Clinton Attends Fundraisers in Detroit and Chicago

635730905307178192-2015-0721-dm-hilary00666On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton stopped in Detroit at a local sweet potato shop. Clinton visited Sweet Potato Sensations for a slice of sweet potato pie and ice cream. She visited with the owners of the bakery and its patrons. Clinton told the patrons and reporters, ” I’ve said in this campaign that I want to be the small business president. And I’m making a real point of sort of identifying and visiting small businesses that are successful, sometimes against the odds, but really provide either a service or product that people in their communities are buying up and giving a good base for further growth.”

After leaving Detroit, Clinton headed to a private fundraiser in Grosse Pointe, Michigan at the home of Democratic Party strategist Jill Alper and her husband, David Katz. Clinton also attended a private fundraiser this evening in Chicago, Illinois. The fundraiser was hosted by securities trader Rajiv Fernando.

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to visit Pennsylvania. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

New Source: Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, Chicago Tribune

Clinton Joins Democratic Candidates in Iowa

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Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to Cedar Rapids, Iowa where she gave a speech a Democratic party hall of fame dinner. The other Democratic party candidates for president  also spoke at the event including Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee. In her speech, Clinton avoided attacking her primary opponents despite sharing the stage with them. Instead, she went after Republican candidates Jeb Bush and Scott Walker for threatening to roll back a number of progressive policies enacted during the administration of President Barack Obama. Clinton said that the Democrats “are in the future business … but [the Republicans] are the party of the past.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Tonight, Clinton returns to Arkansas as the keynote speaker for the Arkansas Democratic Party’s annual Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner in Little Rock. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source:, The Guardian

Clinton Address National Council of La Raza Conference

Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the National Council of La Raza Conference in Kansas City, Missouri this afternoon. During her speech, she built upon her economic speech from earlier in the day and referenced the economic inequality in the Latino community. She promised to fight for better economic opportunities and comprehensive immigration reform.

Clinton was not the only Democratic presidential candidate to speak at the conference. Senator Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley were also featured speakers. All three candidates spoke about the similar topics, and all three attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his comments disparaging Latino  immigrants. Trump’s presidential opponents were slow to speak out against his comments, a fact which Clinton called out asking, “Why did it take weeks for most of you to speak out?”

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to be in Washington, DC where she will meet with Democrats on Capitol Hill. For all the latest campaign news, be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: The Kansas City Star

Clinton Makes Third Trip to Iowa

07firstdraft-clinton2-tmagArticleSince announcing her presidential campaign in April, Hillary Rodham Clinton has made two stops in Iowa. Today, she was in Iowa again, visiting Iowa City where she addressed a large crowd of supporters. In her speech, Clinton hit on a number of topics including women’s access to health care, the environment, gun control, and the recent Supreme Court decisions upholding the Affordable Care Act and legalizing same-sex marriage. As Iowa City is the home of Iowa State University, Clinton also spoke about the rising cost of college tuition and called for making college more affordable. After her speech, she took questions from reporters on topics ranging from the Greek debt crisis and her fellow Democratic competitor, Bernie Sanders.

Following her stop in Iowa City, Clinton headed for Ottumwa where she met with supporters at a grassroots organizing event. She then took questions from the crowd. Hillary for America has been very active in Iowa since April, and the campaign has started organizing larger events for Clinton as she continues to travel across the country.

While in Iowa, Clinton also sat down with CNN’s Brianna Keilar. The interview will be posted once it is available.

New Source: The New York Times, Politico

Clinton Fundraises in New Jersey

img_1847Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank, New Jersey. The fundraiser was closed to the press, but it is reported that Senator Cory Booker attended along with a number of prominent Democratic Party leaders in New Jersey. Music at the event was provided by Jon Bon Jovi.

Clinton is scheduled to be in New Hampshire Friday. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

New Source: PolitickerNJ

Senator Bernie Sanders Announces 2016 Campaign

1430400327_bernie-sanders-articleSenator Bernie Sanders announced today that he is joining the 2016 race for president which prompted a warm welcome from Hillary Rodham Clinton on Twitter. Senator Sanders is an Independent from Vermont, but he intends to run for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president.

News Source: ABC News

Clinton Pens Time 100 Profile for Elizabeth Warren

John Kerry, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John McCainHillary Rodham Clinton wrote a profile for Senator Elizabeth Warren that will appear in Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People issue. Warren is the strong Democrat who currently resides in the late Senator Ted Kennedy’s seat in Congress. She has been heralded by many for her strong stance on Wall Street bankers and her criticism of the current political climate. Warren is a strong force in the party, and Clinton recognizes that. There are members of her own party who would prefer Warren run for president in Clinton’s place. However, Clinton praises Warren in the profile for Time and her role as a “champion of working families and scourge of special interests.” A copy of the profile is below:

Progressive champion

It was always going to take a special kind of leader to pick up Ted Kennedy’s mantle as senior Senator from Massachusetts—champion of working families and scourge of special interests. Elizabeth Warren never lets us forget that the work of taming Wall Street’s irresponsible risk taking and reforming our financial system is far from finished. And she never hesitates to hold powerful people’s feet to the fire: bankers, lobbyists, senior government officials and, yes, even presidential aspirants.

Elizabeth Warren’s journey from janitor’s daughter to Harvard professor to public watchdog to U.S. Senator has been driven by an unflagging determination to level the playing field for hardworking American families like the one she grew up with in Oklahoma. She fights so hard for others to share in the American Dream because she lived it herself.

Source: Time

Sedona Forum

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the McCain Institute sponsored Sedona Forum on the campus of Arizona State University. Clinton took part in the forum “Global Crisis and American Leadership” with Senator John McCain.  The two spoke at length about the current situation in Ukraine and our current relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Clinton and McCain also discussed free press, the Middle East, and Benghazi before fielding questions from the audience.  A few weeks ago, Clinton denounced the current political climate and lack bipartisan compromise. This proves that it is possible for Democrats and Republicans to have a serious conversation.

In addition to the full event, the McCain Institute also posted a short video in which Clinton shares her views on leadership. This video is below:

Video Source: YouTube

Endorsing Terry McAuliffe for Virginia Governor

Saturday, October 19, 2013 (18:26)

Hillary Clinton returned to the political scene when she endorsed Democrat Terry McAuliffe for Governor of Virginia. It was the first time Clinton officially supported a candidate in an election. In the speech she discusses McAuliffe’s qualifications and what he will do for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: New York Daily News