Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary in Key Primary States


On Monday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton campaigned for Hillary in several states that hold their primaries tomorrow. Chelsea kicked off the day at a Get Out the Caucus event in Duluth, where she was joined by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton. Chelsea spoke about the importance of the 2016 election, especially for the for the Supreme Court. “If you look at the age of the justices on the Supreme Court and the average age of retirement, the next president could appoint one, two or even another three justices to the Supreme Court,” she said. Chelsea also spoke about a number of her mother’s platform points including gun control, higher education, voting rights, and the economy.

Chelsea’s final event of the day was a Get Out the Caucus rally in Lincoln, Nebraska. During the event, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience the what is at stake for the next president, especially in regards to the Supreme Court. She explained, “I think we need a president that understands that we don’t live in a single issue country and that we can’t treat the Supreme Court as a single issue institution.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.


Bill spent the eve of Super Tuesday in Texas where he attended three Get Out the Vote events. The first event was in Houston where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at the Buffalo Soldiers Museum. During his speech, Bill shifted his message from contrasting Hillary from her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, to contrasting her with her Republicans rivals. He said, “When Republicans say they’ll make America great again, we never stopped being great, but we need to be made whole again.”

The second stop for Bill came at Tarrant County College’s Trinity River campus in Forth Worth. During the event, he spoke about his wife’s experience and her plans to improve heath care, reduce the cost of higher education, and continue to grow the economy. He asked supporters to vote for Hillary in tomorrow’s Texas primary saying that she is the best qualified candidate to be president.

Bill’s final stop was in San Antonio where he spoke at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center Theatre. During the event, he spoke about immigration reform and criticized Republicans for their proposals making it more difficult to attain American citizenship. Bill also spoke about Hillary’s plans to improve America as a whole and not only focus on the wealthy class. He said, “The reason Hillary should be president is because she wants us to all rise together.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday! Chelsea will remain in Nebraska for an early event, but is expected to join Bill and Hillary in Florida tomorrow night for a Super Tuesday Event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KLKN, WDIO, KHOU, WFAA, My San Antonio

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary before Super Tuesday


On Sunday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail in support of Hillary Clinton. Bill spent the day in Florida where he attended fundraisers in Miami and Boca Raton. In Miami Gardens, he spoke at a Get Out the Vote event where he covered Hillary’s call for increased gun control, improving health care, and resolving systemic racism. He asked voters to support Hillary in the upcoming March 15th primary. A video from his speech will be added when/if available.

Chelsea was in Minnesota before Tuesday’s caucuses, and she attended Get Out the Caucus events in Minnetonka and South St. Paul. She also spoke at a Women for Hillary event in Rochester. At each of the events, she spoke about her mother’s experience and platform, focusing particularly on her work with children and women’s rights. Chelsea said, “She set the expectations that every embassy representing our country around the world would know what was happening to women and girls in terms of rights, opportunities, safety, health, participation. And she spent three years building a bipartisan coalition to create the children’s health insurance program, which covers more than eight million low-income kids, including tens of thousands here in Minnesota.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS Miami, CBS Minnesota

Clinton Returns to Nevada Ahead of Weekend Caucus


Hillary Clinton returned to Nevada in the early hours of Thursday morning. After flying in to Las Vegas from Chicago, Clinton made a surprise visit at a local Las Vegas hotel where she spoke with members of a housekeeping union. She spent some time with the workers and asked for their support in Saturday’s caucus. On Thursday evening, Clinton attended a Get Out the Caucus event in Las Vegas before the Democratic Town Hall on MSNBC.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News

Bill, Chelsea, Meier Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, a number of events in support of Hillary Clinton were held across the country. In the Midwest, Chelsea Clinton attended events in Kansas and Nebraska. She began the day by attending a Get Out the Vote event in Overland Park. During her speech, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her dedication to protecting women’s rights, voter rights, and LGBT rights. She also spoke about Hillary’s experience with compromise saying, “I do believe we fundamentally need a president who knows when to stand her ground, but also does know how to find common ground.” While in Overland Park, Chelsea also attended a fundraiser at the home of Jackie and Lynn Johnson.

Chelsea wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Caucus event in Omaha, Nebraska. During the event, she framed her mother as a political realist who knows how to stand up for what she believes in, but knows how to compromise. Her speech was similar to one that she gave earlier in the day in Overland Park, Kansas. Chelsea asked those in attendance for their support in the upcoming caucus on March 5.

Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary in New York City. He attended three fundraisers beginning with an event hosted by Bal Das, Valérie Demont, and Seema Hingorani. The second event of the day was held at Brooklyn Bowl. The final event was held at the home of John Fitzpatrick. As with all private events, they were closed to the public.

In Texas, Hillary for America Director of Policy Outreach Ed Meier hosted a fundraiser in Austin. The event is part of a series hosted by Hillary for America covering a number of platform topics.

Tomorrow, Chelsea Clinton will host a number of events in Colorado and Nevada. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, KCTV