President Obama Campaigns in Michigan, New Hampshire


President Barack Obama campaigned for Hillary Clinton and down ballot Democrats in two states on the eve of the election. After being introduced by Chelsea Clinton in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Obama stressed the importance of electing Hillary Clinton because her vision for America will continue the progress made over the last eight years. He said, “I feel I’ve earned some credibility here. Plants that were closing when I took office are working double shift now. … When I tell you Donald Trump is not the guy who is going to work for you, you need to listen. … Don’t be bamboozled.” He went after Trump and called him “uniquely unqualified” to president. Obama concluded his speech by asking everyone to consider the future and vote tomorrow. Watch a video from the event tomorrow.

Obama then traveled to Durham, New Hampshire where he spoke with supporters about Clinton’s vision for the future and criticized Trump’s divisive rhetoric. Speaking to a packed crowd on the campus of University of New Hampshire, Obama urged everyone to get out and vote, and, more importantly, to consider the future of the country as they are submitting their ballot. Clinton’s motto “Stronger Together” is a vision for the future that ensures everyone has an opportunity and not just a privileged few. The event in Durham was Obama’s final solo event of the campaign. Watch a video of his speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, WMUR, The Boston Globe

Vice President Biden Campaigns in Florida on Eve of Election


On the eve of the election, Vice President Joe Biden returned to Florida where he spoke on the campus of Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University in Tallahassee. After being introduced by his wife, Jill, Biden spoke about the importance of voting before the end of the day tomorrow. He urged everyone to consider the future the country and the visions being outlined by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Biden said that Clinton offers a platform that is far more optimistic and inclusive. He said that her plans are geared toward helping everyone and not just those at the top. Biden urged everyone to reject the divisive policies of Trump and vote for Clinton tomorrow. A video from the event is below.

Biden held his last solo campaign event for Clinton in St. Petersburg. During the event, Biden spoke about the vision Trump has for America and asked the audience to imagine living in that future. “We don’t have to make anything up; we just have to say what they want to push,” he said adding that it is doubtful that a Trump administration would continue Pell grants for college, repealing the Affordable Care Act would leave at least 20 million Americans without coverage, and his economic plans would ensure that those at the top prosper at the expense of the middle class. Biden then presented Clinton’s optimistic vision of the future before asking everyone to vote tomorrow. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Florida Flambeau, Tampa Bay Times, SaintPetersBlog