Clinton Statement on Iran Deal

Thursday, April 2, 2015

LeadOn:Watermark's Silicon Valley Conference For WomenHillary Rodham Clinton released a statement supporting the nuclear deal reached between the United States, European Union, and Iran . The agreement is far from complete and will face an uphill challenge in Congress, but President Barack Obama released a statement yesterday supporting the deal, while many Republicans and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the deal.

The full text of Clinton’s statement is below:

The understanding that the major world powers have reached with Iran is an important step toward a comprehensive agreement that would prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and strengthen the security of the United States, Israel, and the region. President Obama and Secretary Kerry have been persistent and determined in pursuit of this goal, building on a decade of bipartisan pressure and diplomacy. Getting the rest of the way to a final deal by June won’t be easy, but it is absolutely crucial. I know well that the devil is always in the details in this kind of negotiation. So I strongly support President Obama and Secretary Kerry’s efforts between now and June to reach a final deal that verifiably cuts off all of Iran’s paths to a nuclear weapon, imposes an intrusive inspection program with no sites off limits, extends breakout time, and spells out clear and overwhelming consequences for violations. The onus is on Iran and the bar must be set high. It can never be permitted to acquire a nuclear weapon. It is also vital that these efforts be part of a compressive strategy to check Iran’s regional ambitions, defend our allies and partners, and reinforce American leadership in the Middle East. There is much to do and much more to say in the months ahead, but for now diplomacy deserves a chance to succeed.

News Source: CNN