Clinton Celebrates with the Foundry United Methodist Church

DEM_2016_Clinton-0538fThis morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended the service celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC. Clinton attended the service with Bill and Chelsea. She addressed the congregation and spoke about her upbringing in the Methodist Church describing herself as “Methodist both by birth and by choice.” The Clintons were members of the Foundry United Methodist Church during President Clinton’s terms as president.

Clinton also took a moment to talk about her relationship with the press, which has been described as cold and distant. She said, “I got some advice from Dr. Wogaman just earlier this morning, which I promise I will put into effect. Basically he said, if you’re going to read and listen to Romans 12 you got to be nicer to the press. So, to my friends in the press, I will certainly take that to heart.” Over the last few weeks, Clinton has been more open with the press holding press conferences and granting national interviews, something that is expected to continue into the fall. A clip from her speech today is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton returns to Iowa where she is attending events at two colleges. For all the latest news, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, ABC News