Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Louisville and Fort Mitchell


Before voters head to the polls Tuesday in the Kentucky Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton has several Get Out the Vote events scheduled for Sunday and Monday. Today, she began in Louisville where attended morning church services at St. Stephen Church and Canaan Christian Church before heading to a public event at a South Louisville union hall. During the Get Out the Vote event, Clinton spoke about her plans to improve the country’s infrastructure and create thousands of jobs in the process. She said, “We can put millions of Americans to work. A lot of this will be good union jobs because the people with the skills to do the jobs will be able to do them.” She spoke about a number of other platform points before asking for voters’ support in Tuesday’s primary. A video of her speech is below.

Clinton then traveled to Fort Mitchell where she spoke to a crowd of supporters at the historic home of Nathan Smith. During the event, she told that crowd that she would focus on growing the economy and put her husband, for president Bill Clinton, in charge of economic growth. The country saw strong growth during his administration in the 1990s, and she believes that many of the same strategies used then will work now. She also attacked presumptive Republican nominee for Donald Trump for being a “loose cannon” and someone who would not be helpful for the middle and working classes. She said that she is willing to work with anyone with ideas to revitalize the economy and continue the progress of the current administration saying, “I will seek common ground, but I will also stand my ground.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Courier-Journal, WDRB, WCPO