Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Foreign Policy


Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by Foreign Policy magazine. The endorsement is the first of its kind from the publication as it has never endorsed a political candidate for any office. Explaining their reasoning for breaking their tradition of staying out of politics, the editorial board said, “We cherish and fiercely protect this publication’s independence and its reputation for objectivity, and we deeply value our relationship with all of our readers, regardless of political orientation. It is for all these reasons that FP’s editors are now breaking with tradition to endorse Hillary Clinton for the next president of the United States.” They continued to explain that Clinton’s broad background in government makes her uniquely qualified for the White House while Republican Donald Trump provides new reasons each day why he is not. Read the board’s full endorsement HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

New Source: Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton Focuses on Gun Violence Prevention in New York


On Monday, Hillary Clinton attended a number of campaign events across New York. In Port Washington, Clinton and Congressman Steve Israel hosted a round table discussion on the prevention of gun violence. During the event, Clinton explained the importance of introducing federal regulations of gun sales and mandatory background checks. The state of New York, for example, has strict gun laws, but people wanting to purchase a gun can get around them by going to neighboring states such as Vermont. Clinton said, “Here’s what I want you to know: most of the guns that are used in crimes and violence and killings in New York come from out of state. And the state that has the highest per capita number of those guns that end up committing crimes in New York come from Vermont.” She continued, “So this is not, ‘Oh, you know, I live in a rural state, we don’t have these problems.’ This is, you know what? It’s easy to cross borders. Criminals, domestic abusers, traffickers, people who are dangerously mentally ill — they cross borders, too. And sometimes they do it to get the guns they use. This has to become a voting issue for those of us who want to save lives.”

Clinton also spent some time in Queens where she spoke with patrons at the Jackson Diner. Following her visit, she took a few questions from reporters and criticized rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, for his inability to answer certain questions about his plans and his record. She said, “I have noticed that under the bright spotlight and scrutiny here in New York, Sen. Sanders has had trouble answering questions. He’s had trouble answering questions about his core issue, namely dealing with the banks. He’s had trouble answering foreign-policy questions. So I look forward to a debate that is in New York with people asking the kinds of questions that New Yorkers ask.”

Hillary also attended two fundraisers in the state. The first was in Mount Kisco and was held at the home of Marco Masotti and Tracy Stein. The second event of the day was in Glen Cove and was hosted by Mindy and Jay Jacobs, Laurie and Marty Scheinman. Also attending the event was Congressman Israel.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, Politico, CBS News

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Harlem, Queens


On Sunday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Harlem and Queens. He began in Harlem this morning where he attended Sunday services at three churches. The three churches that he spoke at were: Abyssinian Baptist Church, Antioch Baptist Church, and Mount Neboh Baptist Church. At each church, Bill was introduced by Rep. Charles Rangel, and she spoke about Hillary’s plans to increase minimum wage and opportunities for everyone across the country.

Bill then spoke at an organizing events at the New York Hall of Science in Queens and the John John Jay College in New York City. At both events, he spoke about Hillary’s plans to increase incomes and continue building on the economy so everyone can prosper. He also spoke about criminal justice reform and referenced the death of Eric Garner. Garner was selling cigarettes in New York City and died when he was put in a choke hold by police. Bill said, “I say that because they may not have intended to kill that man—they violated procedural rules with a chokehold with a very heavy guy. People do stuff like that when they’re scared, when they’re alienated, when they feel like there’s this vast divide—and we have to get rid of that.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

A number of fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. In Washington, DC, Campaign Chair John Podesta attended an event that included Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris. The event was hosted by Maddy Beckwith, Ezekiel Emanuel, Terry Lierman, Tony Podesta, Chris Putala, and Oscar Ramirez. A fundraiser was also held in Villanova, Pennsylvania. The event included a conversation with Valerie Plame and was hosted by Stella M. Tsai and Jannie K. Lau. The final event was a virtual conversation with Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger for American citizens living in São Paulo, Brazil.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News, Newsday, Observer

Hillary Clinton Returns to Wisconsin Ahead of Tuesday’s Primary


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton returned to Wisconsin where she held a Get Out the Vote event at the Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire. During her speech, Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points including jobs, higher education, and health care, but she tailored the points to specific Wisconsin issues. She criticized Republican governor and former presidential candidate Scott Walker for undoing years of progress in the state saying, But there was something else I learned as I got older, how Wisconsin was such a pioneer, a pioneer in making progress on behalf of working people, a pioneer in an idea … Wisconsin understood before most of rest of country did that economy and higher education were linked. I admire that. (I’m) disheartened to see the dismantling of so many pieces of what made Wisconsin not just a great state to live in and a great state to work in, but an example for so many others.” A video from today’s event is below.

In the evening, both Democratic presidential candidates, Clinton and Bernie Sanders, spoke at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s 2016 Founders Day gala in Milwaukee. During Clinton’s speech, she not only focused on her presidential run, but the importance of getting Democrats elected at the local level in Wisconsin. Again, she called out Governor Walker for a number of his policies and criticized the appointment of Rebecca Bradley to the state Supreme Court. Bradley has been criticized for her stance on a number of issues and Clinton said, “There is no place on any Supreme Court or any court in this country, no place at all for Rebecca Bradley’s decades-long track record of dangerous rhetoric against women, survivors of sexual assault and the LGBT community.” A full video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Also appearing in Wisconsin on behalf of Hillary for America was Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. She spoke with supporters on the campus of University of Wisconsin-Madison. Meanwhile, a fundraiser hosted by Susannah Gray and Michael John Williams was held in Washington, Connecticut. The fundraiser featured an appearance by Foreign Policy Advisor Daniel Kurtz-Phelan. A second fundraiser was held in Boston, Massachusetts. The fundraiser featured an appearance by Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Fox 6, CNN, Appleton Post-Crescent

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Wisconsin


On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin. Speaking at Lawrence University in Appleton, Clinton focused on a number of Hillary’s platform points including her idea for Wall Street reform, her plan to lower the cost of higher education, and her focus on clean energy. He also criticized Republican front-runner Donald Trump for his plans to build a wall on the United States’ border with Mexico and said that the focus needed to be on building a strong middle class. He said, “We can do this, but we can’t do this until we tear down (economic) barriers.” A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Also campaigning on behalf of Hillary on Friday were two Hillary for America advisors. In State College, Pennsylvania, Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger attended a fundraiser hosted by Michael Berkman, Sue Port, John McCarthy, Patricia House, Virginia McGregor, Art Patterson, and Nancy Chiswick. Meanwhile in Newtown, Pennsylvania, Campaign Chair John Podesta hosted an event at the home of John Cordisco.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Appleton Post-Crescent

Bill Clinton Stumps for Hillary in Columbus

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Oh Wednesday afternoon, Bill Clinton visited Columbus, Ohio where he met with Mayor Michael B. Coleman and toured the Lincoln Theater. He then gave a speech at Hillary for America’s Columbus office. He argued that Hillary is the best candidate for president and urged supporters to vote for her in the March 15 primary. He said, “My argument for Hillary is pretty simple. I think she’s got the best economic plan the best college aid plan. I think she’s got the best record as a change maker, and I think she’s the only person left in either party who’s spent her life making changes that have made people’s lives better at home and has serious national security experience to make people as safe as possible.” A video from his speech is below.

Two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America today. The first was in Half Moon Bay, California and featured Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat. The second fundraiser was hosted by Judy White and Michael Yi in New York City. The event featured a conversation with De’Ara Balenger, Hillary for America Director of Engagement.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch

Clinton Given Edge in Democratic Debate


Last night, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took part in the seventh Democratic Debate. The debate was aired by CNN live from Flint, Michigan. Moderator Anderson Cooper spurred the conversation, which was testy at times between Clinton and Sanders. The first part of the debate focused on the water crisis in Flint, and both candidates called for the resignation of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.

Sanders and Clinton also discussed a number of topics from the economy and jobs, Wall Street, religion, and foreign policy. A topic of contention for Clinton was Sanders’ vote for a bill in 2009 that would have severely limited the bailout funds for the auto industry. Clinton said, “If everybody had voted as he did I believe the auto industry would have collapsed. You were either for saving the auto industry or you were against it.” This topic is particularly important to Michigan voters as the automotive industry is a major sector of the state’s economy. Overall, the debate was much of the same from the other Democratic debates during which Clinton and Sanders have agreed and disagreed on a number of issues. A video of the debate is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, Detroit Free Press, The New York Times

Hillary on CNN’s State of the Union

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On Sunday morning, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Jake Tapper in a prerecorded interview on CNN’s State of the Union. Tapper asked Clinton about her Nevada Caucus win and what she needs to do going forward to win the Democratic nomination. Clinton and Tapper also discussed a number of her platform points including the economy and finding common ground with Republicans. She was also asked about foreign policy points including the United States’ support of Israel. Watch the full interview below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clinton and Sanders Battle in Democratic Debate

Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton (L) and Bernie Sanders stand on stage before the start of the Democratic presidential candidates debate sponsored by MSNBC at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire, February 4, 2016.  REUTERS/Carlo Allegri  - RTX25ISR
Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton (L) and Bernie Sanders stand on stage before the start of the Democratic presidential candidates debate sponsored by MSNBC at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire, February 4, 2016. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri – RTX25ISR

Last night, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders faced off in a debate in New Hampshire. The debate aired on MSNBC and was moderated by Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow. During the debate, Sanders and Clinton went after each others’ records, but managed to stay on topic when it came to discussing policy. Some of the primary points of contention were Clinton’s ties to Wall Street, which of them is more progressive, and foreign policy. The fact that only two candidates were on stage made for a better debate and allowed Clinton and Sanders to point out where they differ. A video of last night’s debate is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WKYC

Clinton Steps-Up in Iowa


Hillary Clinton returned to Iowa, where the polls between her and Democratic rival Bernie Sanders have tightened considerably. Last night, Clinton hosted an organizing event in Burlington where she spoke about the specifics of her platform. She said that her agenda may be ambitious, but she also stressed the importance of working together and listening to good ideas from anyone, not just people she agrees with politically. She said, “We may not always agree, but we will always have a conversation where I’m hearing you and we’re talking about the path forward.”

Clinton attended two organizing events today. The first was in Indianola where she changed her tone and went directly after Sanders. She broke from her usual pattern and mentioned Sanders by name several times. She spoke about her experience with health care and foreign policy and his lack of experience. Most importantly, she spoke about her record of getting things done. She criticized Sanders’ plans and his readiness for the presidency saying, “Theory isn’t enough. A President has to deliver in reality.”

At an the event in Vinton, Clinton continued the theme of the speech she gave in Indianola calling attention to the progress that has been made with health care and criticizing Sanders for wanting to scrap it and start over. She said that Sanders has been working to pass the single-payer heath care proposal for over 25 years, but has failed to gain much support. “He never got even a single vote in the House or a single Senate co-sponsor. Not one. You hear a promise to build a whole new system, but that’s not what you get. … You’ll get gridlock and an endless wait for advances that never come.”


Clinton wrapped up the day with an appearance at an event at the University of Iowa in Iowa City with singer-songwriter Demi Lovato. While the crowd of 1,600 were there to see Lovato perform, Clinton spoke to the crowd briefly about her plans as president and criticized Republicans and Bernie Sanders for their positions on a number of topics. This is not the first time Lovato has appeared at an event with Clinton, but it is the first public event. A video will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton returns to New Hampshire for three separate events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, KWQC, CNN, The Hill, KWWL