CNN To Air Clinton Documentary Monday

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On Monday, CNN will air back-to-back documentaries about the presidential candidates. At 8pm ET, “Unfinished Business: The Essential Hillary Clinton” will air. That will be followed by “All Business: The Essential Donald Trump.” The documentaries will provide an in depth look at the careers of both candidates and feature interviews with the candidates, friends, colleagues, and family members. Watch the documentaries live on CNN or on CNNgo.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CNN, Variety

Hillary Clinton Talks about American Exceptionalism at American Legion Convention


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton addressed the American Legion National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. During her speech, Clinton framed the United States as “exceptional” and a “leader” in the world. “When we say America is exceptional, it doesn’t mean that people from other places don’t feel deep national pride, just like we do. It means that we recognize America’s unique and unparalleled ability to be a force for peace and progress, a champion for freedom and opportunity,” she said.

Clinton argued that the United States and the world cannot afford the election of Donald Trump. Blasting Trump she said, “You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon. You do it by putting in the slow, hard work of building relationships.” She went on to criticize Trump’s visit with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto today saying that one visit does not make up for months of his divisive rhetoric. Clinton wrapped up saying that she believes that this election is “about how to make things better,” and, as president, she vowed to do just that. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times, CNN, ABC News

Former GOP Treasurer of the United States Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hillary for America announced that Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by former United States Treasurer Rosario Martin. Martin served during the administration of President George W. Bush. In a statement, Martin explains that while she is a Republican, she has set aside politics and considered her country first. She said that while she has “disagreed with and criticized Hillary Clinton’s positions, but I have come to the conclusion that she would be a far better president than the Republican candidate could ever be.” A full copy of Martin’s statement is below.

“I have been a Republican since I became a U.S. Citizen in 1984 and was proud to vote for Ronald Reagan’s reelection.  Eventually, I was given the incredible honor to be the United States Treasurer, the first Mexican-born to hold this title.

I have been a loyal, trusted and fiery fighter for every Republican presidential candidate.  I have been a delegate to the previous five Republican conventions. But since July 2015, when a certain candidate, upon entering the political arena, showed his contempt for Mexican immigrants by stating they were drug dealers, rapists and murderers, I have voiced my disgust and have warned one and all of the perilous threat he was to our party, our nation and the world.

I had hoped against hope that my party would listen.  After all I had the personal commitment of our party chair, after the catastrophic loss of Mitt Romney, that Hispanics were going to be an important voting bloc for the party and that significant efforts would be made to augment their numbers in our party.

Maybe I was naive, maybe it was just a strong desire to believe.  But the party left me and my community all alone again.  It has had plenty of time to stand up for my community, but it has chosen not to do so.  I have come to the devastatingly painful realization that my party right now doesn’t want my vote nor that of my community.  Evidently it is not important, or not as important as some other voting bloc.

So, for me to consider the unthinkable–to vote for a Democrat–has been a profound soul searching process. Leaders are tested time and time again and so, I will stand up for my community against the menace of a tyrannical presidency that does not value the countless contributions of immigrants across its beautiful and bountiful history.

I have disagreed with and criticized Hillary Clinton’s positions, but I have come to the conclusion that she would be a far better president than the Republican candidate could ever be. She understands that words spoken from the White House have consequences, that sarcasm is not a strategy when dealing with delicate world situations, that our friends and foes listen to every word spoken by our president and react accordingly.

There is too much at stake both domestically and abroad to have a thoughtless individual at the helm of the most important economy in the world.

My party and its standard bearer leave me no choice; on November 8, I will vote for Hillary Clinton.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Interviewed By Amanda de Cadenet

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Last night, Hillary Clinton was interviewed on Lifetime’s The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet. Clinton and de Cadenet were joined by Chriselle Lim, GloZell Green and Maya Washington. For the conversation, they put politics aside and discussed her date nights with husband Bill Clinton, hanging out with friends, and the difficulty of being a woman running for president and showing any emotion. Clinton admitted that it is hard saying, “It’s really important not to wall yourself off from how you are actually feeling about what people say or how they treat you or how they treat somebody else that offends you or upsets you. But you’re also as a woman in a high public position or seeking the presidency, as I am, you have to be aware of how people will judge you for being, quote, emotional. It’s a really delicate balancing act.” A video of the interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Newsweek, The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet