Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in New Jersey


On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in New Jersey. Speaking at an organizing event in Edison, Bill focused on Hillary’s plans to move America forward and pointed to examples from her background to make his case. He said that Hillary offers unity and is willing to listen to ideas from any side of aisle saying, “Every job Hillary had in Washington she worked with Democrats and Republicans together.” Bill spoke to supporters at Edison High School and outlined a number of Hillary’s key platform points including reducing student debt, continuing to improve health care, and investing in clean energy. A video from today’s event will be posted when/if available.

Also on Thursday, Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger spoke with American citizens and Hillary supporters in Beijing, China. The event was hosted by Ada Shen, Carolyn Wu, and Wenchi Yu.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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Hillary Campaigns in MA, VA on Eve of Super Tuesday


On Monday, Hillary Clinton was on the campaign trail for the final day before tomorrow’s Super Tuesday primaries. Clinton began her day in Massachusetts attending Get Out the Vote events in Springfield and Boston. Speaking to a crowd of over 700 in Springfield, Clinton focused on jobs and eliminating the benefits companies are receiving for outsourcing jobs to countries overseas. She spoke about a number of other platform points before asking voters to support her in tomorrow’s primary saying, “Massachusetts is right in the middle of it and I need your help. I need your help to go and vote tomorrow and bring people to go with you.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

In Boston, Clinton spoke to supporters at the Old South Meeting House. She used her speech to turn her attention to Republicans and how her plans contrast from theirs. Clinton spoke about several platform points including heath care, the economy, and making higher education more affordable, but she also spoke about bipartisanship. She said that while Republicans have failed to compromise, the founders of this country relied on it adding that, “Democracy requires that we play well with others.” A video from her speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton then attended a Get Out the Vote event in Fairfax, Virginia. During her speech, she turned attention way from the primaries and focused on her strategy against the Republican Party. She criticized Republicans for threatening to take America backwards by re-introducing trickle-down economics, privatizing Social Security, and repealing the Affordable Care Act. Clinton said that the next president needs to build upon what is in place. In addition, she criticized Republicans for rolling back voter rights and standing in the way of women’s rights and LBGT rights saying, “It doesn’t seem like the Republicans respect anybody’s rights except the wealthy and well-connected.” A video from the speech is below.

In Norfolk, Clinton spoke at Lake Taylor Senior High School where she continued to go after Republicans and focused on her platform and plans for the future. She spoke about the importance of foreign policy and working with our Muslim allies to fight ISIS. Clinton said that Trump’s comments play into the hands of ISIS. She said, “It’s not only offensive, it’s dangerous. It matters what you say when you run for president. And it really matters if you are president.” A video from the Norfolk event is below.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday! Chelsea and Bill are expected to join Hillary in Florida tomorrow night for a Super Tuesday Event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WAVY, News 10, WRGB, Boston Globe