Hillary Clinton Interviewed at Code Conference

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed at the Code Conference in Ranchos Palos Verdes, California. Clinton was interviewed at the annual event by veteran tech journalists, and Recode co-founders, Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher. During their conversation, Clinton discussed losing the 2016 election, which she took the blame for. She did also place part of the blame on a number of other factors including the alleged hacking of the DNC and John Podesta by Russia, the letter sent to Congress by FBI Director James Comey, and incorrect data provided by the DNC. Clinton was also critical of the Democratic Party’s digital strategy saying that the party needed to get better at outreach. When asked whether she would remain active in politics, Clinton said, “I’m not going anywhere. I have a big stake in what happened in this country. I am very unbowed and unbroken about what happened because I don’t want it to happen to anybody else.” The full video of Clinton’s interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Recode, Politico, Fortune, CNBC

Clinton Speaks about Role of Women in Peace Negotiations

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at Georgetown University in Washington, Friday, March 31, 2017, on the important role that women can play in international politics and peace building efforts. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

On Friday, Hillary Clinton spoke at an event on the campus of Georgetown University. She spoke about the importance of women being in leadership in America and around the world. She stressed the importance of women taking part in peace negotiations and the peace process. Clinton said that when women are involved “peace negotiations [and] agreements are less likely to fail and more likely to last.” Clinton’s backed up her claim with data from United Nations Women. The speech was her second this week, and she took the opportunity to take a swipe at President Donald Trump saying, “Here I go again, talking about research, evidence, and facts.” Watch a video from the event below and read a transcript of Clinton’s speech HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Fortune, Time

HFA Statement on Third-Quarter GDP Growth


In response to new data showing that the economy grew at an annual rate of 2.9 percent in the third quarter of 2016, Hillary for America Senior Policy Advisor Jacob Leibenluft released the following statement:

“Today’s GDP release shows economic growth at its fastest pace in two years. With more than 15 million jobs created since early 2010 and real median incomes growing more than 5 percent last year, it’s clear we’ve made real progress coming back from the crisis. But Hillary Clinton believes there is still more we need to do to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. Independent experts agree her plan would create good-paying jobs through investments in infrastructure, innovation and education. Donald Trump, on the other hand, would take us backwards, with experts across the political spectrum warning his plans would risk another recession and cost jobs.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Six Key Developments Today On Trump, WikiLeaks, And Russia


Hillary for America Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan released the following statement today after news reports by Esquire and Motherboard confirmed for the first time publicly that Russia is behind the hack of John Podesta’s emails. Also, according to Esquire, Guccifer told journalists that he gave the DNC emails to WikiLeaks:

“The new public data confirming the Russians are behind the hack of John Podesta’s email is a big deal. There is no longer any doubt that Putin is trying to help Donald Trump by weaponizing WikiLeaks. Despite all the evidence, including the conclusions of the US intelligence community, Donald Trump went on the debate stage and acted as Putin’s puppet, defending Russia and refusing to admit and condemn the Kremlin’s actions. This behavior has gone from bizarre to disqualifying. In light of his associate’s admitted ‘back-channeling’ with Assange, and Trump’s own undisclosed business ties with Russia, it’s time for Trump to tell the American people what he knew about these hacks and when he knew it.”

According to Esquire:

“In the weeks that followed, Guccifer offered interviews and batches of documents to several journalists, but he wrote that “the main part of the papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to WikiLeaks.”

“So far U. S. investigators have not said publicly who was responsible for the Podesta hack, but the data harvested by SecureWorks makes it clear that Fancy Bear broke into the Clinton chairman’s account as early as late March. The CIA briefed Trump about the origin of the kompromat, but he continued to cite the material, telling a Pennsylvania crowd, “I love WikiLeaks!”

According to Motherboard:

Months later, on October 9, WikiLeaks began publishing thousands of Podesta’s hacked emails. Almost everyone immediately pointed the finger at Russia, who is suspected of being behind a long and sophisticated hacking campaign that has the apparent goal of influencing the upcoming US elections. But there was no public evidence proving the same group that targeted the Democratic National Committee was behind the hack on Podesta—until now.

The data linking a group of Russian hackers—known as Fancy Bear, APT28, or Sofacy—to the hack on Podesta is also yet another piece in a growing heap of evidence pointing toward the Kremlin. And it also shows a clear thread between apparently separate and independent leaks that have appeared on a website called DC Leaks, such as that of Colin Powell’s emails; and the Podesta leak, which was publicized on WikiLeaks.

Six Key Developments Today On Trump, WikiLeaks, And Russia

  1. Esquire published a deep dive on the full extent of Russia’s unprecedented hacking campaign to influence the U.S. election, including new details about the operation.
  1. Motherboard confirmed that government-backed Russian hackers were behind the cyberattack on John Podesta’s emails, publicly detailing new, undeniable evidence.
  1. Politico documented Trump’s haunting propensity for defending Putin’s crimes. Beyond the cyberattacks, Trump defended Putin in the killing of journalists, the assassination of a former Russian spy, and the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.
  1. Dallas Morning News reported that Trump had been personally briefed by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul that Russia was behind these cyberattacks before he debate, in which he again denied their culpability.
  1. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said on MSNBC this morning that she was completely comfortable with the campaign exploiting documents that were stolen by Russian agents.
  1. Former director of the NSA and CIA, Michael Hayden, told NBC News: “[Trump] reject[ed] a high confidence judgment from the American intelligence community that the Russians are breaking in to DNC emails. That’s troubling on two counts. First, what will it take for him to criticize Russia? And second, here is a man who would be president, rejecting an intelligence judgment because it is politically inconvenient.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Unveils Comprehensive Agenda on Mental Health (Updated)


Hillary Clinton announced her comprehensive plan to better treat people living with a mental illness. The current mental health treatment policies have been criticized for not properly treating patients. Highlights of Clinton’s plan include the expansion of early intervention programs, a national suicide prevention initiative, increased training for police in dealing with the mentally ill, providing mental health care for those who commit non-violent crimes, expanding employment opportunities, and increasing investments in research for the brain and behavioral research. An outline of the plan is below, and the full plan can be read on The Briefing.

  1. Early Diagnosis and Intervention
    • Increase public awareness and take action to address maternal depression, infant mental health, and trauma and stress in the lives of young children
    • Scale up efforts to help pediatric practices and schools support children facing behavioral problems
    • Help providers share information and best practices
    • Ensure that college students have access to mental health services
  2. Federal Support for Suicide Prevention
    • Create a national initiative around suicide prevention across the lifespan that is headed by the Surgeon General
    • Encourage evidence-based suicide prevention and mental health programs in high schools
    • Provide federal support for suicide prevention on college campuses
    • Partner with colleges and researchers to ensure that students of color and LGBT students are receiving adequate mental health coverage
  3. Integrate our Healthcare Systems and Expand Community-Based Treatment
    • Foster integration between the medical and behavioral health care systems (including mental health and addiction services), so that high-quality treatment for behavioral health is widely available in general health care settings
    • Expand reimbursement systems for collaborative care models in Medicare and Medicaid
    • Promote the use of health information technology to foster coordination of care
    • Promote the use of peer support specialists
    • Encourage states to allow same-day billing
    • Support the creation of high-quality, comprehensive community health centers in every state
    • Launch a nationwide strategy to address the shortage of mental health providers
  4. Improve Outcomes in the Criminal Justice System
    • Dedicate new resources to help train law enforcement officers in responding to encounters involving persons with mental illness, and increase support for law enforcement partnerships with mental health professionals
    • Prioritize treatment over punishment for low-level, non-violent offenders with mental illnesses
  5. Enforcing Mental Health Parity
    • Launch randomized audits to detect parity violations, and increase federal enforcement
    • Enforce disclosure requirements so that insurers cannot conceal their practices for denying mental health care
    • Strengthen federal monitoring of health insurer compliance with network adequacy requirements
    • Create a simple process for patients, families, and providers to report parity violations and improve federal-state coordination on parity enforcement
  6. Housing and Job Opportunities
    • Expand community-based housing opportunities for individuals with mental illness and other disabilities
    • Expand employment opportunities for people with mental illness
    • Expand protection and advocacy support for people with mental health conditions
  7. Brain and Behavioral Science Research
    • Significantly increase research into brain and behavioral science research
    • Develop new links with the private and non-profit sectors
    • Commit to brain and behavioral science research based on open data

UPDATE (8/30/16): Hillary for America announced that Clinton and Tim Kaine spoke with the mental health policy community including patients, advocates, researchers, policy experts, physicians, counselors, and service providers. The conference call featured people from across the country and allowed Clinton to speak about her plan and hear feedback from experts.

Following the meeting, Clinton said, “I have heard heartbreaking stories for years about these incredible challenges, but during this campaign, it has seemed like a floodgate has opened from parents and students, from veterans, nurses, doctors, police officers. But I’ve also heard stories of hope and courage – people getting the help they needed, being able to lead happy, healthy, and thriving lives. And cities and states are deploying innovative programs, and that’s what we want to hear more of. We’ve got to break through and break down the stigma and shame. We’ve got to make clear that mental health is not a personal failing. Right now, it is our country which is failing people with mental health issues.”

Kaine said, “I am really happy that today when our campaign rolled out this proposal with respect to comprehensive mental health improvement, that we decided one group of people that we really want to talk to is college students. Most mental health challenges do first present themselves during adolescence or college. So, while even a mental health challenge of an adult later in life may become more manifest, there are early signs about it. One in four college students today do acknowledge that they are dealing with mental health challenges at some point along the way. And it is very important that we are aware of that and that we make clear that it’s normal, there is no stigma associated with it. And we want to make sure that there are appropriate resources, innovative resources, community-based resources so that people can access help, and that the response of society is treatment rather than judgment or pretending that it doesn’t exist.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Briefing, USA Today

Tim Kaine Addresses the National Urban League


Tim Kaine spoke at the National Urban League Conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Thursday. During his speech, he said that a Hillary Clinton administration would combat social and economic issues in the country’s cities. He spoke about the need to “end the era of mass incarceration” and vowed that as president, Clinton would work toward passing criminal justice reform. As a part of the reform, Kaine called for additional police training and increasing the collection of data on crime. He said, “A profound distance has grown up between law enforcement and communities in too many places in America, and that distance is dangerous. Let’s support independent data collection, investigation, and, if necessary, prosecution of police involved in deaths.” While in Baltimore, Kaine met with Representative Elijah Cummings, and they discussed voter ID laws, the economy, and their work as civil rights attorneys. A video from his speech is available on C-SPAN.

Fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America in two states today. The first was in McLean, Virginia and included a conversation with Deputy Foreign Policy Advisor Bishop Garrison, Former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matt Olsen, and Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger. The event was held at the home of Andrew Borene. The second event was held in New York City and included a conversation with Assemblyman Michael Blake and Director of State Campaigns and Political Engagement Marlon Marshall.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Baltimore Sun, CBS Baltimore

Hillary for America Statement on Recent Reports of Cyber Hacks


On Friday, reports began coming out that a program used by the campaign of Hillary Clinton was compromised. Hillary for America quickly responded with a statement assuring supporters and donors, that while it appears that certain programs we hacked, none of the internal systems used by the campaign have been compromised. A copy of HFA’s statement is below.

“An analytics data program maintained by the DNC, and used by our campaign and a number of other entities, was accessed as part of the DNC hack. Our campaign computer system has been under review by outside cyber security experts.  To date, they have found no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

Hillary Clinton Holds Town Hall for Digital Content Creators


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton attended two fundraisers and held a town hall event for digital content creators in Los Angeles, California. During the event, Clinton spoke about her plans to cultivate innovation and assist young people with their startups. Clinton then took questions from those in attendance and spoke about a number of topics including job creation, foreign policy alliances, and her thoughts on Republican Donald Trump.

Clinton also unveiled her Initiative on Technology & Innovation on Tuesday. While some of the details were discussed at an event earlier in the day in Denver, more details were discussed during the evening’s town hall. The extensive plan includes proposals to assist entrepreneurs, improve the technology used in the United States, update existing infrastructure, expand computer science and STEM education, protect user privacy, and make government more technologically efficient. An outline of Clinton’s proposals are below and the full details are available on The Briefing.

  • Spurring entrepreneurship and innovation clusters like Silicon Valley across the country
  • Allowing young entrepreneurs to defer their federal student loans for up to three years
  • Connecting every household in America to high-speed internet by 2020
  • Providing every student in America access to computer science education by the time they graduate
  • Building the Tech Economy on Main Street
    • Providing Every Student in America an Opportunity to Learn Computer Science
    • Engaging the Private Sector to Train up to 50,000 Computer Science Teachers
    • Encouraging Local STEM Education Investments
    • Opening up the Higher Education and Job Training Landscape
    • Rebooting Job Training around Industry Needs and Job Credentials
    • Supporting Programs to Diversify the Tech Workforce
    • Spur Entrepreneurship and Innovation Clusters like Silicon Valley across the Country
    • Support Young Entrepreneurs
    • Attract and Retain the Top Talent from Around the World
    • Invest in Science and Technology R&D
    • Ensure Benefits are Flexible, Portable and Comprehensive
  • Investing in World-Class Digital Infrastructure
    • Close the Digital Divide
    • Launch a “Model Digital Communities” Grant Program
    • Connect More Community Anchor Institutions to High-Speed Internet
    • Deploy 5G Wireless
  • Advancing America’s Global Leadership In Tech & Innovation
    • Fight for an Open Internet Abroad
    • Promote Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance
    • Grow American Technology Exports
    • Promote Cyber-Security
    • Safeguard the Free Flow of Information across Border
    • Update Procedures Concerning Cross-Border Requests for Data by Law Enforcement
  • Setting Rules of the Road to Promote Innovation While Protecting Privacy
    • Promote Healthy Competition at the Federal, State and Local Level
    • Defend Net Neutrality
    • Improve the Patent System to Reward Innovators
    • Effective Copyright Policy
    • Commercial Data Protection
    • Protect Online Privacy as well as Security
  • Engineering a Smarter and More Innovative Government
    • Make Government Simpler and More User Friendly
    • Open up More Government Data for Public Uses

A video from the town hall event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, The Los Angeles Times

Foreign Policy Focus of Third Democratic Debate

US Democratic Presidential hopefuls (L-R) Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley participate in the Democratic Presidential Debate hosted by ABC News at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, on December 19, 2015. AFP PHOTO / JEWEL SAMAD / AFP / JEWEL SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
US Democratic Presidential hopefuls (L-R) Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley participate in the Democratic Presidential Debate hosted by ABC News at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, on December 19, 2015. AFP PHOTO / JEWEL SAMAD / AFP / JEWEL SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

On Saturday night, Hillary Clinton, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley appeared on stage at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire for the third Democratic primary debate. The primary topic of the evening was foreign policy, a strength for former Secretary of State Clinton. Before getting into the debate, Sanders took a moment to apologize to Clinton for his staffers accessing the Clinton campaign’s proprietary voter data. It was revealed this week that Sanders’ staffers found and downloaded campaign data that should have been protected. The DNC has acted swiftly barring the Sanders campaign from accessing voter databases. Clinton’s campaign has been careful to respond, though her staffers and supporters have gone after the Sanders campaign. Clinton thanked Sanders for his apology and said, “Now that, I think, you know, we’ve resolved your data, we’ve agreed on an independent inquiry, we should move on, because I don’t think the American people are all that interested in this.”

The moderators, ABC’s David Muir and Martha Raddatz, then asked the candidates about a variety of topics, including a few domestic questions about taxes, health care, and gun control. But the focus of the ABC debate was foreign policy. Clinton and Sanders debated the removal of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya in 2011and the power vacuum that followed. Sanders argued that the chaos was predictable, but Clinton reminded Sanders that he voted for the Senate resolution calling for Gaddafi’s removal and the intervention of the United Nations. On the foreign policy front, the candidates also discussed ISIS, terrorism, and a number of other topics. As with previous debates, the three candidates were careful about going after each other. Clinton only attacked when provoked, and she focused her criticism on Republicans, particularly Donald Trump. It was clear that Clinton is planning for the general election. A full video of the debate is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, CNN, Time