Clinton Begins Health Care Discussion in Louisiana and Arkansas

Screen_Shot_2015-09-21_at_6.01.08_PM_t630 Hillary Rodham Clinton began the day by making a speech at the Louisiana Leadership Institute in which she vowed to support the Affordable Care Act and announced that she is preparing to address some of its shortcomings. She was critical of Republicans for trying to repeal the law, and she said it is too important of a law to abandon. Clinton said, “I’m not going to let them tear up that law, kick 16 million people off their health coverage and force the country to start the health care debate all over again. Not on my watch. I want to build on the progress we’ve made.” The level of uninsured Americans is at it lowest rate in nearly fifty years. Following the event, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in Baton Rouge at the home of businessman Jim Bernhard and his wife, Dana.

In Little Rock, Arkansas, Clinton made a speech at a grassroots event on the campus of Philander Smith College. In her speech, she focused on her plans to give every American a “fair shot.” The focus of her speech was on heath care, raising the minimum wage, more affordable education, and a reformed tax system. Arkansas is home to Clinton as she lived there for a number of years, practiced law there, and was the state’s First Lady. She thanked the people of Arkansas for their continued support and recalled that the state “holds so many wonderful memories for me and my family.” A video from her speech in Little Rock is below.

A videos from today’s event in Louisiana will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to unveil her prescription drug plans at an event in Iowa. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

New Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, Arkansas Online

20th Anniversary of Beijing Speech

On September 5, 1995, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a groundbreaking speech on women’s rights during the 4th Women’s Conference in Beijing. The speech is often quoted and is likely Clinton’s most famous speech. Today is the 20th Anniversary of the speech and to celebrate a video of the full speech is above.

To celebrate, Hillary for America has launched an initiative called for Women for Hillary. You can sign up for Women for Hillary HERE.

Source: Clinton Presidential Library YouTube Channel

#TBT: “Women’s Rights are Human Rights”

On September 5, 1995, Hillary Rodham Clinton gave one of her most powerful speeches as First Lady. She was a featured speaker at the UN’s Fourth Women’s Conference in Beijing, China. During the speech, Clinton famously said “let it be that human rights are human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.” Clinton has continued to fight for women’s rights as Senator, Secretary of State, and now a candidate for President of the United States.

Video Source: Clinton Presidential Library YouTube

“Talk to Your Baby” Campaign Launch

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

AP969155414883Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared with New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray at SCO/FirstStepNYC, a pre-kindergarten center in Brooklyn, New York. At the center, McCray and Clinton launched a program called “Talk to your Baby.” The initiative, partnered with the Clinton Foundation’s “Too Small to Fail” early childhood education program, is geared toward getting parents to talk to their children at a young age to help their development. Clinton’s appearance in Brooklyn raised eyebrows as she is expected to announce her candidacy for president in the coming weeks and headquarter in Brooklyn. Her appearance with McCray is also unsurprising as her and her husband, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, have been long supporters of Clinton.

During a roundtable discussion with parents, Clinton said, “You are literally building your baby’s brain to better prepare that little boy or little girl to do well in school and do well in life. So from every experience, your child will be learning words, developing a vocabulary, making it possible to better prepare that child for school.”

A video from this event will be posted when/if available.

New Source: NBC New York

ITV’s This Morning

Friday, July 4, 2014 


Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on ITV’s This Morning in the UK. Clinton was overseas promoting her new book Hard Choices. During the interview, Clinton spoke about a number topics including her time as First Lady, time as Secretary of State, and the possibility of running for president in 2016. To that question, Clinton said, “I have to decide that it is the right thing for me and it is the right thing for my country at this time.”

A video from this appearance will be posted if/when available.

New Source: ITV