Chelsea in NE, Hillary in MN on Super Tuesday


This morning, Chelsea Clinton spoke with a group of Hillary Clinton’s supporters in Omaha, Nebraska. During the event, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her platform. But she took some time to speak about her mother on a more personal level. She said that the is surprised when the media characterizes Hillary as “cold.” Chelsea said, “I’ve seen her be supportive and loving to my friends my whole life. She was always the mother my friends came to, to talk about the tragedy of the boyfriend who just broke up with them, or ask for advice applying for college.”

Hillary spent the morning in Minnesota where she visited with supporters at Mapps Coffee and Tea in Minneapolis. She asked voters to support her in today’s primary saying, “We are working hard everywhere, and I know it is hard. All we can do is hope people turn out for the primaries and the caucuses and we just want to do as well as we can.” During her stop, Clinton also took questions from reporters and she was asked about a number of topics including her thoughts on Super Tuesday and the controversy with Donald Trump not distancing himself after he was endorsed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Omaha World-Herald, The Washington Post, CBS News

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Tennessee and Arkansas


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton attended events in two of Super Tuesday’s primary states: Tennessee and Arkansas. She began by attending church service at Greater Imani Cathedral of Faith in Memphis. She told the congregation that she believed America is still great, but work needs to be done to “make it whole again.” Clinton then attended services at the Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church where she expressed her confidence in the future saying, “I am very confident, not just hopeful, I am confident that if we start working together again, if we remembered we are the United States of America, if we reject the demagoguery, the prejudice, the paranoia, the mean spiritedness we hear in our public political discourse … America’s best days can still be ahead of us.”

In Nashville, Clinton gave a platform focused stump speech before the state’s primary on Tuesday. She focused on the differences between her and her Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders, although she never mentioned him by name. She spoke about her plans to make higher education more affordable, improve heath care (and not scrap the current system), and reform the criminal justice system. She also called for a simpler way for small businesses to get government assistance as well an increase in the minimum wage. A partial video from the event is below, and a full video will be posted when/if available.

Clinton wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Vote event in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Speaking at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Clinton spoke about her plans to assist students pay for college saying, “we’ve got to get college affordable again.” She criticized Sanders’ free education for all plan saying that a tiered plan made more sense. She reasoned, “I don’t think you should have to pay to send Donald Trump’s kids to school.” Clinton also spoke about a number of other issues including health care and the economy. A full video from the event is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will attend events in Massachusetts and Virginia. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, CNN, The Tennessean, Arkansas Online

Hillary Clinton Hosts Three Iowa Events

On Monday, Hillary Clinton returned to Iowa where she hosted three events. The first was in Davenport where she set the tone for the day with a plea for voters to turn out and support her in Iowa’s caucus on February 1. She vowed to protect, and improve the Affordable Care Act and rework the economy so that it helps everyone and not just those at the top. She also spoke about other points from her platform including voting rights, gay rights, and women’s rights. A video from her event in Davenport is below.

Clinton then traveled to Cedar Rapids where hosted a town hall event. She gave a brief speech before taking questions from the crowd. One of the questions was in regard to Republican rival Donald Trump and his recent comments about her and President Barack Obama being responsible for the creation of ISIS. She responded by saying, “I’ve adopted a new year’s resolution. I’m going to let him live in his alternative reality and I’m not going to respond.”

Clinton wrapped up the first day of her trip to Iowa in Des Moines. The event was billed as a “Get Out the Caucus” rally. Her speech was similar to one she gave earlier in the day in Davenport where she stressed the importance of voters to turn out and vote for her at the February 1 caucus. A video from the event in Des Moines is below. A videos from Cedar Rapids will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will host three additional events in Iowa. The events will be held in Osage, Sioux City, and Council Bluffs. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Des Moines Register, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times

Update 1/5/16: Added video from Des Moines

Clinton Visits Keota, Iowa


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton visited the small town of Keota, Iowa. She was in town because of three students at the local high school. As part of a class project, they wrote the presidential candidates asking them to visit the school to discuss the issues. While Clinton was no the first to visit the school, she is the first front-runner to answer the girls’ request. Clinton spoke to a group of 700 in a town that has a population of about 1,000. During the town hall, she spoke briefly then took questions from the audience. She answered questions on a wide variety of topics including school funding, being bullied, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. A full video from the event is below.

While in Iowa today, Clinton also attended an event at Fairfield’s Community Arts Center and met privately with campaign volunteers in Bettendorf. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC Chicago, The Des Moines Register (2)

Foreign Policy Focus of Third Democratic Debate

US Democratic Presidential hopefuls (L-R) Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley participate in the Democratic Presidential Debate hosted by ABC News at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, on December 19, 2015. AFP PHOTO / JEWEL SAMAD / AFP / JEWEL SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
US Democratic Presidential hopefuls (L-R) Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley participate in the Democratic Presidential Debate hosted by ABC News at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, on December 19, 2015. AFP PHOTO / JEWEL SAMAD / AFP / JEWEL SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

On Saturday night, Hillary Clinton, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley appeared on stage at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire for the third Democratic primary debate. The primary topic of the evening was foreign policy, a strength for former Secretary of State Clinton. Before getting into the debate, Sanders took a moment to apologize to Clinton for his staffers accessing the Clinton campaign’s proprietary voter data. It was revealed this week that Sanders’ staffers found and downloaded campaign data that should have been protected. The DNC has acted swiftly barring the Sanders campaign from accessing voter databases. Clinton’s campaign has been careful to respond, though her staffers and supporters have gone after the Sanders campaign. Clinton thanked Sanders for his apology and said, “Now that, I think, you know, we’ve resolved your data, we’ve agreed on an independent inquiry, we should move on, because I don’t think the American people are all that interested in this.”

The moderators, ABC’s David Muir and Martha Raddatz, then asked the candidates about a variety of topics, including a few domestic questions about taxes, health care, and gun control. But the focus of the ABC debate was foreign policy. Clinton and Sanders debated the removal of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya in 2011and the power vacuum that followed. Sanders argued that the chaos was predictable, but Clinton reminded Sanders that he voted for the Senate resolution calling for Gaddafi’s removal and the intervention of the United Nations. On the foreign policy front, the candidates also discussed ISIS, terrorism, and a number of other topics. As with previous debates, the three candidates were careful about going after each other. Clinton only attacked when provoked, and she focused her criticism on Republicans, particularly Donald Trump. It was clear that Clinton is planning for the general election. A full video of the debate is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, CNN, Time

Clinton Hosts Iowa Town Halls


On Wednesday afternoon, Hillary Clinton hosted two town hall events in Iowa. The first was in Iowa City, then she held a similar event in Mason City later in the afternoon. Both events featured a brief opening speech from Clinton in which she spoke about the economy, raising the minimum wage, defeating ISIS, supporting Muslim-Americans, and other aspects of her platform. She then answered questions from those in attendance. Between the two events, Clinton answered questions about her support for sexual assault victims, her taste in music, and how she would respond to one attendees’ Donald Trump supporting father. To that, Clinton replied, “I hope you can see I don’t have horns. And I really do hope that as this election goes on you will listen to your daughter.” A video from the Mason City event will be posted when/if available, and the video from the Iowa City town hall is below.

Today, Clinton was scheduled to attend a Hillary Victory Fund fundraiser in New York City with husband Bill Clinton and singer Sting. A second New York fundraiser was also scheduled and hosted by Drew Barrymore, Will Kopelman, and Randy Florke. As with private events, the fundraisers were closed to the press.

Clinton’s next event is Saturday’s Democratic Debate on ABC. More details about the debate will be posted soon. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Iowa City Press-Citizen, KIMT, KTLA, KIMT

Clinton Expands on Immigration Policy


In a speech on Monday night in Brooklyn, New York, Hillary Clinton provided more details about her plans for immigration reform at the National Immigration Integration Conference. While she has laid out aspects of her plan on her website, she went in more detail on her plan to provide more assistance to people eligible for citizenship including waiving fees, increasing access to language programs, and closing privately run detention centers. She criticized Republicans, particularly Marco Rubio and Donald Trump, for their anti-immigration rhetoric and the notion that anti-immigration policies are part of what is necessary to “make America great again.” She said, “There are millions of people in America who could be naturalized but for one reason or another, they’re not. So let’s help more of our neighbors claim their rights. It’s so powerful, so precious to be a citizen of the United States.” A video from last night’s event is below.

Today, Clinton gave a speech in Minneapolis, Minnesota outlining her plan to combat homegrown terrorism and radicalism. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WNYC, ABC News

Clinton on Late Night with Seth Myers


Last night, Hillary Clinton was on NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers. This was not Clinton’s first late night visit, and Meyers asked Clinton a mix of political and personal questions. On the political side, Clinton was asked about gun control, fighting terrorism in the United States and around the world, and her thoughts on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. On Trump, Clinton said that his current rhetoric “is no longer funny.” Clinton was also asked about what qualities husband Bill Clinton has that would make him a successful first spouse. Video clips from the interview are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Clinton Campaigns in Iowa


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton hosted two town hall events in Iowa, the first in Waterloo and the second in Urbandale. At both events, she struck a similar tone by criticizing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for suggesting that he would ban Muslims from entering the United States. Clinton blasted Trump for playing into the hands of ISIS and other extremist groups. She went on to speak about her recently announced plan to reform corporate tax policies. Clinton then took questions from the crowds, and she was asked about a variety of topics including voter apathy and immigration reform. A video from the Urbandale town hall is below, and a video from Waterloo will be added when/if available.

Today, Clinton attended two private fundraisers in New York City. Tomorrow, Clinton will attend a grassroots organizing event in Tulsa, Oklahoma followed by a fundraiser in St. Louis, Missouri. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico

Clinton Criticizes Trump in New Hampshire


On Tuesday evening, Hillary Clinton denounced Republican Donald Trump’s recent comments that as president he would ban Muslims from entering the United States. During a town hall event in Salem, New Hampshire, Clinton said his comments provide propaganda opportunities for ISIS and other extremists. She said, “We’re dealing with a party at danger of losing its way, of undermining the values that we have stood for. Go back and read what George Washington said about how we must resist bigotry. Read about what religious freedom means, how our Constitution enshrines it.”

During the event, Clinton covered a number of topics of her platform, but she focused on the impact of drug abuse. New Hampshire has been hit hard by substance abuse issues, and Clinton has held two town halls in the state focusing on substance abuse and the required treatment. Clinton will be back in New Hampshire in a few weeks for the next Democratic Debate being held on December 19. A full video from the event is below.

Today, Clinton has scheduled two town halls and a private fundraiser in Iowa. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WMUR, The Washington Post