Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Southern California


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton took a brief break from campaigning in New York to attend a number of campaign events in California. While Clinton did attend a number of fundraisers, including two that were attended by actor George Clooney and his wife Amal, she also spoke to supporters at the Cox Library on the campus of Southwest College. Clinton gave a speech inside the library where she outlined her plan to raise the federal minimum wage to $12 and applauded California for passing a law that will raise its minimum wage to $15 by 2022. Clinton explained that it is important to understand that while California can afford a higher minimum wage, $12 is a good baseline for the entire country. Clinton told the crowd that she is looking forward to campaigning in California before their June 7 primary. Following her speech, she spoke briefly to a crowd of supporters outside the library who were unable to get into the already crowded room. A video of her speech is below.

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News Source: The Sacramento Bee, CT Post, Los Angeles Times, Fox 11