Bill Clinton Campaigns in Harlem, Queens


On Sunday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Harlem and Queens. He began in Harlem this morning where he attended Sunday services at three churches. The three churches that he spoke at were: Abyssinian Baptist Church, Antioch Baptist Church, and Mount Neboh Baptist Church. At each church, Bill was introduced by Rep. Charles Rangel, and she spoke about Hillary’s plans to increase minimum wage and opportunities for everyone across the country.

Bill then spoke at an organizing events at the New York Hall of Science in Queens and the John John Jay College in New York City. At both events, he spoke about Hillary’s plans to increase incomes and continue building on the economy so everyone can prosper. He also spoke about criminal justice reform and referenced the death of Eric Garner. Garner was selling cigarettes in New York City and died when he was put in a choke hold by police. Bill said, “I say that because they may not have intended to kill that man—they violated procedural rules with a chokehold with a very heavy guy. People do stuff like that when they’re scared, when they’re alienated, when they feel like there’s this vast divide—and we have to get rid of that.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

A number of fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. In Washington, DC, Campaign Chair John Podesta attended an event that included Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris. The event was hosted by Maddy Beckwith, Ezekiel Emanuel, Terry Lierman, Tony Podesta, Chris Putala, and Oscar Ramirez. A fundraiser was also held in Villanova, Pennsylvania. The event included a conversation with Valerie Plame and was hosted by Stella M. Tsai and Jannie K. Lau. The final event was a virtual conversation with Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger for American citizens living in São Paulo, Brazil.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News, Newsday, Observer

Hillary Clinton Second in Wisconsin Primary


On Tuesday, Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in the Wisconsin primary. The final results had Sanders over Clinton 56.6% to 43.1%. While the vote may not have been as close as Clinton’s camp would like, the delegate count remained in Clinton’s favor with Sanders only gaining a handful of delegates. The next primary event in Wyoming’s Caucus on Saturday, April 9.

Meanwhile, Clinton was in New York campaigning for their upcoming primary on April 19. Speaking at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, Clinton focused on women’s rights and women’s issues. She spoke about topics such as reproductive rights, criminal justice, and economics. Clinton particularly focused on the the minimum wage and how it disproportionality affects women and minority women in particular. Clinton said, “I’m particularly concerned about girls and women, being one myself. But more than that because we still have a long way to go before we can honestly say to our daughters, ‘Yes you can be anything you want to be, including president of the United States.’” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, International Business Times, NY1

Clinton Observes MLK Day in Columbia, SC


On Monday, Hillary Clinton attended a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event in Columbia, South Carolina. The event was held outside South Carolina’s Statehouse, and was hosted by the NAACP. Speaking after her Democratic primary rival Bernie Sanders, Clinton spoke about Dr. King’s legacy and how there was still work to be done on the fronts of gun violence and the criminal justice system, both of which disproportionately harm African Americans.

Clinton also praise the leadership of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and the state legislature for removing a Confederate flag from the Statehouse lawn. She said, “Every year, you’ve gathered right here and said that that symbol of division and racism went against everything Dr. King stood for. We couldn’t celebrate him and the Confederacy, we had to choose. And South Carolina finally made the right choice.” A video from today’s event will posted when/if available.

Tonight, Clinton is scheduled to appear at an organizing event in Toledo, Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Huffington Post, The New York Times

Clinton at the First in the South Democratic Presidential Forum


On Friday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton took part in the First in the South Democratic Presidential Forum in South Carolina. The event was moderated by Rachel Maddow and the other Democratic contenders, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, took part as well. During the conversation between Maddow and Clinton, they discussed a number of topics including the death penalty, foreign policy, her Republican opponents, Wall Street, and she was even asked which Republican candidate she would choose as her Vice President if she had to pick one. Clinton’s primary topic, however, was criminal justice reform and gun violence. Clinton said that gun violence is an issue, but it is more problematic when those in authority, such as the police, are using more force. Clinton is expected to roll out her full plan for criminal justice reform soon. A full video from last night’s event is below.

Today, Clinton will stay in South Carolina for a private fundraiser. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: MSNBC, Time

Campaign Releases Facts as Clinton Turns over Email Server

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton arrives at the high school in Exeter, N.H., Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, where she announced her college affordability plan.  (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton arrives at the high school in Exeter, N.H., Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, where she announced her college affordability plan. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign released a fact sheet about her use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. The release came as it was announced that Clinton would turn over her private email server to the Department of Justice following allegations that she received classified emails on an insecure channel. The Clinton campaign’s release includes a number of key points and a link to a Q&A on their website. The full text of the release is below:

Here are the basics: Like other Secretaries of State who served before her, Hillary used a personal email address, and the rules of the State Department permitted it. She’s already acknowledged that, in hindsight, it would have been better just to use separate work and personal email accounts. No one disputes that.

The State Department’s request: Last year, as part of a review of its records, the State Department asked the last four former Secretaries of State to provide any work-related emails they had. Hillary was the only former Secretary of State to provide any materials — more than 30,000 emails. In fact, she handed over too many — the Department said it will be returning over 1,200 messages to her because, in their and the National Archives’ judgment, these messages were completely personal in nature.

Hillary didn’t send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.

What makes it complicated: It’s common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren’t secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn’t surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary’s emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.

To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary’s email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.

What about the Benghazi committee? While you may hear from the Republican-led Benghazi committee about Hillary’s emails, it is important to remember that the committee was formed to focus on learning lessons from Benghazi to help prevent future tragedies at our embassies and consulates around the globe. Instead, the committee, led by Republican Representative Trey Gowdy, is spending nearly $6 million in taxpayer money to conduct a partisan witch-hunt designed to do political damage to Hillary in the run-up to the election.

Hillary has remained absolutely committed to cooperating. That’s why, just as she gave her email server to the government, she’s also testifying before the Benghazi committee in October and is actively working with the Justice Department to make sure they have what they need. She hopes that her emails will continue to be released in a timely fashion.

It’s worth noting: Many of the Republican candidates for president have done the same things for which they’re now criticizing Hillary. As governor, Jeb Bush owned his own private server and his staff decided which emails he turned over as work-related from his private account. Bobby Jindal went a step further, using private email to communicate with his immediate staff but refusing to release his work-related emails. Scott Walker and Rick Perry had email issues themselves.

Take a look at more details here, including a complete Q&A, and pass them along:

News Source: US News & World Report

Hillary for America Writes Open Letter to The New York Times

Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri.
Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

After releasing a false story about a criminal investigation into the use of a personal email server by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Clinton campaign has released an open letter criticizing the inaccurate reporting by The New York Times. The letter, penned by communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was directed to Dean Baquet, the executive editor. The story originally said that the Department of Justice had been urged to open a criminal investigation. The story was later corrected to indicate the investigation was not criminal in nature but was a “security referral.”

In the letter, Palmieri wrote about the lack of response time given to the campaign by the news organization and she questioned the sources used for the article. She concluded by saying, “In closing, I wish to emphasize our genuine wish to have a constructive relationship with The New York Times. But we also are extremely troubled by the events that went into this erroneous report, and will be looking forward to discussing our concerns related to this incident so we can have confidence that it is not repeated in the future.”

Read the full letter by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: Business Insider, Hillary for America