Clinton at the First in the South Democratic Presidential Forum


On Friday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton took part in the First in the South Democratic Presidential Forum in South Carolina. The event was moderated by Rachel Maddow and the other Democratic contenders, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, took part as well. During the conversation between Maddow and Clinton, they discussed a number of topics including the death penalty, foreign policy, her Republican opponents, Wall Street, and she was even asked which Republican candidate she would choose as her Vice President if she had to pick one. Clinton’s primary topic, however, was criminal justice reform and gun violence. Clinton said that gun violence is an issue, but it is more problematic when those in authority, such as the police, are using more force. Clinton is expected to roll out her full plan for criminal justice reform soon. A full video from last night’s event is below.

Today, Clinton will stay in South Carolina for a private fundraiser. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: MSNBC, Time

Clinton Speaks at Grover Cleveland Dinner in NH

28firstdraft-hrc-tmagArticleOn Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to New Hampshire where she began her day by attending a Politics and Eggs breakfast in Manchester. Clinton gave a speech before taking questions from those in attendance. Clinton spoke about a number of topics, but one of her comments has made headlines. She is against completely abolishing the death penalty, something that her Democratic opponents Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley support. She said, “We have a lot of evidence now that the death penalty has been too frequently applied, and too often in a discriminatory way. So I think we have to take a hard look at it. I do not favor abolishing it, however, because I do think there are certain egregious cases that still deserve the consideration of the death penalty, but I’d like to see those be very limited and rare, as opposed to what we’ve seen in most states.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

After making a stop at Moulton Farm in Meredith, Clinton attended the Grover Cleveland Dinner in Bartlett for an event hosted by the Democratic Committee for Carroll County. During Clinton’s speech, she spoke about her political platform and plans as president. Clinton has been criticized for comments she made about the issues in Department of Veterans Affairs not being as widespread as everyone thinks. Clinton backpedaled saying that there is a problem, she said, “I will not let the Republicans use the problem as an excuse to privatize the VA.” A video of her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, WMUR, Politico

Clinton Interviewed by CNN’s Jake Tapper

151016172416-hillary-clinton-jake-tapper-biden-00001412-large-169This afternoon, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on The Lead with Jake Tapper on CNN. During the interview with Tapper, Clinton was asked about her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi next Thursday. She said she would do her best to answer all questions asked of her by the committee’s members. She was also asked about her debate performance, her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, her Republican rival Donald Trump, and her personal email server. The full interview lasted for nearly 20 minutes, but only a few clips are currently available online at this time. You can watch them by clicking here, here, and here.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clinton Interviewed by Local News Stations the first Democratic Debate, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday was interviewed via satellite by a number of local news stations across the country. Most of the interviews are brief and not available in full online. However, we were able to locate clips from all of the interviews but one. Clinton was interviewed by stations in:

The links above will direct you the news story and video available on the TV station’s website. If you know of the link to the interview with Clinton in Atlanta, please add a comment below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Rallies Vegas Crowd

1003785588_hillary_101415_7_0Following her strong Debate performance, Hillary Rodham Clinton remained in the Las Vegas area on Wednesday to attend a number of events. First, Clinton toured a training facility at the headquarters of Allied Trades and the International Union of Painters. The event in Henderson included Clinton taking some questions from the press. She then made a surprise stop at an ice cream shop in North Las Vegas. At La Flor de Michoacan, Clinton tried a number of ice cream flavors and was accompanied by state assemblyman Nelson Araujo.

In the evening, Clinton rallied a crowd of 2,500 at Springs Preserve. Clinton reviewed her platform and plans and focused on health care and immigration. She criticized Republicans for trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and she took aim at Donald Trump for his comments about women and immigration. Referring to Tuesday night’s debate, Clinton said, “I am thrilled that people finally got a chance to compare the Democrats to the Republicans. And I think we came out of that pretty well.” A video of her campaign rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Strong in First Debate

ap_893633345024_wide-9d2280e8b6f2341066efff7167e6e664a74eaef1-s900-c85Hopefully everyone was able to watch last night’s Democratic Debate on CNN. In the first debate between the Democratic candidates, it was clear that Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the front runners and, in the majority of the countless reaction, review, and “who won” articles, Clinton has been declared the winner of last night’s debate. She was precise, strong on policy, and strong against her opponents. Her experience in national politics took center stage (both figuratively and literally). Clinton will now hit the road and continue her campaign before the next debate in November.

Below are two brief review videos from the CNN debate, and a full video from the debate will be added once a high quality version is available.

Live: First Democratic Debate on CNN

t1larg_debate_set_cnn-640x350The first Democratic Debate, which will feature Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee, will air tonight on CNN. Tonight’s debate will be moderated by Anderson Cooper with Dana Bash and Juan Carlos Lopez also asking questions. Coverage begins at 8:30 PM ET on CNN, CNNgo (requires television provider login), and at the link below:


First Democratic Debate Tomorrow on CNN

151011081839-democratic-las-vegas-debate-2016-podium-order-large-169CNN has released full details of tomorrow night’s Democratic debate from Las Vegas, Nevada which will feature Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee. Vice President Joe Biden, who has not formally announced his candidacy, was invited to participate, but will not. The debate will be moderated by Anderson Cooper with Dana Bash and Juan Carlos Lopez also asking questions. Coverage begins at 8:30 PM ET on CNN and on (we will post a link to the live stream before the debate begins). You can submit questions for the moderators to ask the candidates on Facebook and Instagram.

This is the first of six debates between the Democratic candidates. The other five debates are scheduled for:

  • November 14, 2015 – Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa (CBS)
  • December 19, 2015 – Manchester, New Hampshire (ABC)
  • January 17, 2016 – Charleston, South Carolina (NBC)
  • February/March 2016 – Miami, Florida (Univision)
  • February/March 2016 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin (PBS)

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clinton Presents Award Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala

rts3nhtOn Thursday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton presented an award at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala. She presented a 2015 Medallion of Excellence Award to her friend and celebrity chef José Andrés. Clinton took the opportunity to criticize Republicans and lack of support for common sense immigration reform. During her speech, she was interrupted by a protester from United We Dream Action. Clinton continued with her speech and the heckler was removed from the room. A video from the full gala event is available on C-SPAN. Clinton begins speaking at the 5:00 mark and speaks for about five minutes.

Following the event, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in Washington, DC. The event was held at the home of Carol and David Pensky. As with all private events, it was closed to the public.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is the first Democratic debate that will air this coming Tuesday on CNN. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Clinton Apologizes for Using Private Email

ABC_muir_clinton_jef_150908_16x9_992Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton was interviewed by David Muir and portions of his interview with her aired on World News Tonight. In the interview, Clinton apologized for using a private email server as Secretary of State and acknowledged that she could have done a better job of explaining herself when the story came to light earlier this year. Muir then asked Clinton about her rival Donald Trump and why is running for president again after losing the Democratic nomination in 2008.

To watch interview that aired this evening, CLICK HERE.

A recap of the interview aired later on Nightline is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will give a highly anticipated speech supporting an agreement between the United States and Iran that will limit Iran’s nuclear capabilities. Click here to learn how to sign up to watch a live webcast of this event. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Update: You can read highlights of the interview by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: ABC News, Politico