Hillary Clinton Addresses Rainbow Push Coalition Convention


On Monday, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition‘s annual convention in Chicago, Illinois. The organization, founded by Reverend Jesse Jackson, invited Clinton to speak about a number of topics including gun violence. Clinton’s primary focus was gun violence and introducing legislation to require background checks for the purchase of a firearm. She spoke about the importance of reducing gun violence saying, “I think saving our children and other people from gun violence is a civil rights issue right now in America.” A video from Clinton’s speech is below.

While in Chicago, Clinton attended a fundraiser with Michelle Williams. The event was hosted by Tim Cole and Jon Steele, Kevin Conlon, Dania Leemputte, Molly and Bill Mahoney, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Bill Singer, Amy Singh, Chuck Smith, Sandy Wall, Anne and Marcus Wedner, and Ann Ziegler.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC 7

Hillary Clinton Speaks at Conference of Mayors, Marches in NYC Pride Parade


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton spoke at the United States Conference of Mayors where she spoke about a number of her platform points. She focused on attacking Republican Donald Trump’s positions on a number of topics, although she never mentioned him by name. Clinton also spoke about gun control saying that it is imperative to act and reduce gun violence. She cited surveys which indicate that the vast majority of Americans and gun owners alike support mandatory background checks for the purchase of a firearm. Clinton said, “I know we can respect the 2nd Amendment and make common sense reforms.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below:

Earlier in the day, Clinton marched in the New York City Pride Parade where she joined Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Rev. Al Sharpton. The Pride Parade celebrates the LGBT community and the monumental Supreme Court ruling that ensures states cannot block same-sex marriage. The court’s ruling was announced a year ago today.


Following her speech, Clinton went to Cincinnati, Ohio where she attended a campaign fundraiser. The event was hosted by Mayor John Cranley, Dena Cranley, Allan Berliant, and Jennie Rosenthal Berliant. Yesterday, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America for American citizens living abroad. The event was held in Paris, France and was billed as a Men’s Fashion Week Party. Speaking at the event were actor Kyle MacLachlan and Project Runway producer Desiree Gruber.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News

Hillary Clinton Statement on Senate Republicans’ Refusal to Act on Gun Violence


On Monday, the Senate took up four bills aimed at restricting gun sales following the shooting in Orlando, Florida that killed 49 club goers. Two of the bills were aimed at introducing background checks. One bill, penned by the Democrats, called for mandatory background checks, while the other, written by Republicans, would have pushed resources to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, but would not have made background checks mandatory for all gun purchases. The other two bills would have blocked suspected terrorists from purchasing a firearm, and, again, there were two versions of the bill with one penned by a legislator from each party. Each of the four bills were voted down along party lines with Republicans voting against each of the measures.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has advocated for increasing gun control by banning assault weapons, closing a number of loopholes, prevented suspected terrorists from accessing guns, and making background checks required for all gun purchases. The bills would have been a step, albeit a weak one, in the right direction. Following the Senate’s failure to agree on a single piece of legislation, Clinton released a strong, single worded statement:


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety


On Friday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The groups cited Clinton’s stance on mandatory background checks before the purchase of a firearm. Clinton released a statement saying that she is “honored” to receive the endorsement of the groups and vows to fight for common sense gun control measures to prevent the deaths of 33,000 Americans a year. A copy of her statement is below:

Every year, 33,000 Americans die from guns. That’s an average of 90 per day. Countless others are injured. Too many of them are children. They are shot in small towns and in big cities. Sitting in a park with their friends.Riding the bus home from school. Watching TV in their living rooms. Working at their desks. They are our friends, our neighbors, our family.

Across our country, Americans are standing up and saying: enough is enough. Mothers and fathers, survivors and students, mayors and responsible gun owners are demanding that we put the safety of our children and our communities ahead of the interests of the gun lobby.

As a mother and a grandmother, I know nothing is more important than keeping our children safe. And I am honored to receive the endorsement of Everytown for Gun Safety, including Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. They are fighting every day for commonsense gun safety measures and to end the epidemic of gun violence.

The stakes in this election could not be higher. We need leaders in Washington who will close the loopholes that let guns fall into the wrong hands, and who will finally pass comprehensive background check legislation.  We need leaders who will repeal the special legal immunity that the gun lobby secured for irresponsible gun makers and sellers, so they are finally held accountable for their products. What we don’t need are the extreme and dangerous positions of Donald Trump, who has pledged to overturn President Obama’s actions to strengthen background checks and mandate that every school in America allow guns in classrooms on his very first day in office.

The gun lobby may be the most powerful lobby in Washington, but I believe that the American people are more powerful still. We are stronger together. We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. And as long as children anywhere are being killed by gun violence, we will keep fighting—because their lives are precious, and they deserve a president who stands up for them.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Hillary Clinton Delivers Keynote Address at Circle of Mothers Restoration Weekend


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton gave the keynote address during the Circle of Mothers Restoration Weekend in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The event was hosted by the Trayvon Martin Foundation and was aimed at empowering the mothers of gun violence victims. During her speech, Clinton vowed to stand up to the gun lobby saying, “Unlike Donald Trump, I will not pander to the gun lobby and we will not be silenced and we will not be intimidated. As long as children anywhere are being killed by gun violence, we will keep fighting.” Clinton said that she would continue to press ahead with her proposals to strengthen background checks requirements for the purchase of the firearm.

At the center of her argument is her concern for the safety of families and children. She said, “Parents, teachers and schools should have the right to keep guns out of classrooms, just like Donald Trump does at many of his hotels by the way.” Clinton went on to criticize Trump for his fear tactics saying that she is not anti-gun and that she knows there are responsible gun owners. But that something needs to be done to reduce the number of deaths as a result of firearm. Clinton said, “Something is wrong when so many young people just starting their lives are dying. Something is very wrong, my friends, and this election gives us a chance to keep trying to make it right.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Clinton also attended two fundraisers today. The first was in Washington, DC and was hosted by Julius Genachowski and Rachel Goslins. The second event was in Forth Lauderdale and hosted at the home of Pam Africk and Shari Olefson.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS News, The New York Times

Bill Clinton Spends Saturday in Pennsylvania


On Saturday, Bill Clinton spoke at two organizing events in Pennsylvania on behalf of his wife Hillary Clinton. Between the two events, he also stopped a number of restaurants and businesses in the Philadelphia area. His first event at the Swarthmore Rutledge School where he spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points including the economy and health care. He asked supporters to vote for Hillary on Tuesday in the Pennsylvania primary.

Clinton then traveled to Ambler where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at Wissahickon Middle School. At the event, he was joined by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. Giffords and Kelly spoke briefly, but Clinton spent a part of his speech focusing on introducing measures to curb gun violence. Like Hillary, he called for universal background checks to ensure firearms are not getting into the hands of those who should not own one. Clinton also spoke about other topics including health care, higher education costs, and raising the middle class. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Philly.com, CBS Philly

Hillary Clinton on Good Morning America, Campaigns in CT


On Thursday morning, Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America for a town hall style segment. Clinton was interviewed by Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos before taking questions from those in attendance. She was asked questions on a number of topics including some of her platform points, her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, her thoughts on the Republican presidential candidates, and she was asked some light hearted questions as well. She was asked what her husband’s (former president Bill Clinton) most annoying habit was. She answered, “No matter how tired he is, he always feels like he has to read before he goes to sleep. That means I have to get up and go around and turn the light off before I go to bed!” A video from this morning’s episode is below.

Clinton then went to Hartford, Connecticut where she attended a conversation on gun violence held at the Wilson-Gray YMCA. Clinton also met with families of victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The discussion included families that have lost loved ones as a direct result of shootings or gun violence. During the 90-minute conversation, a number of the family members shared their stories, the group took questions from the audience, and Clinton said that she would fight for common sense gun control and the introduction of mandatory background checks before purchasing a firearm. She said, “If anything else was killing 33,000 Americans a year, we’d be doing something about it. I’m not here to make promises I can’t keep. But I will spend every day as President trying to get gun control.” A video from today’s event is below.

This evening, Clinton returned to New York City for a fundraiser hosted by Donna Zaccaro and Paul Ullman, Anne and John Zaccaro.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, Fox 61, Hartford Courant,