Sunday Morning Talk Show Roundup: Kaine, Podesta, Benenson


On Sunday morning, representatives for Hillary for America made the talk show rounds and spoke about the final strategies before Tuesday’s election. Tim Kaine was on CBS’s Face the Nation and John Dickerson and Kaine discussed the affect the FBI investigation has had on the campaign. “We’ve seen it add to the energy on our side. People on our side view this campaign as so important, the ‘Stronger Together’ message as so important and people don’t want it to be distracted. So there has been a great uptick in energy on our side in the early vote,” Kaine said. Watch a video of the full interview below.

John Podesta was interviewed on ABC’s This Week and NBC’s Meet the Press. During each interview, Podesta explained that while he is optimistic, the Clinton campaign is leaving nothing to chance before election. Podesta was also asked about the leaks of information coming out of the FBI and Podesta responded saying, “I think the men and women of the FBI are doing a tremendous job out here across the country. But the leakers should shut up.” Watch videos of Podesta’s interviews below.

HFA representative Joel Benenson was interviewed on this morning’s episode of Fox News Sunday. Benenson was asked about the FBI investigation into Clinton’s email and the campaign’s strategy for the final days of the campaign. Benenson said that they are “playing offense in every state” and will continue to do so through Monday. Watch a video of the interview below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS News, ABC News, WTVQ, CNN, Fox News

Tim Kaine Makes Sunday Morning Show Circuit


This morning, Tim Kaine appeared on three of the Sunday morning news shows: ABC’s This Week, CBS’s Face the Nation, and Fox News Sunday. During each of the interviews, Kaine focused on the WikiLeaks email leaks and Russia’s alleged role in hacking and how Donald Trump and his campaign were also involved. Kaine stressed that it is possible that the emails released by WikiLeaks have been “doctored.” Kaine said, “I don’t think it’s funny when you have a nation like Russia that has engaged in activity to destabilize elections in countries. And somebody running to be president of the United States shouldn’t be encouraging another nation to cyber hack the U.S.” Watch videos of Kaine’s interviews below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: This Week, Face the Nation, CBS News, Los Angeles Times

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on Fox News Sunday

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Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace on this morning’s episode of Fox News Sunday. Wallace pressed Clinton a number of issues including the FBI investigation into her handling of classified emails, the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, and the general election against Republican Donald Trump. Clinton was asked about her popularity and beginning of the general election cycle. Clinton acknowledged she had a lot of work to do, but she spoke about how her popularity numbers are up when she is doing a job, but they seem to drop when she is seeking office. She said, “Every time I run for an office, though, oh my goodness, all of these caricatures come out of nowhere. And people begin to undermine me because when I left office as secretary of state, 66 percent of Americans approved of what I do.” Videos from the interview are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, Fox News

Clinton Addresses Iran Deal in Iowa

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at Uncle Nancy's Coffee House, Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015, in Newton, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at Uncle Nancy’s Coffee House, Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015, in Newton, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

On Sunday, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to Iowa where she addressed a group of supporters at Uncle Nancy’s Coffee in Newton, Iowa. She said she is prepared to take on Republicans in the general election and addressed a number of platform topics including immigration. This evening, Clinton attended a private event in Cedar Rapids where she addressed comments made this morning on Fox News by former Vice President Dick Cheney. He claimed that Iran did not start developing nuclear weapons until President Barack Obama took office in 2009 (Cheney was corrected by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace). Clinton disagreed saying, “Iran was on a pretty fast track toward a nuclear weapon when Barack Obama became president.”

Clinton is will deliver a speech in Washington, DC on Wednesday supporting the President’s agreement with Iran. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg