Hillary Clinton Speaks at Girls, Inc. Luncheon

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton accepted an award from Girls, Inc. during a luncheon in New York. During the event, Clinton spoke about the importance of advancing equal rights for women and encouraged young women to get involved in politics. She warned that while things can be discouraging at times, its important to focus on the future. Clinton said, “Our work is far from over. In big ways and small, the unfinished business of the 21st century is the full equality of women. There are still too few women in the upper reaches of the private sector, academia, science, technology, not to mention politics and government.” Watch a video of the full speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Chelsea Clinton Interviewed by Refinery29


Earlier this month, Chelsea Clinton was interviewed by Refinery29. It is her first interview since her mother, Hillary Clinton, lost the presidential election to Donald Trump in November. In the interview, Chelsea talks about the work the Clinton Foundation continues to do, but the main discussion was about how her mother’s supporters should move forward after the election. Chelsea said, “Everything we believed before the election, we still believe. Everything we worked so hard for, we have to continue to work hard for. It requires engagement in our own communities.”

Chelsea recommended that everyone step up by subscribing to reliable news organizations, taking part in peaceful demonstrations such as the Women’s March, and that everyone donate to organizations that are likely to suffer during the Trump administration such as Planned Parenthood. She said that no matter how we are feeling, whether we are hopeful or angry, we should turn those feelings into actions. “Use those emotions to engage and organize and advocate to protect and advance what you think matters most. Whether that’s combatting climate change, or protecting women’s rights, fighting against gun violence, or advocating for LGBTQ equality,” she said. Read the full article HERE.

Chelsea is also still very active on Twitter, and you can follow her @ChelseaClinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Refinery29

Hillary Clinton Speaks at Unity Rally in Wilton Manors


Hillary Clinton remained in Florida on Sunday where she began the day by attending services at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale. Clinton then went to Wilton Manors for a unity rally at a local gay club. She spoke about her support for the LGBTQ community and equal rights. “I have been fighting for families and underdogs my entire life. I’m not stopping now,” she said. Clinton also spoke about her commitment to an AIDS-free generation. She attacked Donald Trump for his divisive rhetoric and urged everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, NBC 7, ABC 10

Chelsea Clinton Campaigns in Michigan


Chelsea Clinton returned to Michigan on Saturday where she spoke for about half an hour about the importance of voting in Muskegon. Chelsea spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points including her plans to create new jobs, invest in manufacturing, and make college more affordable. She then took questions from the audience and was asked about a variety of topics including her reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement. Chelsea said that her mother has plans to reform the criminal justice system including updating the three strikes rule and minimum sentencing. “If we only focus on criminal justice reform, we’re not doing enough,” she said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Battle Creek, Chelsea spoke about Hillary’s dedication to ensuring equality in the United States. She said that her mother has plans to protect the rights of women, workers, minorities, and the LGBTQ community. At both events, Chelsea urged everyone to vote on November 8th saying that the stakes of this election are very high for everyone in America interested in seeing the progress of the last eight years continued. She asked voters to head to the polls on election day or to take advantage of early voting. A partial video of the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Live, Detroit News

Bill Clinton Kicks Off Early Voting Bus Tour in North Carolina


Today, Bill Clinton kicked off a two day campaign bus tour in North Carolina making stops in four cities, including an unannounced stop in Kinston. The three planned stops for the day were in Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, and Greenville. At each event, Clinton spoke in front of a campaign tour bus emblazoned with Hillary Clinton’s campaign motto “Stronger Together.” At each event, he spoke about Hillary’s plans to promote equality, raise the minimum wage, make college more affordable, and to create jobs by investing the country’s infrastructure, manufacturing, and clean energy. Bill also spoke about Hillary’s plans to improve the Affordable Care Act saying that parts of the law need to fixed, but scrapping the entire law is not productive. “You keep what’s good about the law and attack the problems. The worst problems are for people who are just above the subsidy line (paying full price), and we can fix that.”

Bill criticized Donald Trump and his campaign for their divisive tactics, but he asked everyone in attendance to reach out to Trump supporters because they are Americans too. “Do not treat them with the anger they often display toward us – love them to death. Look at them and say, ‘we need you.’ … You don’t want to choose somebody who’s the living embodiment of what’s wrong when you’ve got another person who’s the living embodiment of what we can make right.” Polls between Hillary and Trump are tight in North Carolina, and at each event Bill urged everyone to vote for Hillary and to take advantage of North Carolina’s early voting. Watch videos from today’s events below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The News & Observer, WITN, WNCT

Tim Kaine Campaigns at Penn State University


Tim Kaine returned to Pennsylvania on Friday where he campaigned on the campus of Penn State University. Speaking to a large crowd, Kaine outlined what President Hillary Clinton would focus on if elected president. He spoke about her plans to build the economy, give small businesses access to more resources, promote equality and access, and create new jobs by investing in the country’s infrastructure and manufacturing sector. Kaine also spoke about college affordability and ensuring that those currently repaying student loans can refinance their debt at lower interest rates. He also spoke about Clinton’s plan to guarantee that future students graduate debt-free. On student loans, Kaine said, “You should not have to mortgage your future to prepare for your future.” Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Daily Collegian, WGAL, Penn Live

Hillary’s Plan: Supreme Court Justices


Clinton Will Appoint Supreme Court Justices Who Affirm Our Rights, While Trump’s Justices Will Roll Rights Back

The fourth topic for tonight’s debate is the Supreme Court. America’s next president could nominate multiple Supreme Court justices and the stakes could not be higher. Appointments made in the next four years could determine the makeup of the Court for decades to come. Hillary Clinton will appoint justices who will affirm the dignity and equality of all Americans. In contrast, Donald Trump will appoint justices who will roll back hard-fought rights.


*Considering Trump has been involved in more than 4,000 lawsuits, he should know this is not how the justice system works.

Hillary Clinton will appoint justices to the Supreme Court who will protect the constitutional principles of liberty and equality for all, and make sure Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land and women retain the right to make their own deeply personal healthcare decisions. Hillary will make sure the scales of justice aren’t tipped away from individuals toward corporations and special interests. And she will protect citizens’ right to vote, rather than billionaires’ right to buy elections.

Donald Trump has demonstrated his desire to appoint justices who would roll back rights Americans have fought for over decades. As president, Trump will:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Releases Issue Based Video Series

Earlier this week, Hillary for America released a series of issue based videos featuring African Americans talking about issues that are important to them. Topics covered include education, voting rights, criminal justice, health care, racial justice, LGBT rights, mental health, income inequality, and more. Each video is a powerful reminder about why the election is important. Watch the video series below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by More Local Newspapers


This weekend, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of four major prominent newspapers from across the country. The first was Nebraska’s Omaha World-Herald, the first time the paper has endorsed a Democrat since President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. The paper’s editorial board says that while Clinton has political faults, she is by far more qualified than Republican Donald Trump. The board concludes, “Clinton’s legislative experience and decades of political involvement — as first lady of Arkansas, first lady of the United States, U.S. senator from New York, secretary of state and two-time presidential candidate — make her the better prepared of the two major candidates for the office of president of the United States.” Read the full endorsement HERE.

The Wisconsin State Journal also published their endorsement of Clinton concluding that the country cannot risk a Trump presidency. The paper’s board said, “Trump’s scandal-a-day campaign has shown he would distract, isolate and embarrass our nation. The world doesn’t need a United States in retreat, nor a stark reset of America’s politics and international posture. The world needs a U.S. president who can actually lead. Clinton is that leader, and the world needs America to get this right.” Read the full article HERE.

Clinton has also earned the endorsement of the New Orleans newspaper The Times-Picayune. The paper’s editorial board says that Clinton is the better choice for New Orleans and Louisiana saying, “As for which candidate is better for Louisiana, there is no contest. Mrs. Clinton is committed to investments in infrastructure, including ports, that would benefit our state. She also wants to offer preschool to every 4-year-old, something that fits Louisiana’s goal of expanding and improving the quality of early childhood education. But for New Orleanians, perhaps the most compelling contrast between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton is his intolerance and her inclusiveness. New Orleans has diversity in its DNA. A president who routinely degrades African-Americans, Hispanics, Muslims and women could not, and would not, represent us.” Click HERE to read the full endorsement.

In Iowa, The Des Moines Register’s editorial board asked what message Americas wanted to send to a ever interested global community. Do we want to pick the candidate that has run a divisive campaign or one that still believes in the promise of America? The board believes it is important that the American citizens elect a leader that represents our values, and for them that is Clinton. They conclude, “On Election Day, all of us share the privilege and responsibility of protecting the principles on which this country was founded and for which so many others have died: justice, liberty, equality and opportunity for all. In this particular election, only one of the two major-party candidates stands prepared to honor America and uphold its highest ideals. The Des Moines Register endorses Hillary Clinton for president.” Read the full editorial HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Omaha World-Herald, Wisconsin State Journal, The Times-Picayune, The Des Moines Register

Bill, Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary on Thursday


Today, Bill Clinton continued his bus tour in Iowa with stops in Mount Vernon and Davenport. At his first event in Mount Vernon, Bill spoke with supporters on the campus of Cornell College. He focused on the issues saying that we, as a country, can do better than Donald Trump, and that his message is divisive at a time when we need more unity. Bill continued saying that the “us versus them” mentality is not productive. He urged everyone to vote on November 8th because this election will set the tone for the country for the next four years. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Bill wrapped up his bus tour in Iowa at an event in Davenport. During the event, Bill was interrupted by protestors and Trump supporters that were removed by local police. He responded to the protests by criticizing Trump’s message saying, “If you serve poison for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a year and a half, somebody’s going to drink it and give it back.” Bill then continued with his usual campaign speech in which he outlined Hillary’s platform points and an optimistic view of the future. “You want to elect somebody President who believes everybody’s got a story. Everybody deserves human dignity. Everybody deserves a chance to live their dreams. We all do better when we work together,” he said. Videos from the events will be posted when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton spoke with supporters at an organizing event on the campus of the University of Maine in Orono, Maine. Chelsea outlined her mother’s plan for the United States and her focus on economic equality. She said that she understands the anger with the current political system, but that Hillary will fight for those who need a voice. “I’m really proud that she does sweat the details, even though her opponent criticizes her for being too prepared. Because if it’s your child or your family or the future of our planet those are (important) details, so I’m so proud of my mom and of her campaign and even more her life of work and advocacy, because this election is about our future but it’s ultimately about our values.” A video of Chelsea’s speech is below.

In Cleveland, Ohio, Mothers of the Movement held a local community discussion. Full coverage from the event will be posted when/if available.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America today. The first was in San Francisco, California and featured a conversation with Hillary Clinton. The event also featured a performance by Andra Day. In Boston, Massachusetts, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and special guests Lynn Whitfield and Ayanna Pressley spoke at an African Americans for Hillary event.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: KCRG, Our Quad Cities, Portland Press Herald