Clinton Speaks at Planned Parenthood Gala

NEW YORK, NY – MAY 02: Ex Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks during the Planned Parenthood 100th Anniversary Gala at Pier 36 on May 2, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Roy Rochlin/FilmMagic)

Hillary Clinton spoke at the Planned Parenthood 100th Anniversary Gala in New York City on Tuesday night. During her speech, Clinton argued that women’s health care is important and warned that the Donald Trump administration and Republican administrations across the country are taking away women’s health care by closing Planned Parenthood clinics and cutting funding. She said, “As we speak, politicians in Washington are still doing everything they can to roll back the rights and progress we’ve fought so hard for over the last century.” Clinton acknowledged the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood and abortion rights, and she said that everyone has a right to their personal feelings, but the government should not take away anyone’s right to control their body. “Let us respect people’s convictions. But never back down from our commitment to defend the ability of every woman to make these deeply personal decisions for herself. I wish there were common ground, but I know for sure it is higher ground,” she said. Watch a clip of Clinton’s speech below. A full video will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Time, The Huffington Post

Clinton Addresses Congressional Black Caucus Foundation


On Saturday evening, Hillary Clinton spoke at the annual Congressional Black Caucus Foundation gala in Washington, DC. During her speech, Clinton vowed to work for everyone and ensure that the progress stated by President Barack Obama continues. She then ripped Donald Trump for his “dangerous and divisive vision” for the United States. She said that she is the best candidate for the presidency because she has real plans to continue growth for everyone. Clinton said, “We need ideas not insults, real plans to help struggling Americans in communities that have been left out and left behind, not prejudice and paranoia. We can’t let Barack Obama’s legacy fall into the hands of someone who doesn’t understand that, whose dangerous and divisive vision for our country will drag us backwards.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC New York, Politico

Hillary Clinton Returns to Wisconsin Ahead of Tuesday’s Primary


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton returned to Wisconsin where she held a Get Out the Vote event at the Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire. During her speech, Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points including jobs, higher education, and health care, but she tailored the points to specific Wisconsin issues. She criticized Republican governor and former presidential candidate Scott Walker for undoing years of progress in the state saying, But there was something else I learned as I got older, how Wisconsin was such a pioneer, a pioneer in making progress on behalf of working people, a pioneer in an idea … Wisconsin understood before most of rest of country did that economy and higher education were linked. I admire that. (I’m) disheartened to see the dismantling of so many pieces of what made Wisconsin not just a great state to live in and a great state to work in, but an example for so many others.” A video from today’s event is below.

In the evening, both Democratic presidential candidates, Clinton and Bernie Sanders, spoke at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s 2016 Founders Day gala in Milwaukee. During Clinton’s speech, she not only focused on her presidential run, but the importance of getting Democrats elected at the local level in Wisconsin. Again, she called out Governor Walker for a number of his policies and criticized the appointment of Rebecca Bradley to the state Supreme Court. Bradley has been criticized for her stance on a number of issues and Clinton said, “There is no place on any Supreme Court or any court in this country, no place at all for Rebecca Bradley’s decades-long track record of dangerous rhetoric against women, survivors of sexual assault and the LGBT community.” A full video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Also appearing in Wisconsin on behalf of Hillary for America was Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. She spoke with supporters on the campus of University of Wisconsin-Madison. Meanwhile, a fundraiser hosted by Susannah Gray and Michael John Williams was held in Washington, Connecticut. The fundraiser featured an appearance by Foreign Policy Advisor Daniel Kurtz-Phelan. A second fundraiser was held in Boston, Massachusetts. The fundraiser featured an appearance by Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Fox 6, CNN, Appleton Post-Crescent

Clinton Presents Award Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala

rts3nhtOn Thursday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton presented an award at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala. She presented a 2015 Medallion of Excellence Award to her friend and celebrity chef José Andrés. Clinton took the opportunity to criticize Republicans and lack of support for common sense immigration reform. During her speech, she was interrupted by a protester from United We Dream Action. Clinton continued with her speech and the heckler was removed from the room. A video from the full gala event is available on C-SPAN. Clinton begins speaking at the 5:00 mark and speaks for about five minutes.

Following the event, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in Washington, DC. The event was held at the home of Carol and David Pensky. As with all private events, it was closed to the public.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is the first Democratic debate that will air this coming Tuesday on CNN. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Emily’s List 30th Anniversary Gala

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

150304-hillary-clinton-1134p_490d349844dfcfbbdb7ced6a56264840Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech at the 30th Anniversary Gala for Emily’s List where she received the We Are EMILY Award. During her speech, Clinton spoke about women in politics and the guidance her mother offered as she grew up. Several times, Clinton teased a possible 2016 presidential run, but she avoided talking about allegations that she used personal email addresses while she was Secretary of State and possibly violating the rules of the National Archives and Records Administration. Details are still emerging, but Clinton did turn over 55,000 pages of her email to the State Department and several hundred pages of her emails have been provided to a Congressional committee investigating the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Since learning that Clinton used personal emails, the committee has subpoenaed additional emails from her personal email accounts.

Clinton was not the only speaker at the event. Other speakers included Gabrielle Giffords, Ayanna Pressley, Uzo Aduba, and Nancy Pelosi

The video from the Emily’s List event can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Clinton begins speaking at 1:11:45.

Video Source: Emily’s List

News and Photo Source: NBC News

News Source: ABC News

The Wildlife Conservation Society Gala

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Hillary Rodham Clinton was honored at the The Wildlife Conservation Society Gala in New York. Appearing with her daughter Chelsea, they were honored for the Clinton Global Initiative’s work to protect animals, specifically elephants. Clinton highlighted the issue saying, “We’ve reached a crisis point and 96 elephants a day [killed] is just a horrifying number. At this rate African forest elephants will be extinct within ten years. So we don’t have any time left.” Clinton also praised the New York State Assembly which recently passed a bill banning the sale of ivory in New York.

A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

News Source: Capital

American Jewish Congress Gala

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton was presented with a lifetime achievement award from the American Jewish Congress on Wednesday. After being introduced by actress Julianna Margulies, Clinton spoke about a wide variety of topics, but focused on Iran. She admitted that she is skeptical that Iran will hold up its end of the recent nuclear agreement between the United States and Iran, but she firmly believes that it is worth pursuing. Clinton went on to say that if negotiations with Iran fail, every option will be on the table.

A full video will posted if/when one is available.

News Source: The Washington Post

Video Source: YouTube