Hillary Clinton Attends California Fundraisers

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July 2015.

Hillary Clinton was in California for a second day of fundraising. She began by attending a Studio City fundraiser hosted by Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali and Anita Hirsh. Then she attended a fundraiser at the Los Angeles home of Ellen Goldsmith-Vein and Jon Vein. The final fundraiser of the day was also held in Los Angeles and was hosted by Mike Roberts and Former Governor Mike Bebe.

Also fundraising for Hillary for America was Campaign Chair John Podesta, who held a conversation on clean energy and the clean economy in Washington, DC. Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary hosted a Washington, DC event which focused on education. In New York City, Hillary for America Chief Financial Officer Gary Gensler also held a fundraiser.

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