits of the American taxpayer. So I will be talking about energy and climate security, modernizing North American infrastructure, about safe and responsible production, especially making sure tax payers get a fair deal for development on public lands and areas that I think are too sensitive for production that should be taken off the table.”

A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton will attend the National Urban League Convention in Florida later this week. Until then, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: Politico (1) (2)

Clinton Previews her Climate Policy in Iowa

BN-JO257_CLINTO_P_20150726171839Yesterday, Clinton kicked off a three-day visit to Iowa by attending a campaign event in Winterset, Iowa where she spoke with supporters then answered questions from reporters. A number of questions were about allegations that Clinton sent and received classified information on her private email server as Secretary of State and a possible investigation by the Department of Justice. She denies the claims saying, “I am confident I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received. What I think you’re seeing is a very typical kind of discussion to some extent, disagreement among various parts of the government over what should or what should not be publicly released.”

On Saturday, Clinton also gave a speech and answered questions at an event at Beaverdale. A video from this event is posted above.

Today, Clinton gave a speech in Ames at an organizing event where she previewed her plans to combat climate change and her commitment to clean energy. Tomorrow, Clinton will provide full details of her plan in a speech in Des Moines. In her preview, Clinton took the opportunity to criticize the Republican presidential candidates who deny climate change is a reality saying, “Those people on the other side, they will answer any question about climate change by saying I’m not a scientist. I’m not a scientist either—I’m just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain…I know that if we start addressing it, we’re going to actually be creating jobs and new businesses.”

A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if it becomes available. Until then, watch the video released by the Clinton campaign about climate change.

Tomorrow, Clinton concluded her three-day trip to Iowa in Des Moines. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

Updated (8/5/2015): Added video from the event in Beaverdale.

News Source: Politico, The Wall Street Journal