Clinton Slams Trump During Speech at Children’s Health Fund

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton was honored by the Children’s Health Fund, and she addressed a gathering of the organization’s members and supporters. During her speech, Clinton criticized President Donald Trump for the budget his administration proposed this week. She said that “this administration and Republicans in Congress are mounting an onslaught against the needs of children and people with disabilities, women and seniors.” The Trump budget calls for cuts in a number of programs that benefit the poor and disabled including food stamps and Medicaid. Clinton urged everyone to stand up to the president and Congressional Republicans saying, “It hurts the well-being of children. It’s time to send a resounding message that we will not stand for this attack on the most vulnerable among us.” Watch a video of Clinton’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: NBC 2

Hillary Clinton Outlines Plan for Helping America’s Poor


In an op-ed published in The New York Times on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton outlined her proposals to help America’s poor and ensuring that they have equal access to resources. Recalling her time at the Children’s Defense Fund, Clinton says that she considers ensuring children are not raised in poverty as a top priority should she be elected president. Clinton outlines her plan which includes a series of tax credits, community investments, and a series of reforms. A copy of Clinton’s editorial is below.

Hillary Clinton: My Plan for Helping America’s Poor

By: Hillary Clinton

September 21, 2016

The true measure of any society is how we take care of our children. With all of our country’s resources, no child should ever have to grow up in poverty. Yet every single night, all across America, kids go to sleep hungry or without a place to call home.

We have to do better. Advocating for children and families has been the cause of my life, starting with my first job as a young attorney at the Children’s Defense Fund, and if I have the honor of serving as president, it will be the driving mission of my administration.

The good news is that we’re making progress, thanks to the hard work of the American people and President Obama. The global poverty rate has been cut in half in recent decades. In the United States, a new report from the Census Bureau found that there were 3.5 million fewer people living in poverty in 2015 than just a year before.

Median incomes rose by 5.2 percent, the fastest growth on record. Households at all income levels saw gains, with the largest going to those struggling the most. The census report makes clear that when hard-working Americans get a small boost — like food stamps and health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act — they can climb out of poverty.

But make no mistake: We still have work to do. Families across the country were devastated by the Great Recession.

Nearly 40 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 60 will experience a year in poverty at some point. The best way to help families lift themselves out of poverty is to make it easier to find good-paying jobs. As president, one of my top priorities will be increasing economic growth that’s strong, fair and lasting. I will work with Democrats and Republicans to make a historic investment in good-paying jobs — jobs in infrastructure and manufacturing, technology and innovation, small businesses and clean energy. And we need to make sure that hard work is rewarded by raising the minimum wage and finally guaranteeing equal pay for women.

If we want to get serious about poverty, we also need a national commitment to create more affordable housing. This issue doesn’t get much election-year coverage, but it’s a big deal to the 11.4 million American households that spend more than half their incomes on rent. Too many people are putting off saving for their children or retirement just to keep a roof over their families’ heads.

My plan would expand Low Income Housing Tax Credits in high-cost areas to increase our affordable housing supply, and fuel broader community development. So if you are a family living in an expensive city, you would be able to find an affordable place to call home and have access to the transportation you need to get to good jobs and quality schools.

We also need to ensure that our investments are reaching the communities suffering the most from decades of neglect. We have got to acknowledge that even though poverty overall has fallen, extreme poverty has increased. Tim Kaine and I will model our anti-poverty strategy on Congressman Jim Clyburn’s 10-20-30 plan, directing 10 percent of federal investments to communities where 20 percent of the population has been living below the poverty line for 30 years. And we’ll put special emphasis on minority communities that have been held back for too long by barriers of systemic racism.

As president, I will continue my life’s work focused on creating opportunities for children and fairness for families. We need to expand access to high-quality child care and guarantee paid leave so parents at all income levels can balance their jobs and lives. And we will work to double investments in Early Head Start and make preschool available to every 4-year-old because our children deserve the best possible start in life.

Donald J. Trump has a different approach. He divides America into winners and losers. And he doesn’t seem to spend much time worrying about people in poverty. In fact, his economic plans would overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans, and would include an estimated $4 billion tax cut for his own family just by eliminating the estate tax. He has actually said that wages are too high. One independent economic analysis revealed that with Mr. Trump’s proposals in place, our economy would fall back into recession and inevitably push more families into poverty.

This November, the American people will have to choose between an economy that works for everyone and an economy that benefits the well off at the expense of everyone else. The choice couldn’t be clearer.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Statement on International Brotherhood of Teamsters Endorsement


Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. In a statement, the group said that they support Clinton because she “is the right candidate for the middle class and working men and women across the country. She will stand strong for the workers of America by fighting to reject job-killing trade deals, enforcing labor laws and working to provide retirement security for millions of people who have sacrificed so much for the chance to retire with dignity.” Clinton released a statement thanking the group for their support and vowed to fight for working families and labor unions. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Unions like the International Brotherhood of Teamsters built the American middle class, and they make our economy run today. Teamsters keep our planes in the air, they put food on our shelves, and they get packages to our doors. In fighting for better wages and safer conditions on the job, the Teamsters are fighting for all America’s workers. 

I have always been proud to stand with organized labor to create good jobs with good benefits and wages that make it possible to build a middle-class life. As President, I will stand with organized labor and I will always fight for workers’ rights to retire with dignity and security, and to receive the benefits they have earned after years of hard work.

The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher. The Republican candidate for President is a man who has said wages are ‘too high’ in this country. Donald Trump personally signed a contract to hire a union-busting firm to try to stop his workers from organizing in his Las Vegas hotel. His running mate is a man who consistently supported efforts to undermine Social Security and who repealed Indiana’s 80-year-old prevailing wage law. Workers deserve better. And both of them support so-called ‘right to work’ laws that make it harder for workers to organize. I am proud to stand with organized labor against these laws, because ‘right to work’ is wrong for workers and wrong for America.

If elected, American workers will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House–because when unions are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Hillary Clinton Statement on EpiPen Pricing


Hillary Clinton called out drug maker Mylan for the increase in the price of its EpiPen product. An EpiPen is used to prevent anaphylactic shock by those with serious allergy attacks. The active drug in the product, the hormone epinephrine, costs less than $1 for the amount in a single dose. Yet, researchers note that the price of the EpiPen has increased 400% over the past few years with one EpiPen costing $57 in 2007 and a two pack of EpiPens costing $600 today. Clinton is not alone in asking Mylan for explanation. Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Claire McCaskill of Missouri have also sent letters to the manufacture. Late last year, Clinton proposed updates to prescription drug regulations that will prevent drug makers from overcharging for medications. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“Millions of Americans with severe allergies rely on their EpiPens.  When an allergic reaction leads to anaphylactic shock, a shot of epinephrine can literally be the difference between life and death.  But now, just as parents are about to send kids with severe food and insect allergies back to school, the EpiPen’s manufacturer is hiking its price to an all-time high.

Over the last several years, Mylan Pharmaceuticals has increased the price of EpiPens by more than 400%.  They’re now charging up to $600 for a two-EpiPen set that must be replaced every 12-18 months. This both increases out-of-pocket costs for families and first responders, and contributes to higher premiums for all Americans and their employers.

That’s outrageous — and it’s just the latest troubling example of a company taking advantage of its consumers. I believe that our pharmaceutical and biotech industries can be an incredible source of American innovation, giving us revolutionary treatments for debilitating diseases.  But it’s wrong when drug companies put profits ahead of patients, raising prices without justifying the value behind them. 

That’s why I’ve put forward a plan to address exorbitant drug price hikes like these.  As part of my plan, I’ve made clear that pharmaceutical manufacturers should be required to explain significant price increases, and prove that any additional costs are linked to additional patient benefits and better value.  Since there is no apparent justification in this case, I am calling on Mylan to immediately reduce the price of EpiPens.

In addition, when it comes to treatments like delivering epinephrine that have been available for decades, my plan encourages the production of alternative products.  That’s how we can harness the power of competition to keep drug prices at a level that all Americans can afford.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Verge

Tim Kaine Hits Campaign Trail in Richmond


In his home state of Virginia, Tim Kaine kicked off on his first solo campaign event since being announced as Hillary Clinton’s running mate. He spent the day in Richmond where he started the day by visiting Hillary for America volunteers. Then, he held a rally in the city this afternoon. During his speech, he spoke about a number of Clinton’s plans including her proposals for education, infrastructure, and her jobs plan. Kaine contrasted the economic plans proposed by Clinton and Donald Trump saying that, according to study by Moody’s, Trump’s plan would lead to recession while Clinton’s would stimulate and grow the economy. Kaine called Clinton a leader and spoke about her experience and knowledge on a number of domestic and foreign policy issues. Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

Meanwhile, in Boulder, Colorado, a dinner and conversation was held with Governor John Hickenlooper and Kimbal Musk. The dinner featured foot prepared by Chef Biju Thomas, and the topic of conversation included farming and food sourcing.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, WUSA9