Hillary Clinton Attends Daytona Beach Canvass Kick-Off


Hillary Clinton spoke at a canvass kick-off rally in Daytona Beach, Florida on Saturday. She began the event by addressing yesterday’s revelation that the FBI is is looking into “new evidence” related to her emails. Clinton called on FBI Director James Comey to release the full details of the investigation for the benefit of American voters saying, “Some of you may have heard about a letter written by the FBI director. You probably have a few questions about it. It is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. In fact, it’s not just strange, it’s unprecedented and deeply troubling.”

Clinton then gave one of her typical campaign stump speeches in which she laid out several of her proposed policies. She stressed the importance of the election and said it is about more then just Republican vs. Democrat. This election is about the direction of our country. She said, “Everything we care about is at stake. The American dream itself is at stake.” Clinton said that Donald Trump’s hope is that women, young people, and minorities do not turn out to vote, but she urged everyone to vote saying, “That goes against everything we stand for. And do you know how to stop him? By showing up with the greatest turnout of voters ever. Let’s break every record.” Watch a video Clinton’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Orlando Sentinel

Vice President Biden Campaigns for Clinton in Florida


Vice President Joe Biden returned to the campaign trail on Monday where he campaigned in support of Hillary Clinton in Florida. His first event was in Orlando where he spoke about Clinton and her plans to grow the economy and work with our foreign allies. He contrasted her style with Donald Trump’s calling Trump “dangerously uninformed.” He said that a number of foreign leaders are worried about the direction of the United States if Trump is elected, and Biden warned that everyone should because his presidency could have long reaching effects. He encouraged everyone to vote in November and register before the deadlines saying, “Bust your necks, folks, getting your friends to register to vote. It does matter. It does matter.” A video of Biden’s speech is below.

Biden then traveled to Sarasota where he spoke to supporters at the Robert L. Taylor Community Complex. During his speech, Biden spoke about similar topics as he did in Orlando focusing on Clinton’s platform plans and proposals that would create jobs and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Orlando Sentinel, WTSP, WWSB

How to Watch: Clinton and Trump’s First Debate


Tonight, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump will face off for the first in a series of three presidential debates. The debate will begin at 9 p.m. ET and last for 90 minutes. NBC’s Lester Holt will moderate tonight’s debate and the announced topics of the debate will be America’s Direction, Achieving Prosperity, and Securing America. You can watch the debate on all four major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, PBS), all the news networks (CNN, CNBC, CSPAN, Fox News, and MSNBC), and the debate will be live streamed on Facebook and Twitter.

There are a number of live streams to choose from as well. NBC, PBS, and The Washington Post’s streams are embedded below:

Hillary for America has some requests for Clinton supporters as they follow along with the debate on various social media channels. Read the outlined hashtags and follow the Twitter accounts below to follow along with the campaign during tonight’s debate.


Text “FACT” to 47246 every time you think Trump is lying

  1. Official debate hashtag: #Debates2016, #Debates (plural)

When Trump says something that makes you cringe: #LoveTrumpsHate

When Hillary say something that makes you proud: #ImWithHer

  1. Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day!
  1. Follow along with our official campaign accounts to get a sense of what to tweet about while you watch.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: USA Today