Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in Michigan, Wisconsin


Senator Bernie Sanders attended two campaign events in Michigan on Wednesday. At events in Kalamazoo and Traverse City, Sanders spoke about the importance of electing Hillary Clinton president to continue the progress the country has made the last several years. While he admitted there is still work to be done, Sanders said that Clinton’s plans are better for the country than those of Donald Trump. Sanders maintained the populist tone that he is famous for saying that it is important to grow the middle class. “It is absolutely imperative that we elect Hillary Clinton, but it is equally imperative that millions of us work together to transform this country. To do that we will have to work hard because the people who have the power are the billionaire class, drug companies, fossil fuel companies and Wall Street. No one will be able to take them on if millions of people don’t tell them government belongs to all of us, not just a few,” he said. A video of Sanders’ speech in Kalamazoo is below.

Sanders then traveled to Wisconsin where he spoke to a crowd of supporters in Milwaukee about a number of the plans Clinton has proposed. He spoke about her plans to raise the minimum wage, ensure equal pay for women, and to make college more affordable. Sanders spent some time talking about college affordability since the plan proposed by Clinton is a product of Clinton and Sanders working together. Sanders concluded the event by urging everyone to vote on November 8th. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Live, 9 & 10 News, Fox 6, WISN

Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton continued to meet with voters across the country today. Chelsea began in Greeneville, North Carolina where she spoke at East Carolina University. Chelsea covered a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform plans including her new college compact. Under the plan, students repaying student loans would be able to refinance their loans at lower interest rates thus saving money. Future students whose families make less than $125,000 a year and attend a public college or technical school will be able to graduate debt-free.

In Asheville, Chelsea spoke to a group of supporters at The Collider. She focused her remarks on climate change and renewable energy. Chelsea spoke about how Hillary’s plans will invest in clean energy while creating jobs, especially in parts of North Carolina who have been affected by the shrinking fossil fuel industry. “We need to be building solar panel factories exactly in those places. We need to be investing in coal country and in places where those kind of jobs have slowly disappeared as the industry has waned.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Holton campaigned on behalf of Hillary today in Michigan. In Lansing, Holton held a “Moms for Hillary” roundtable discussion where they discussed a number of issues such as childcare costs, education costs, and equal pay. She then traveled to Grand Rapids where she held an education roundtable where she spoke about Hillary’s plan to reduce the cost of higher education and her plan to expand early childhood education. Holton has a background in education with her most recently serving as Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia. A video from the events will be posted when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WITN, Citizen-Times, Lansing State Journal,

Hillary Clinton Statement on NRDC Endorsement

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses supporters at the Electric Park Ballroom in Waterloo, Iowa January 11, 2016. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein - RTX21X9X
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses supporters at the Electric Park Ballroom in Waterloo, Iowa January 11, 2016. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein – RTX21X9X

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). This the first time the group has ever endorsed a presidential candidate. In a statement, Rhea Suh, president of the NRDC Action Fund, said “Hillary Clinton is an environmental champion with the passion, experience and savvy to build on President Obama’s environmental legacy. More than any other candidate running, Hillary Clinton understands the environmental challenges America faces, and her approach to solving them is grounded in the possibility and promise our democracy affords us.”

Clinton released a statement in which she spoke about the importance of protecting the environment, and she pledged to fight alongside groups, such as the NRDC, who are fighting to protect the environment and fight climate change. Her full statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the first-ever presidential endorsement of the NRDC Action Fund.

Climate change is real, it is being driven by human activity, and it is happening right now. We can’t wait for climate deniers and defeatists to get on board–we need to take immediate action to build on the progress President Obama has made in fighting this unprecedented global threat. We need to use every tool we have to make America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century and to make sure no one is left out or left behind in the clean energy economy, from communities struggling with the legacy of environmental racism to the coalfield communities that kept America’s lights on for generations.

That’s why I have a comprehensive plan to combat climate change with bold, national goals to expand clean energy, boost energy efficiency, and slash oil consumption. I will fight alongside the NRDC Action Fund for environmental and climate justice and invest in building a bright future for coalfield communities. And together, we can get half of our electricity from clean sources within 10 years, create millions of good-paying jobs, protect our communities from the dangerous climate impacts that we’re already seeing, and ensure America is leading the world in the fight against climate change.

The stakes for our children’s health and the future of our planet have never been higher. The presumptive Republican nominee has called climate change a Chinese hoax and called for scrapping the landmark Paris climate agreement. He has pledged to open up millions of acres of pristine public lands and waters to fossil fuel production at a time when America’s public lands are under unprecedented pressures. We need to be accelerating the transition to a clean energy future, not letting a climate denier doom our children to a future beyond their capacity to repair.

It has never been more critical that we come together to face the shared challenge of climate change–because there is no Planet B.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post