Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Upstate New York


On Saturday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in upstate New York. He began by attending a Get Out the Vote event in Albany, New York’s capital. During the event, he called Hillary “the best change-maker I’ve ever known” adding that she knows what works and will bring her decades of experience to the White House. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand also appeared at the event and campaigned for Hillary across the state today. Clinton spoke about a number of his wife’s campaign points before asking for voter support in Tuesday’s primary.

His next campaign event was in Watertown where he spoke about the importance of the 2016 race and the future implications of the November election. He went to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points including economic growth, something he admitted isn’t happening as quickly for everyone as he would like. The next president will have the power to keep the economy growing, and he said, “I think we are very close to being able to all rise together again if we make the right decision in this campaign.”

In Syracuse, Clinton spoke to a crowd of supporters and stressed Hillary’s record as a New York Senator and how she can take that experience and apply it to the entire country. Clinton said that Hillary visited Syracuse 47 times as Senator and worked with local officials to help the area grow. The economy was the primary focus of his speech and he explained that Hillary will fight for equal pay and higher wages for everyone. He said, “When I was president, we were always in the top 10 percentage of women in the workforce. But it gets harder and harder and harder, when the wages are flat and we’re one of seven countries that doesn’t offer paid leave. When we don’t have an equal pay law and we don’t have affordable child care. Do those three things and we’ll have women flooding back into the workforce in a way that will raise wages for everybody. Raise the minimum wage do those things and we’ll all start growing together again.”

Clinton’s final Get Out the Vote event of the day was in Binghamton where he addressed a crowd of 2,000 supporters. During the event at Binghamton University, he spoke about Hillary’s previous efforts to secure funding for the university and clean energy in the Southern Tier. He also spoke about the rising costs of higher education saying that “every student should be able to graduate from college debt free” and that those paying back student loans should be able to refinance at a lower interest rate. The central argument of his speech was that things in America are still unequal for too many groups. The middle class is not growing, women are not paid equally, and there is still systemic discrimination in many states. Clinton said that Hillary has a plan to break down barriers and ensure that every American can live up to their full potential. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Daily Gazette, TWC News Capital Region, WNYF, TWC News Central NY, Press & Sun-Bulletin

Clinton Releases New Campaign Videos

Over the past several weeks, Hillary Clinton has released a number of important campaign videos on the Hillary for America YouTube channel. The first video, released November 28, is about small businesses and their importance to the economy. The second is a video of young girls reading letters written to Clinton explaining why there needs to be a female president. One young girl wraps up perfectly saying “44 boys is too many!” Clinton’s most recent video is in support of LGBT equality and her vow to fight to end discrimination. All three videos are included in this post.

Clinton Campaigns in South Carolina


Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two campaign events in South Carolina. The first was a town hall event in Orangeburg that was held on the campus of Claflin University. The event was hosted by the South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus and moderated by Roland Martin. Martin and Clinton discussed the new unemployment figures, her plans to improve the infrastructure and raise incomes, the reclassification of marijuana, and charter schools. After their initial discussion, Martin opened the floor to questions from those in attendance. A full video from the event is below and available on CSPAN.

Clinton then went to Columbia where she was the keynote speaker at an event hosted by SC Equality, a group that has fought for equal rights for the LGBT community. During her speech, Clinton vowed to pass the federal Equality Act expanding civil rights laws to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. She told the story of a transgender South Carolina teen who was forced to remove her makeup and “look male” for her drivers license photo. The teen, Chase Culpepper, fought for the rules to be changed. Clinton praised Culpepper for her bravery and credited SC Equality for laying the groundwork necessary to allow her to stand up for her rights. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The Washington Post, The State

Clinton Interviewed by Rachel Maddow

This evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton was interviewed on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. During the show, Maddow and Clinton discussed yesterday’s testimony before Congress and Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks saying that if Clinton is elected president, he will begin impeachment proceedings on day one of her term. Maddow then asked Clinton about several of her policy points including equal rights for women, LGBT discrimination, crime legislation, Syria, and a number of other topics. The full interview is above.

Tomorrow, Clinton heads to Iowa for a rally and the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: MSNBC

Clinton Returns to New Hampshire

attribution.C-SPAN.height.318.no_border.preferPromo.width.480On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton was back in New Hampshire for two events. The first was a town hall on the campus of Keene State College. A long topic of conversation during the 80 minute event was gun control. Clinton answered several questions about her plans and the difference between her and her rivals. In addition, Clinton was also asked about her opposition to the Glass-Steagall Act, her views on LGBT discrimination, and other aspects of her platform. A full video from the town hall is available on C-SPAN.

Clinton then went to a grass roots even in Nashua where she spoke a number of her key plans, but she focused on Afghanistan and President Barack Obama’s plans to extend US presence. That means that his successor will have to address what to do with troop levels in Afghanistan. She did not provide any specific plans for Afghanistan at this point, but she said, “We have invested a lot of blood and a lot of treasure in trying to help that country and we can’t afford for it to become an outpost of the Taliban and ISIS one more time, threatening us, threatening the larger world.”

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to appear at the Alabama Democratic Conference. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Boston Herald, ABC News

Clinton Speaks at the National Urban League Conference

usa-electionHillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the National Urban League Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Clinton spoke to a group of African-American leaders right before Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, and she took full advantage of it. While she did not mention him by name, she called out his record on race relations by calling out his campaign slogan and PAC, “Right to Rise.” Clinton said, “People can’t rise if they can’t afford health care. They can’t rise if the minimum wage is too low to live on. They can’t rise if their governor makes it harder for them to get a college education.”

She also spoke about the excessive use of force by law enforcement when confronting African-American suspects, and the continued issue of race discrimination saying, “We can’t go on like this. We are better than this. Things must change.” The full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Update (8/5/2015): Posted video from the event.

News Source: The New York Times, Time

University of Miami

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton took gave a brief speech and fielded a variety of questions from the audience at the University of Miami yesterday evening. Clinton discussed a wide variety of topics including discrimination, Syria, and 2016. She was asked by a student if she could expand upon what the “TBD” meant on her Twitter profile, and her response was coy, but funny. Clinton responded, “I’d really like to, but I have no characters left.”

The video above is from the University of Miami, and is only highlights from the event. Hopefully a full video of the event will be available soon.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: New York Times