Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Two More Local Newspapers


On Friday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of two major local newspapers. The first was Florida’s Miami Herald. The paper’s editorial board makes their case for Clinton is their opening paragraph saying, “Let’s make clear what the 2016 presidential election isn’t about: It is not about choosing between a bad candidate and a worse one. The narrative that Hillary Clinton is the lesser of two evils is patently wrong. Ms. Clinton is a pragmatic, tough-minded woman of accomplishment and political conviction with a demonstrated mastery of policy. She is politically flawed. However, Donald Trump is a damaged human being.” The board continues by making the case for Clinton by exploring her career and her positions on a number of issues.

The second newspaper added to the growing list of papers backing Clinton is the Idaho Statesman. In their op-ed, the editorial board makes the case for why Clinton is the best candidate for Idaho because of her policies, experience, and history of bipartisanship. Ultimately the board concludes, “Trump’s fantasies about a new country and era where “outsiders” are better equipped to fix Washington will always be undefined and out of reach. The need to compromise could never happen with him in charge. We live in the real world, with real problems that need real solutions. We need someone with pragmatic approaches that include patience and compassion. We need Hillary Clinton to be the next president.” Read the full editorials by clicking the links in the article or the links in the news source section below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Miami Herald, Idaho Statesman

President Obama Campaigns for Hillary in Cleveland


President Barack Obama campaigned for Hillary Clinton today in Cleveland, Ohio. He spoke to a crowd for about 40 minutes and focused on a number of topics including the progress that has been made over the last eight years and how Clinton will continue that progress. He then spoke about the current race between Clinton and Donald Trump and offered his thoughts on each. On Clinton he said, “She has worked tirelessly and diligently. She has done her homework. She has performed.” He then went after Trump’s lack of experience and decorum for the job saying, “He doesn’t have the temperament. He doesn’t have the knowledge.” He concluded by urging voters to get out on November 8th and vote for Clinton. A video of the President’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Cleveland.com, Newsweek

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by The Washington Post


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton earned the endorsement of The Washington Post. The paper’s editorial board said that they did not reach their decision to back Clinton simply because Donald Trump should not be president, but because she has the experience and knowledge to be president. It is that experience that led the board to conclude, “That presages what Americans might reasonably expect of a Clinton presidency: seriousness of purpose and relentless commitment, even in the face of great obstacles, to achievements in the public interest. We believe that Ms. Clinton will prove a worthy example to girls who celebrate the election of America’s first female president. We believe, too, that anyone who votes for her will be able to look back, four years from now, with pride in that decision.” Read the paper’s full endorsement HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post

Bill, Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary on Thursday


Today, Bill Clinton continued his bus tour in Iowa with stops in Mount Vernon and Davenport. At his first event in Mount Vernon, Bill spoke with supporters on the campus of Cornell College. He focused on the issues saying that we, as a country, can do better than Donald Trump, and that his message is divisive at a time when we need more unity. Bill continued saying that the “us versus them” mentality is not productive. He urged everyone to vote on November 8th because this election will set the tone for the country for the next four years. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Bill wrapped up his bus tour in Iowa at an event in Davenport. During the event, Bill was interrupted by protestors and Trump supporters that were removed by local police. He responded to the protests by criticizing Trump’s message saying, “If you serve poison for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a year and a half, somebody’s going to drink it and give it back.” Bill then continued with his usual campaign speech in which he outlined Hillary’s platform points and an optimistic view of the future. “You want to elect somebody President who believes everybody’s got a story. Everybody deserves human dignity. Everybody deserves a chance to live their dreams. We all do better when we work together,” he said. Videos from the events will be posted when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton spoke with supporters at an organizing event on the campus of the University of Maine in Orono, Maine. Chelsea outlined her mother’s plan for the United States and her focus on economic equality. She said that she understands the anger with the current political system, but that Hillary will fight for those who need a voice. “I’m really proud that she does sweat the details, even though her opponent criticizes her for being too prepared. Because if it’s your child or your family or the future of our planet those are (important) details, so I’m so proud of my mom and of her campaign and even more her life of work and advocacy, because this election is about our future but it’s ultimately about our values.” A video of Chelsea’s speech is below.

In Cleveland, Ohio, Mothers of the Movement held a local community discussion. Full coverage from the event will be posted when/if available.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America today. The first was in San Francisco, California and featured a conversation with Hillary Clinton. The event also featured a performance by Andra Day. In Boston, Massachusetts, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and special guests Lynn Whitfield and Ayanna Pressley spoke at an African Americans for Hillary event.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: KCRG, Our Quad Cities, Portland Press Herald

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by The Salt Lake Tribune


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of The Salt Lake Tribune. The Salt Lake City, Utah based newspaper said that while Clinton does have her fair share of drawbacks, her experience and leadership ability far outshines Republican Donald Trump. The editorial board goes so far as to criticize the Republican party for buying into Trump’s rhetoric. They said, “Utah Republicans were perceptive enough to reject Trump in their March presidential caucus voting. Were they to support Clinton now, even by the narrowest of pluralities, it would send a strong message to the Republican Party to turn their backs on Trumpism and to work with Clinton where they can, rather than devote themselves to blocking her every move.” Read the full endorsement HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Salt Lake Tribune

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Foreign Policy


Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by Foreign Policy magazine. The endorsement is the first of its kind from the publication as it has never endorsed a political candidate for any office. Explaining their reasoning for breaking their tradition of staying out of politics, the editorial board said, “We cherish and fiercely protect this publication’s independence and its reputation for objectivity, and we deeply value our relationship with all of our readers, regardless of political orientation. It is for all these reasons that FP’s editors are now breaking with tradition to endorse Hillary Clinton for the next president of the United States.” They continued to explain that Clinton’s broad background in government makes her uniquely qualified for the White House while Republican Donald Trump provides new reasons each day why he is not. Read the board’s full endorsement HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

New Source: Foreign Policy

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Florida

With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post
With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post

Bill Clinton was in Florida today where he spoke at three voter registration events. He began in Belle Glade where he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to invest in infrastructure, reduce the cost of higher education, and continue the economic growth of the last several years. He said, “She’s the best change-maker I’ve ever known. I’ve known her a long time.” Bill then spoke about the importance of voting in the upcoming election and ensuring that they are registered to vote. In Florida, tomorrow is the deadline for voters to register and be eligible to vote on November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

He then traveled to Fort Myers where he spoke about many of the same topics he covered in Belle Glade. He said that his primary mission was to ensure that voters are registered by tomorrow’s deadline, and to make sure everyone votes for his wife. “We have until tomorrow at five to register to vote. I want to ask each of you drag one extra person to get registered,” he said. Bill spoke about the importance of this election and how Hillary is more qualified to hold the office of president than her opponent, Donald Trump. Watch his speech below.

Bill’s final event of the day was in Safety Harbor. Speaking at a local community center, Bill spoke about Hillary’s plans to invest in clean energy, combat climate change, create new jobs, make college more affordable for past, current, and future students, and rebuild the country’s infrastructure. He warned that electing Trump will be a mistake saying, “What we know from the past is that people who get elected president … actually try to do what they say they’re going to do. So we ought to pay attention to what they say.” Bill argued that Hillary’s proposals are for the betterment of everyone while Trump’s are in service of himself. A video from the event in Safety Harbor is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS 12, Palm Beach Post, News-Press, NBC 2, Tampa Bay Times

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Three More Newspapers

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Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of two more newspapers. The first is from Connecticut’s Hartford Courant whose editorial board said, “But even with those flaws, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are not even in the same ballpark. Critics though she may have, Mrs. Clinton is a smart, compassionate leader. Mr. Trump is a showman whose act is regrettably playing well on Main Street.” The second endorsement was from the editorial board of The Denver Post. Citing her temperament and experience, the board concluded, “…a President Hillary Clinton on her worst day would be so superior to a President Donald Trump on any day that we marvel this race was ever competitive.” The final endorsement came from The Seattle Times. The paper’s editorial board concluded, “Clinton is the only choice for president. She is undeniably the candidate with the experience, skills, knowledge and self-control to do the job.” Read each endorsement by clicking the links in the article or the source links below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Hartford Courant, The Denver Post, The Seattle Times

First Lady Michelle Obama Campaigns in North Carolina


First Lady Michelle Obama campaigned for Hillary Clinton today in North Carolina. First, Obama spoke at the Charlotte Convention Center where she spoke about the stark differences between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. She said that while it is easy to lose enthusiasm during the long, rigorous political process, it is important to keep things in perspective. “Remember, it’s not about voting for the perfect candidate – there is no such thing. Candidates happen to be human. And this election is about making a choice between two very different candidates.” Obama then went on to speak about a number of Clinton’s key platform proposals. A video from the Charlotte event is below.

Obama then traveled to Raleigh where she spoke to a crowd of supporters at North Carolina State’s Reynolds Coliseum. She urged supporters to register to vote and to vote on November 8 to ensure that their voice is heard. “When I hear people say they aren’t feeling inspired in this election, I really have to disagree. Right now we have the opportunity to elect one of the most qualified people who has ever been president.” Obama spoke about Clinton’s long public career and her broad platform. Without mentioning him by name, Obama criticized Trump for his temperament and his questing the citizenship of her husband, President Barack Obama. A video of Obama’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Charlotte Observer, CNN, The News & Observer

Hillary Clinton Stresses Voting in Iowa


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton held a rally in Des Moines, Iowa where she spoke about the importance of voting. While she covered a number of her platform points emphasizing family and the economy, the focus of the event was registering to vote and voting early. Today was the first day of in-person early voting in Iowa, and Clinton stressed that this option is available for those unable to vote during polling hours on November 8. Clinton said that she hopes young people turn out in large numbers to vote saying, “I would love to see that because every election is about the future. And honestly, it’s more about the future of young people and children than it’s ever been because of the difference in the approaches and the experiences of me and my opponent.” A video from the rally is below.

Anne Holton, wife of Tim Kaine, campaigned on behalf of Clinton today in Wisconsin and Minnesota. At events in Milwaukee and Kenosha, Holton spoke about Clinton’s record and knowledge of the issues. She said that Clinton’s calm performance during Monday night’s debate with Republican Donald Trump is a good indicator of how she will react as president. “Didn’t our candidate do great? I knew she would. I knew that if it was a substantive discussion of the issues, that she would clean up,” Holton said. She also spoke about the importance of voting and urged everyone to register and ensure that their friends and family are registered as well.

Tonight, Holton will speak at an event in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Full coverage from the event will be posted tomorrow.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS News, Fox 6