Clinton Address National Council of La Raza Conference

Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the National Council of La Raza Conference in Kansas City, Missouri this afternoon. During her speech, she built upon her economic speech from earlier in the day and referenced the economic inequality in the Latino community. She promised to fight for better economic opportunities and comprehensive immigration reform.

Clinton was not the only Democratic presidential candidate to speak at the conference. Senator Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley were also featured speakers. All three candidates spoke about the similar topics, and all three attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his comments disparaging Latino  immigrants. Trump’s presidential opponents were slow to speak out against his comments, a fact which Clinton called out asking, “Why did it take weeks for most of you to speak out?”

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to be in Washington, DC where she will meet with Democrats on Capitol Hill. For all the latest campaign news, be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: The Kansas City Star

Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers in Maryland and DC

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5

On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended private fundraisers in Maryland and Washington, DC. In Bethesda, she attended a fundraiser at the home of Susan Ness and Larry Schneider, where about 120 people gathered. Then on Monday evening, Clinton attended a LGBT fundraiser at the Woman’s National Democratic Club in Washington, DC. The event was hosted by Olivia founders Claire Lucas and her partner, Judy Dlugacz. Clinton has been a vocal supporter of LGBT rights and featured a gay couple in her launch video in December. Because both events were closed to the press, details about wheat Clinton said at each event are not available.

Clinton is expected to be in Boston and Rhode Island later this week before her campaign rally on Saturday on Roosevelt Island in New York. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

New Source: Bethesda Magazine, The Huffington Post

Clinton Book Tour and Apperance Dates


Note: Since this post is being updated regularly, it will remain at the top of the home page for the next few weeks.

With the release of Hard Choices tomorrow, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be making a number of television appearances and attend a number of events and book signings over the next several weeks. This post will be updated regularly as dates are added. You may also follow the Book Tour page for a list of upcoming appearances as well. Videos for the events will be posted when/if available.

June 9Interview with Diane Sawyer (ABC)

June 10 – Good Morning America (ABC)

June 10 – Barnes & Noble Union Square (New York City)

June 10 – NBC (Cynthia McFadden)

June 11Chicago Ideas Week

June 12NPR’s Fresh Air

June 13 – Free Library of Philadelphia (PA)

June 13Prose & Politics (George Washington University)

June 14 – Costco Pentagon City (Arlington, VA)

June 15 – CBS Sunday Morning

June 16Toronto Region Board of Trade

June 16 – Harvard Book Store (Cambridge, Massachusetts)

June 17 – Fox News

June 17 – CNN Town Hall

June 18Edmonton, Canada

June 18 – University Book Store (Seattle, Washington)

June 19 – Barnes & Noble at The Grove (Los Angeles, California)

June 20 – BookPeople (Austin, Texas)

June 20The Long Center (Austin, Texas)

June 22 – Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland (Kansas City)

June 23 – Tattered Cover Colfax Store (Denver, Colorado)

June 25PBS NewHour

June 25 – Warwick’s Book Store (San Diego, California)

June 26 – Book Passage (San Francisco, California)

June 26 – SHN Orpheum Theatre (San Francisco, CA)

June 27 – Walmart (Little Rock, Arkansas)

June 27 – Books & Co (Books-A-Million), The Greene Shopping Center (Dayton, Ohio)

June 29 – Chappaqua Public Library (New York)

June 30 – Aspen Ideas Festival, Aspen Institute (Colorado)

July 3 – Waterstone’s Book Shop in Picadilly (London)

July 4ITV’s This Morning

July 5BBC’s Women’s Hour

July 5CSPAN’s Book TV

July 6 – Public Event Hosted by ZIET with Chrisopher Amend (Berlin)

July 15 – The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

July 17 – Bookends (New Jersey)

July 17Charlie Rose

July 19 – R.J. Julia Booksellers (Connecticut)

July 20 – Common Good Books (Minnesota)

July 26 – Sam’s Club (Massachusetts)

July 27 – CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS

July 29 – Northshire Books (New York)

August 6 – Book Revue (Long Island)

August 13 – Bunch of Grapes (Martha’s Vineyard)

August 16 – Bookhampton East Hampton (Long Island)

August 24 – Books & Books (Westhampton, NY)

CNN Town Hall

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton took part in a town hall discussion at the Newseum in Washington, DC. The event was broadcast live on CNN and moderated by Christiane Amanpour. Clinton covered a wide variety of topics including Benghazi, Ukraine and Vladimir Putin, 2016, and the capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala, who is believed to be the mastermind behind the attacks on the US Embassy in Benghazi.

News Source: Huffington Post

New America Foundation’s Conference

Friday, May 16, 2014

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Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a speech at the New America Foundation Conference in Washington, DC. Her speech was on the topic of the economy, and more specifically, income inequality. Clinton urged businesses and community groups to come together to help the struggling middle class. She argued that upward mobility does exist within the United States, but the government may not be solution. She said, “We can’t wait for government, which seems so paralyzed and unfortunately at a time when we could be racing ahead.”

The full video from the event is currently available on C-SPAN, which may be accessed by clicking here.

News Source: The Hill

American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum in Washington, DC. She spoke about her time at the State Department and work with both Israel and Iran. Clinton referenced the strength of the relationship between the United States and Israel, and she spoke about the common interests of the two countries. The speech was dominated by Middle East related issues she faced as Secretary of State. Clinton also referenced her upcoming memoir, Hard Choices.

A video for this event will be posted if/when available.

News Source: Politico

Image Source: The New York Post

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters Conference

Monday, April 28, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the keynote speaker at the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters Conference (HIPPY) in Washington, DC. Clinton helped bring the group to Arkansas, and HIPPY is currently active in DC and 21 states. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the group, she stressed the importance of early childhood education. She said, “It is now wonderful to see so many people in so many walks of life talking about early childhood, talking about the importance of parents, particularly mothers, as a child’s first teacher, and you’re a big part of that. The reason that so many – from elected officials to economists to education experts all over the country – are finally catching on is because the evidence has become so compelling.”

A full video will be posted when/if available.

Photo and News Source: US News & World Report

Video Source: YouTube

State Department Global Town Hall

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 (1:11:41)

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in a global town hall interview at the Newseum in Washington, DC. This was Secretary Clinton’s 59th town hall, and her final as Secretary of State. Questions are asked by a moderator and young people around the world. Countries represented include: Britain, Beruit, Colombia, Japan, Greece, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, and India.

Video Source: YouTube