Vice President Biden Campaigns in Madison


On Friday, Vice President Joe Biden campaigned in Madison, Wisconsin. During his speech, Biden explained the importance of electing Hillary Clinton as president and down ballot Democrats into office such as U.S. Senate candidate Russ Feingold. Biden spoke about Clinton’s platform including her plans to create jobs by investing in infrastructure and American manufacturing. He said that none of that will happen if we do not elect Democrats to the House and Senate. Biden also criticized Donald Trump for his divisive tone and how his slogan implies that America is not a great country. “It makes me so damn angry. Folks. You’re incredible. When I hear the best days of America are already behind us it makes realize how fundamental this divide is,” he said. Biden concluded by asking voters to support Clinton and Feingold on Tuesday. A video of the vice president’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Wisconsin State Journal, WISN

Kaine Campaigns in Pennsylvania, Meg Whitman in Colorado


On Tuesday, Tim Kaine began a two-day campaign in Pennsylvania with two events. The first event was in Erie where he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s jobs plan and her proposal to increase investments to improve the country’s infrastructure. Kaine criticized Donald Trump for not releasing his income tax returns and his close ties to Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kaine also responded to questions about Clinton’s health saying, “Can I give you an up-close-and-personal on this? I have been on the trail with Hillary for five weeks, and I can barely keep up with her!” A video from the event is below.

Kaine traveled to Lancaster where he spoke to a group of supporters at the local Boys and Girls Club. During his speech, Kaine touted Clinton’s plan to build the economy by creating millions of jobs, in fact, the most since World War II. He explained that Pennsylvania would benefit with a gain of over 400,000 jobs. Kaine also spoke about Trump calling on him to release his tax returns as both he and Clinton have done. He also criticized Trump’s divisive language warning that we need to work together to move America forward. A video of Kaine’s speech is below.

Meanwhile, in Denver, Colorado, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Meg Whitman campaigned on behalf of Clinton and Kaine. During an event, she spoke about her political background as a Republican and why she is supporting Clinton over Trump. “If you are a lifelong Republican, it’s hard to come across (the partisan divide). But I decided that this year it was clear to me that Secretary Clinton’s temperament, leadership experience and commitment to America’s foundational values make her the far better choice for president.” Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper also spoke at the event.

Yesterday, a fundraiser was held in Pensacola Beach, Florida on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Senator Bill Nelson. A fundraiser was held today in Concord, Massachusetts. The event was held at the home of Allison Picott and Michael Goldstein and included a conversation with Congresswoman Niki Tsongas.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source:, The Denver Post, NBC 10, The New York Times

Hillary for America Chair John Podesta Statement on Trump’s RNC Speech


Following Donald Trump’s acceptance speech as the Republican party’s nominee for president, Hillary for America Chair John Podesta released a statement criticizing Trump’s portrayal of America. Even more so, Podesta attacked Trump’s divisive rhetoric which will do nothing but divide the country further. He argued that Democrats are focused on issues and ensuring that everyone in America as equal opportunity. A copy of Podesta’s statement is below:

“Tonight, Donald Trump painted a dark picture of an America in decline. And his answer – more fear, more division, more anger, more hate — was yet another reminder that he is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be President of the United States.  He offered no real solutions to help working families get ahead or to keep our country safe, just more prejudice and paranoia. America is better than this.  America is better than Donald Trump.  Next week in Philadelphia, Democrats will focus on issues, not anger. We’ll offer a positive vision for the future based on lifting America up, not tearing Americans down.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

HFA Ohio Director on Trump and Republican National Convention


On Sunday, Hillary for Ohio State Director Chris Wyant released a memo highlighting the divide between Donald Trump and the Republican Party, particularly the GOP leadership in the state of Ohio. Trump has been criticized by a number of key Republican leaders, and as the Republican National Convention begins this week, disagreements are expected to take center stage. Read Wyant’s full memo below.

FROM: Chris Wyant, Hillary for Ohio State Director

TO: Interested Parties

DATE: July 17, 2016

SUBJECT: As Trump Comes to Cleveland, Ohioans See Stark Choice on Display: Dangerous Division vs. Stronger Together

Two years ago, Republicans were envisioning a united GOP convention in Cleveland that would help them win a critical presidential battleground. But that dream never came to fruition. This week, the choice facing Ohio voters in November will crystallize as Donald Trump — and his divisive rhetoric, dangerous ideas, and record of selling out American workers to profit personally — descends on Ohio.

Already, Ohio Republicans are fleeing Trump’s candidacy following more than a year of words and deeds that prove he is temperamentally unfit to serve as president.  Elected and Republican Party officials are using phrases like “condescending and simplistic,” “very deep reservations,”  “embarrasses me,” “the opposite of how my husband and I are trying to raise our children,” “total disaster,” “hasn’t impressed me at all,” “a very dangerous president,” and “not fit to hold office anywhere in this country” to describe the man set to formally accept their party’s nomination in Cleveland.

Ohio Republicans, just like Americans across the country, are looking at Trump and deciding that we are better than this.

The negative reviews of the GOP’s nominee are far from outliers, and Ohio Republican operatives and consultants have been similarly blunt in assessing how Trump has squandered his first months as the presumptive nominee. Local Republican activists have been dismayed by the lack of a Trump organization, many Ohio operatives have refused to work for him, and even now Trump is relying completely on the state Republican Party’s field efforts. This same group helped defeat him in the primary and has 75% fewer staff than expected. As put it: “Stop us if you’ve heard this before: The GOP has ground game issues in Ohio.”

While Trump is creating disunity and exasperation with Republicans here, Ohioans are uniting behind Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, driven by the shared belief that we are stronger together. More than 2,000 individuals from more than 300 towns, cities and municipalities across Ohio have shared their own personal stories for supporting Hillary Clinton with us – many are now engaging their friends and neighbors online.

Public polling will show a tight race in Ohio every day up to November 8, so we are taking nothing for granted. For months, we have been working to build the kind of grassroots organization that helps Democrats up and down the ballot win close elections in Ohio and across the country. Earlier this month, organizers registered voters at 28 different Fourth of July parades.  By the end of this week, the Ohio campaign will have a dozen offices open in communities around the state – with dozens more on the way.

Engaging voters where they are and using the latest and most prevalent tactics is critical to any candidate’s path to victory in Ohio every four years. Grassroots organizers and volunteers for Hillary for Ohio are employing every digital tool at their disposal — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, text messages, Snapchat, and even Pokémon GO to reach new volunteers and unregistered voters.

Equally important to the number of voter contacts is the quality of those contacts. Collectively, local organizers in Ohio have completed 4,441 hours – or more than six months worth – of training. It is a reflection of both the breadth of our organization here, as well as the seriousness with which we view the work they are doing.

Hillary Clinton has been back to Ohio four times since the state’s primary, engaging Ohioans in a conversation about how we raise wages, create more jobs, make the economy work for everyone not just those at the top — and end division so we can be united and strong.  In a visit to Athens, she focused on the aspirations and needs of families in often overlooked or underserved communities. In Cleveland in June, she discussed the horrific shooting in Orlando and the need for our nation to unite in resolve to end violence and defend against terrorism. And in Columbus, she laid out — using Trump’s own words — how the self-described ‘King of Debt’ would endanger the American economy as president. And on Monday, she will campaign alongside campaign volunteers in Cincinnati and address the NAACP’s annual conference there, while Trump will be the only presidential candidate of either party in the past 20 years not to attend.

While Donald Trump’s offensive and divisive words are streaming from Republican National Convention into Ohio homes, we will be using every day of this week to expand our campaign in Ohio and talk to voters about Hillary Clinton’s belief that we are stronger together because know at stake in just 114 days is the future of our country and we can’t afford to waste a single minute.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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