Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Wisconsin


On Monday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail following a brief break for Easter. She began a two day trip to Wisconsin before their April 5 primary. In Madison, Clinton spoke to supporters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus where she focused her speech on the Supreme Court. She urged the Senate to stop playing politics and hold confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama’s choice of Merrick Garland for the court. She criticized Republican Senators for bragging about blocking the nomination and she urged voters to contact Sen. Ron Johnson and urge him to follow the Constitution. Clinton spoke about the importance of the Supreme Court and how the 2016 election could change the court for decades to come and affect such issues as immigration reform, abortion rights, climate change, voting rights, and campaign finance. A video of her speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at an Organizing Event held at Mary Ryan Boys and Girls Club in Milwaukee. During the event, she spoke about a number of her platform points including health care. But the topic she focused on was higher education. She said her plan to make college more affordable would include an increase in grants and the expansion of the work study program. Students receiving federal aid would be required to work on campus ten hours a week. She criticized the plan of Democratic rival Bernie Sanders saying, “Here’s the problem [with Sander’s plan], I don’t believe we should be asking you to pay taxes to send Donald Trump’s kids to college for free. I think if you’re wealthy you should pay for college yourself, and we should focus on middle class and poor families.”

Before her events in Wisconsin, Clinton attended a fundraiser in Chicago, Illinois. The event was held at the home of JoAnne Cicchelli and Bill Singer and hosted by Jane and Bob Clark, Raj Fernando, Linda and Jeff Hammes, and David Rosen. Meanwhile in New York City, a fundraiser was hosted featuring Chef Marianna Morrison and Campaign Chair John Podesta. The event was hosted by Ambassador Gabriel Guerra-Mondragón.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WDJT, Newsweek, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Clinton Speaks at USC, Appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took part in a roundtable discussion on homeland security at USC Thursday, March 24, 2016. James Featherstone, President of Homeland Security Advisory Council of Los Angeles Joumana Silyan-Saba, Mayor's Office of Public Safety Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Mayor Hillary Clinton Salam Al Maryati, Executive Director of Muslim Public Affairs CouncilBrie Loskota, Executive Director of USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (Photo by Walt Mancini/Pasadena Star-News)
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took part in a roundtable discussion on homeland security at USC Thursday, March 24, 2016. James Featherstone, President of Homeland Security Advisory Council of Los Angeles Joumana Silyan-Saba, Mayor’s Office of Public Safety Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Mayor Hillary Clinton Salam Al Maryati, Executive Director of Muslim Public Affairs Council Brie Loskota, Executive Director of USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (Photo by Walt Mancini/Pasadena Star-News)

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton took part in a roundtable discussion on the campus of the University of Southern California (USC). The roundtable consisted of Los Angeles area officials and focused on the issue of homeland security and the Muslim American community. Clinton spoke about the recent terrorist attacks in Belgium saying that the rhetoric coming from the Republican presidential candidates is dangerous and will not make America safer. She said, “We cannot allow our nation to be pitting groups against one another. We cannot give in to panic and fear. It’s not in keeping with our values. It’s not effective in protecting us, and it plays into the hands of terrorists.” A full video from the discussion is below.

Later in the evening, Clinton stopped by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! where she and Kimmel discuss a number of topics including her campaign, Republican rival Donald Trump, campaign finance reform, and her email controversy. During her appearance, Kimmel offered suggestions of new campaign slogans, and he helped Clinton with a speech by “mansplaining” how it would be perceived by men. The interview was very light and funny, and you can check out clips from it below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Los Angeles Daily News, ABC7

Clinton Addresses Counterterrorism During Stanford Speech


Today, Hillary Clinton gave a speech at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Her speech focused on counterterrorism following the recent attacks in Brussels, Belgium, and the other ISIS led attacks that have been carried out across the world and in the United States. Clinton said that a response to terrorism is not one that should be made in anger, but should be handled with “steady hands.” Clinton said that she is the best candidate for taking on ISIS. She called for “strong, smart, steady leadership” and said that she is concerned by what she is hearing from Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. She criticized Trump and Cruz for calling for racial profiling of Muslims in the United States and increasing surveillance of Muslim Americans. She condemned such plans as wrong, counterproductive, and dangerous. A full video of her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: SFGate, Danbury News Times

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Washington and Wins Arizona on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton greets supporters at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday. Thousands rallied for Hillary Clinton at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday, March 22, 2016. (Dean Rutz / The Seattle Times)
Hillary Clinton greets supporters at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday. Thousands rallied for Hillary Clinton at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday, March 22, 2016. (Dean Rutz / The Seattle Times)

Hillary Clinton was one for three in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah, but she earned nearly the same number of delegates as Bernie Sanders allowing her to inch closer to the 2,383 delegates required to secure the nomination. Clinton soundly won Arizona (57.6% to Bernie Sanders’ 39.9%), but she finished second in Idaho (78.0% to 21.2%) and Utah (79.3% to 20.3%). The next round of primaries will be held this Saturday in Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington.




Arizona Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Idaho Open Caucus Bernie Sanders
Utah Semi-open Caucus Bernie Sanders

Meanwhile, leading up to this weekend’s caucus in Washington, Hillary Clinton campaigned in the state. She began the day in Everett where she met with union worker at Boeing and addressed a crowd of supporters. Then, she met with local tribal leaders this afternoon in Puyallup. In Medina this evening, Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the home of Jeff and Susan Brotman. A video from her rally in Everett is below.

On Tuesday evening, Clinton held a rally with supporters in Seattle where she began by thanking the voters in Arizona for their support. Then, Clinton turned her attention to her Republican rivals and their campaign of fear. She criticized plans suggested by both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to ban Muslims from entering the country and increasing surveillance on Muslims living in the country. She said, “It will not keep us safe. This is a time for America to lead, not cower.” She vowed to “take the fight” to ISIS but work with Muslims who want to defeat extremists. A video of her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The Seattle TimesQ13 Fox

Tonight: Clinton Interview on CNN


Last night, Hillary Clinton and the remaining presidential candidates were interviewed on CNN. The three hour event, dubbed “The Final Five,” allowed each of the candidates to propose their final arguments before Tuesday’s primaries. During Clinton’s portion of the interview, Cooper asked her about her thoughts on Republican candidate Donald Trump and whether he would behave differently as president. She simply responded, “Who knows?”

Cooper than turned his questioning toward the primaries and her battle with Democratic rival Bernie Sanders. She dismissed suggestions that Sanders would be stronger in the general election saying that she is not a big believer in polls this far out from an election and at point where the final candidates haven’t been chosen. Clinton and Cooper also touch on a number of other topics including the Supreme Court, the United States’ relationship with Israel, and a number of platform topics. A video of Clinton’s interview with Cooper is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Addresses AIPAC


On Monday morning, Hillary Clinton addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) where she pledged her support for Israel if elected president. She said, “America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security and survival.” Her comments were in direct opposition from those of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who has not appeared to be as friendly toward Israel. Clinton assured Israelis that with her at the helm, Israel would would have the full support of the United States, and she would continue to supply Israel militarily, combat anti-Semitism, ensure Iran holds to its end of the recent nuclear agreement, and continue to combat Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah.

Her address has been criticized by some as pandering, but Clinton made it clear that she would continue President Barack Obama’s stance toward Israel while defending the nuclear agreement with Iran. Republican presidential candidates Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich were all scheduled to address AIPAC today as well. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders did not attend the event, but focused on Tuesday’s primaries instead. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below and a transcript is available HERE.

Clinton then went to Phoenix, Arizona for a rally before tomorrow’s primary. During her speech at Carl Hayden Community High School, Clinton talked about a number of her platform points including heath care, added assistance for small businesses, and immigration reform. She also spent part of speech talking about the current political environment. She vowed to work with Republicans and Democrats alike if elected president saying, “I don’t remember anything like this. I will do anything we can to find a common ground. Anger is not a strategy.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Phoenix Business Journal, The New York Times

Chelsea Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Utah

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On Tuesday, while her mother and father were focused on the day’s primaries, Chelsea Clinton visited the Salt Lake City, Utah area. Speaking with supporters at La Puente restaurant, Clinton spoke about her mother’s plans as president and the importance of the 2016 election. In addition, she took swipes at Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Hillary’s Democratic rival Bernie Sanders. Clinton then went after Utah’s Republican leadership for refusing to accept federal funding to expand Medicaid. While in Salt Lake City, Clinton also attended a fundraiser hosted by Kimi Eklund. A video from today’s event will be added when/if available.

In Washington, DC, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. Attending the event were Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator Sherrod Brown, Senator Joe Donnelly, and Senator Heidi Heitkamp.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KUTV

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Missouri and Ohio


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in Missouri and Ohio. She began with a morning rally in St. Louis. Speaking to a crowd at the Nelson-Mulligan Carpenters’ Training Center, Clinton criticized the rhetoric of Republican front-runner Donald Trump and the violence surrounding his campaign events that is getting out of hand, particularly in St. Louis and Chicago. Clinton then went on to speak about the future of the country and why it was okay for Americans to be frustrated. She said, “You have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. You have every right to vent your frustration about the way that our economy and our political system is failing, but venting is not a solution.” Clinton then went on to lay out her platform and explain what she would do as president to ensure everyone had equal opportunities. A video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Clinton then traveled to Cleveland where she hosted a forum event at the Olivet Institutional Baptist Church. During the event, she spoke about her plans for the economy and health care and how her plans will address the specific needs of Ohioans. Clinton then took questions from the those in attendance on a variety of topics. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Clinton wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Vote rally in Youngstown. Speaking to a crowd of supporters at M2 Technologies, Clinton focused on trade. She called for tougher regulations on auto imports that the Obama administration negotiated in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. She said, “We are going to enforce trade agreements. We are not going any longer to be at the mercy of what any country is going to do to take advantage of our markets.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, WKBN, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Blade

Clinton Attends NYC Event following Super Tuesday Win

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016.
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton did not take a break from the campaign trail following her Super Tuesday wins. Speaking to a group of supporters at the Javits Center, she spent her speech criticizing Republican front-runner Donald Trump, without actually mentioning his name. She said, “You know the stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric from the other side has never been lower. So we’ve got work to do my friends. But not to make America great again. America never stopped being great. We have to make America whole. Instead of building walls, we need to break down barriers that are holding back families and our country.” At the event, Clinton also focused her support of unions and her promise to protect union rights as many members of the audience were union supporters. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Tonight, Hillary for America is hosting a “I’m with Her” concert at Radio City Music Hall featuring performances Katy Perry, Elton John, and Andra Day. Hillary, Chelsea and Bill also made an appearance. Throughout the concert event, each of the artists took some time to explain why they supported Hillary for president. Perry said, “I’m not voting for her because she’s a woman. I’m voting for her because she’s the right person for the job.” Other guest celebrities also made appearances including Jamie Foxx and Julianne Moore.

This evening, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey hosted a conversational fundraiser in Milton. The event was hosted by Nora Harrington and Andi Piatt. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Variety, The New York Times, Observer

Clinton Wins 8 of 12 Super Tuesday States


Polls are now closing across the Super Tuesday states, and results are beginning to come in from the Democratic race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. In the, Clinton won 8 primaries to Sanders’ 4. The chart of which states were won by Clinton and Sanders is below. You can also track all of the primaries (past and future) on the Primary Schedule page.

In Miami, Florida, Clinton delivered a victory speech with supporters at a Super Tuesday rally. During her speech, she congratulated Sanders for his strong showing, then she thanked all her supporters and volunteers who helped make her victories possible. She focused on the future and the road to nomination before taking a shot at Republican front-runner Donald Trump saying, “We know we’ve got work to do.  It’s not to make America great again—America never stopped being great. We have to make America whole.” A full video from the rally is available on C-SPAN and is embedded below.




Alabama Open Primary Hillary Clinton
American Samoa Closed Caucus Hillary Clinton
Arkansas Open Primary Hillary Clinton
Colorado Closed Caucus Bernie Sanders
Georgia Open Primary Hillary Clinton
Massachusetts Semi-closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Minnesota Open Caucus Bernie Sanders
Oklahoma Semi-closed Primary Bernie Sanders
Tennessee Open Primary Hillary Clinton
Texas Open Primary Hillary Clinton
Vermont Open Primary Bernie Sanders
Virginia Open Primary Hillary Clinton

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico