Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers in Georgia and Florida

sfl-pictures-hillary-clinton-raises-money-in-s-001On Thursday and Friday of this week, Hillary Rodham Clinton spent time attending fundraisers in Georgia and Florida. On Thursday, Clinton made a stop in Atlanta to attend a fundraisers at the home of A.J. Johnson, one of the founding partners of  Georgetown Capital. On Thursday evening, Clinton went to Florida where she attended two fundraisers: one in Coconut Grove (at the home of Clinton friend Ira Leesfield) and Coral Gables (at the home of Nilda Hamilton, the widow of Jose Milton). On Friday, Clinton attended two more private fundraisers. One in Parkland at the home Michael Moskowitz, then at the home of John Morgan in Heathrow. All the fundraisers were private, so no press coverage is available.

Next week, Clinton is expected to attend in events in New York, Texas, and Connecticut. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, CBS Miami

Clinton Returns to New Hampshire

Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to New Hampshire on Friday. In her second trip to the state since announcing her presidential campaign, she, again, focused on visiting with small business owners. Stopping in Exeter and Derry she visited with small business owners and toured a brewery, book store, and ice cream shop. Clinton held a roundtable with small business owners at the Smuttynose Brewery. She concluded her trip by holding a private visit with supporters in Amherst.

Clinton’s visit to New Hampshire was overshadowed by the State Department’s release of 900 pages of Clinton’s emails related to the attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. She took a few questions from reporters and was asked about the emails’ release. Clinton responded by saying, ““First of all, I’m glad that the emails are starting to come out. This is something that I’ve asked to be done for a long time, and those releases are beginning. I want people to be able to see all of them, and it is a fact that we have released all of them that have any government relationship whatsoever. In fact, the State Department had the vast majority of those, anyway, because they were sent to ‘dot-gov’ accounts.” You can see the emails that were released by clicking here.

Next week, Clinton heads to South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Keep up to date with all the latest campaign stops by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: WMUR

Commercial Real Estate Women Convention

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton Speaks At CREW Network ConventionHillary Rodham Clinton spoke to a group of women at the 25th annual Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) convention at the Loews Hotel in Miami Beach. She praised the work of the organization to help women progress in the field of real estate. Clinton said, “It’s the right model for men and women in any enterprise. Providing women in commercial real estate with mentorship opportunities is not only great for you, but it demonstrates what must be the model for cooperation between businesses.” CREW has more than 9,000 in 90 cities nationwide.

Video from the event is currently unavailable and will be posted when/if available.

News Source: South Florida Business Journal

Image Source: Getty

Campaign Fundraiser for Charlie Crist (FL)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

140925080053-hillary-clinton-cgi-story-topHillary Rodham Clinton made a campaign appearance for Florida gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist while she was in Miami. The fundraiser was closed to the press, but reports indicated the Clinton touted redemption, as Crist was a Republican before he switched parties.

Video from the event is currently unavailable and will be posted when/if available.

News and Image Source: CNN