Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia and Bridgeport on Sunday


Today, Hillary Clinton was in Pennsylvania and Connecticut where she met with church goers and potential voters in Tuesday’s primaries. She began in Philadelphia where she spoke at church services at Triumph Baptist Church and African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas. At both churches, Clinton spoke about her plans to seek criminal justice reform and fight the gun lobby by introducing stronger gun regulations. She said, “We as a people have to start showing each other more respect, more kindness more love.” She spoke briefly about the importance of the 2016 election and asked for the support of voters in Tuesday’s primary.

Clinton then traveled to Bridgeport, Connecticut, the largest city in the state. Speaking at the University of Bridgeport, she talked about continuing the progress of the administration of President Barack Obama. She then covered a number of platform topics including health care, gun control, raising the minimum wage, and reducing the cost of higher education. She believes that America’s best day are still ahead of it saying, “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure America’s best years are ahead of us. You should feel that your country has your back.” This evening, Clinton also attended a fundraiser in Stamford. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.


Bill Clinton was in Baltimore, Maryland where he attended Sunday morning services at three local churches. At each, he spoke about Hillary’s platform and her plans to move America forward. Today, Bill also attended a fundraiser in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. The event was hosted by Barbara and Richard Schiffrin.

Other Hillary for America fundraisers were held across the country today. In Bry Mawr, Pennsylvania, a fundraiser was held featuring New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. Meanwhile, in Seattle, Washington, a fundraiser was hosted by John and Nancy Sabol, Daniel James Brown, Pam Eakes, and Jeanne Kohl-Welles. The event featured a conversation with Daniel James Brown, the author of The Boys in the Boat.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Baltimore Sun, ABC News, NBC Connecticut, The Hour

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New York, Maryland


Today, Hillary Clinton attended campaign events in three states. She began by attending Sunday morning services at the Greater Allen AME Cathedral in Jamaica, Queens. The church is led by former Congressman Rev. Floyd Flake. During her remarks to the congregation, Clinton spoke about empowering people by expanding economic opportunity. She also spoke about her plans to reduce gun violence by introducing mandatory background checks and taking on criminal justice reform.

In Baltimore, Maryland, Clinton spoke to an enthusiastic crowd after being introduced and endorsed by Congressman Elijah E. Cummings. She spoke about the accomplishments of the state of Maryland to expand paid sick leave saying that it something she would like to expand to a national level. Clinton also acknowledged the issue facing the city of Baltimore and pledged to be supportive saying, “I particularly want to pay attention to our cities, like Baltimore. I will focus particularly on communities, neighborhoods, regions that have been passed by.” Videos of today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Clinton wrapped up the day in McLean, Virginia where she attended a fundraiser. The event was held at the home of Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and his wife, Dorothy.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Newsday, Baltimore Sun

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Tennessee and Arkansas


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton attended events in two of Super Tuesday’s primary states: Tennessee and Arkansas. She began by attending church service at Greater Imani Cathedral of Faith in Memphis. She told the congregation that she believed America is still great, but work needs to be done to “make it whole again.” Clinton then attended services at the Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church where she expressed her confidence in the future saying, “I am very confident, not just hopeful, I am confident that if we start working together again, if we remembered we are the United States of America, if we reject the demagoguery, the prejudice, the paranoia, the mean spiritedness we hear in our public political discourse … America’s best days can still be ahead of us.”

In Nashville, Clinton gave a platform focused stump speech before the state’s primary on Tuesday. She focused on the differences between her and her Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders, although she never mentioned him by name. She spoke about her plans to make higher education more affordable, improve heath care (and not scrap the current system), and reform the criminal justice system. She also called for a simpler way for small businesses to get government assistance as well an increase in the minimum wage. A partial video from the event is below, and a full video will be posted when/if available.

Clinton wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Vote event in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Speaking at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Clinton spoke about her plans to assist students pay for college saying, “we’ve got to get college affordable again.” She criticized Sanders’ free education for all plan saying that a tiered plan made more sense. She reasoned, “I don’t think you should have to pay to send Donald Trump’s kids to school.” Clinton also spoke about a number of other issues including health care and the economy. A full video from the event is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will attend events in Massachusetts and Virginia. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, CNN, The Tennessean, Arkansas Online

Clintons Campaign while SC Votes


On the day of the South Carolina primary, Hillary and Bill Clinton attended separate events in different states in preparation for super Tuesday. Eleven states and one Territory will cast their primary ballots on March 1 (Click here to see a full list). Bill attended two events in Oklahoma. The first was in Edmond where he spoke at the University of Central Oklahoma. During his speech, Bill framed his wife as a change-maker with the experience necessary to move the country forward. He referred to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address saying, “That beautiful picture the President painted of the future; still a whole lot of Americans can’t look at that picture and find themselves in it to save their lives. That’s the space in which this election is being fought out. Hillary is running for President to put every single American in that picture without regard of their age, their region, their gender or their race, or religion.”

Bill’s second event was in Tulsa where he spoke at Booker T. Washington High School. He was introduced by Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker and spoke about Hillary’s broad background and determination to make a difference. He spoke about her plans for health care, higher education, and clean energy. Of Hillary he said, “Here’s what I know — something about being president. I know something about building an inclusive economy and defending the country — you got to do them both. You can’t predict you can do one part of the job and not another. She’s the single best change-maker I’ve ever known.” A video from the event is below.

Bill then spoke at a Get Out the Vote event in Montgomery, Alabama. Speaking at Alabama State University, Bill said that that too many Americans do not share in the country’s prosperity, and that Hillary has plans to change that. Her platform is built on giving everyone an opportunity to better themselves. Bill wrapped up the event early after struggling with hoarseness, but he asked voters to support Hillary on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Hillary was in Birmingham. She began the day by visiting downtown Birmingham for coffee and to chat with voters at the Urban Standard. Then, she spoke at a Get Out the Vote event held on the campus of Miles College. Speaking to the crowd of 2,300, Clinton spoke about her plans to raise the minimum wage, enact criminal justice reform, and fight voting restrictions. Clinton criticized Alabama Republicans for making it more difficult for African-Americans to vote, and she criticized the comments and plans of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. A full video from the event is below.

Tonight, Hillary will be in Columbia, South Carolina as the results from today’s primary are reported. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: AL.com, News On 6, News 9, AL.com, The Plainsman

Hillary Clinton in Iowa and Philadelphia on Wednesday


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton attended a Get out the Caucus event in Iowa before heading to Philadelphia. In Adel, Clinton spoke at the Adel Family Fun Center, a bowling alley whose owner, Bryce Smith, she met last year. She wanted to hold an event at the center because of what Smith has done for the community. Clinton then spoke about her plans for the economy, climate change, clean energy, and heath care. A video from the event is below.

Clinton then went to Philadelphia where she met with African American ministers at Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church in Society Hill. She discussed women’s heath, equal pay, the economy, and criminal justice reform. She told them that, “I want to be your partner, not just your president.” Following the meeting, Clinton then attended a fundraiser in Philadelphia which included a performance by Jon Bon Jovi.

Today, Clinton will attend fundraisers in New York before returning to Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, NBC 10

Clinton Launches African Americans for Hillary

3984Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton launched African Americans for Hillary at a rally in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, Clinton spoke at Clark Atlanta University where she was introduced by Rev. Jesse Jackson. Clinton spoke briefly at the event, but she hinted at her plans for criminal justice reform, something that she is going to be rolling out in the coming days. Clinton voiced her support for legislation that would ban racial profiling and would push to eliminate the distinction between crack and power cocaine in drug sentencing. She also voiced her support for “banning the box” on job applications indicating that someone has been convicted of a crime. She believes that criminal history is something that should be discussed further in the application and background check process. Clinton said, “We have to take on the continuing abuses where oppression is more prevalent than opportunity. We have to create those channels of opportunity so that we go from childhood to adulthood pursuing your dreams, instead of cradle to prison and seeing them die.” A video from the event at Clark Atlanta University is below.

Clinton then traveled to Charleston, South Carolina where she was the keynote speaker at the NAACP’s 98th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. Clinton began her speech by thanking Mayor Joe Riley for his service as Charleston’s Mayor and his leadership following the shooting at Mother Emanuel Church. Clinton vowed to work with the NAACP to prevent racial profiling in South Carolina and across the United States. She pledged to work with Democrats and Republicans to pass meaningful criminal justice reform. She said, “Charleston has been through a lot. This state has been through a lot…The murder of the nine innocents at bible study; it renewed the call to do something about the senseless gun violence that stalks this county… Every American should be safe at school, or at the movies, or at church.” A video of Clinton’s full speech is below.

Today, Clinton is scheduled to will remain in South Carolina. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution, News 2