The New York Times Endorses Hillary


On Saturday, The New York Time Editorial Board endorsed Hillary Clinton has the Democratic Party nominee. The paper said, “Voters have the chance to choose one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history.” With the Iowa caucus tomorrow, we will see if voters pay attention to the big endorsements she has received from newspapers including The Des Moines Register, The Sioux City Journal, The Boston Globe, and now The New York Times.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Attends New Hampshire Rallies

Yesterday, after officially registering for the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended three rallies in New Hampshire, including one in Windham. Each of the rallies were similar to others held in the past in that she spoke about key platform topics such as infrastructure, health care, equal pay, Planned Parenthood, and college affordability. She has called for making higher education at public colleges and universities virtually cost free to those who wish to attend. She said, “That will enable middle class working families, poor families to send their kids to a four-year public college or university without having to borrow anything for tuition.”

While in New Hampshire, Clinton was endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters. Clinton gave a brief speech following the endorsement in which she spoke about her plans to combat climate change and build a clean energy economy. Clinton said, “I believe we can have 500 million more solar panels installed by the end of my first term and enough renewable electricity to power every home in America within 10 years.”

Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WMUR