Clinton Endorsed by former Bush Administration Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of James Clad, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for President George W. Bush. In a statement, he called on Republicans and Democrats alike to recognize the important of the election and the implications on national security it could have. A copy of Clad’s statement is below.

“Secretary Clinton has demonstrated her skills as Secretary of State, especially but by no means exclusively in helping other Asian countries counter Chinese bullying in the western Pacific.

For Republicans and Democrats alike, everything in national security requires clarity and steadiness, whether managing nuclear weapons or balancing great power rivalries. Never losing sight of the national interest is key – a discipline which Secretary Clinton possesses in full measure.

Our adversaries must never hear flippancy or ignorance in America’s voice. They should never take satisfaction from an incompetent president. Giving an incoherent amateur the keys to the White House this November will doom us to second or third class status.

In my career, I’ve seen close-up what happens when American reliability falters. It’s not pretty, for us or for the world. There is no choice: In razor sharp contrast to her opponent, Secretary Clinton is ready, steady and prepared. With a proven preference for bipartisanship, she must win this election.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Statement on Social Security Act Anniversary


Today marks the 81st anniversary of the Social Security Act, the program that guarantees an income source for retired Americans. Hillary Clinton released a statement celebrating the act and vowing to defend it as president. Clinton attacks Republican proposals to privatize Social Security saying that it defies the original intent of the act. A copy of Clinton’s full statement is below.

“For eighty-one years, Social Security has been America at its best. It reflects our shared belief that every American should be able to retire with dignity after decades of hard work. That no American should face poverty because he or she is disabled. That we are stronger together.  

Social Security benefits 59 million Americans today—but Republicans are relentlessly trying to attack and undermine this bedrock American guarantee. They want to cut benefits and gamble seniors’ retirement security on the stock market through privatization.

And Donald Trump is no different—just look who he chose as his running mate. Mike Pence spent his time in Congress championing efforts to dismantle Social Security—and to privatize it even faster than President George W. Bush and Paul Ryan proposed.

We cannot and we will not stand for that. When I served in the Senate, I helped lead the fight against the Bush privatization scheme. Instead of cutting or privatizing Social Security, we will defend and expand it.

When President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law, he said it ‘represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means completed.’ Social Security works, but we can make it better. Millions of women—and men—who are widowed or who take time out of the paid workforce to raise a child or care for a sick family member are being left behind. As President, I’ll expand benefits to cover these hardworking Americans, because no one should have to live in poverty because their spouse died or they did the vital work of taking care of a loved one.  

Social Security isn’t just a program—it’s a promise. And I won’t stop fighting until every American shares fully in that promise.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Huffington Post

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on “This Week”

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This morning, Hillary Clinton was interviewed on ABC’s This Week by host George Stephanopoulos. During the interview, Clinton and Stephanolpoulos discussed her stepped up attacks on Republican nominee Donald Trump and her plans to go after him in the general election. When asked if she thought being more like him was the best way to beat him, she responded quickly by saying, “No, not at all. I laid out in my speech in San Diego the crux of my concerns and my case against him on foreign policy and national security. And a lot of what he says plays into what I consider to be a very divisive and dangerous view of the world. And I think it’s important that we call it for what it is.”

Clinton was also asked about the final round of primaries coming up this week and her continued fight with Bernie Sanders for the nomination of the Democratic Party. She expressed confidence that she will be Democratic nominee after Tuesday’s primaries. Other topics discussed included her use of a private email server as Secretary of State and whether she was concerned about the current investigation by the FBI, and she also discussed several of her platform points. A video of the interview is below and a transcript from the episode can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News

Hillary Clinton Appears on ABC’s This Week, WABC’s Up Close

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On Sunday morning, Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s This Week. During the interview with host George Stephanopoulos, Clinton was asked about her thoughts on Republican Donand Trump and his new nickname for her, her continued battle against Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination, and the continued call for her to release the transcripts from her Wall Street speeches. On that point she said, “You know, we have certain expectations when you run for president, one of which is release all of your tax returns ever since you’ve been in public life. Now all of a sudden, there’s a new standard. And I’ve said when it applies to everybody, you bet. I will meet that standard as well.” A video of the interview can be viewed at the news source below, and a transcript from the show is available HERE.

This morning, an interview with Clinton was also aired on a local New York show called “Up Close.” The interview, which aired on WABC, focused on Tuesday’s primary and Clinton called out Sanders for his negative turn in the campaign, something he said he would not do. She also spoke about his interview in the New York Daily News, an interview that has been regarded as one of his weakest. Sanders was unable to answer questions about what he would do to reform Wall Street and other policy points. Clinton took the opportunity to pounce saying, “He couldn’t answer basic questions. He just keeps diagnosing the problem.” Clinton told reporter Dave Evans that as president she will fight for America just as she fought for New York as Senator. A video of the full interview is available HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WABC, ABC News

Hillary Clinton on “This Week”

Clinton appears on "This Week" on January 17, 2016.
Clinton appears on “This Week” on January 17, 2016.

This morning, Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s This Week. During the interview with host George Stephanopoulos, Clinton discussed her campaign and the upcoming Iowa caucus. She was also asked about recent allegations that 22 of her emails as Secretary of State contained “top secret” information. Clinton dismissed the claim saying, “This is very much like Benghazi. Republicans are going to continue to use it, beat up on me. I understand that. That’s the way they are.” Clinton has repeatedly said that her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State was a mistake, but she turned everything over to the State Department for them to review and release. A video from the episode will be added when/if available. A transcript can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News

Clinton Appears on “This Week”

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This morning, Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s This Week. She was interviewed by host George Stephanopoulos, and two began by discussing the implementation of a nuclear agreement with Iran. Clinton supports the agreement, but is cautious and supports full oversight. Clinton was also asked about her campaign recently ramping up its criticism of Bernie Sanders, including his changing position on gun control. Watch the full video HERE or read a full transcript from the episode HERE.

Tonight, Clinton will will take part in the fourth Democratic debate on NBC. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News (1,2)

Clinton on Good Morning America


This morning, Hillary Clinton appeared on Good Morning America where she was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos. During the interview, Clinton defended comments made by Chelsea Clinton yesterday. Chelsea criticized the heath care plan of Bernie Sanders. Clinton was also asked about the current primary polls in New Hampshire and Iowa and what she would do with her winnings if she won the Powerball lottery drawing tonight.  A clip from the interview can be viewed HERE.

Today, Clinton was also scheduled to attend a fundraiser this evening at the home of Rob Shapiro in Washington, DC. In addition, she also appeared at a fundraiser event in Potomac, Maryland. The event was hosted at the home of April McClain Delaney and Congressman John Delaney

Tonight, Clinton will appear on Lifetime’s The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet tomorrow. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News