Clinton Calls for Passage of the Miners Protection Act


Hillary Clinton released a statement on Thursday calling for the passage of the the bipartisan Miners Protection Act, a bill sponsored by Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Joe Manchin (D-WV). The plan would rescue the pension offered by the United Mine Workers (UMW) and ensure that retired miners continue to receive their benefits. UMW will be on Capitol Hill on Thursday to gather support for the bill. In her statement, Clinton expresses her support of the act saying that it will ensure that miners receive the benefits they have earned. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I firmly believe that if you spent your life keeping the lights on for our country, we can’t leave you in the dark. For more than a century, America’s coal miners have put their own health and safety at risk to provide affordable and reliable energy for the nation. They are entitled to the benefits they have earned and the respect they deserve.

That’s why I am proud to stand with Senator Joe Manchin and the United Mine Workers of America in calling on Congressional Republicans to stop playing politics and give the Miners Protection Act a vote before the benefits of these hardworking men and women start expiring later this year.

We also have a shared responsibility to reinvest in the coal communities that have been an engine of American economic growth. That’s why last fall, I proposed a comprehensive revitalization and job creation plan including building 21st-century infrastructure and high-speed broadband, repurposing abandoned minelands and power plants to support new economic activity, and creating a Coal Communities Challenge Fund to support locally-driven economic development priorities in small business, agriculture, health care, tourism, housing, and other industries.

And we need to invest in carbon capture and sequestration, which will reduce emissions from coal and natural gas combustion, and will help us meet the global climate challenge more quickly and at lower cost, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. That’s why I support Senator Heidi Heitkamp and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Act, which Senator Kaine has also co-sponsored.”

Throughout her campaign, Hillary Clinton has stood up for the healthcare and retirement security of American miners and their families and challenged attempts by coal companies, including Patriot Coal, Peabody Energy, Alpha Natural Resources, and Walter Energy to use bankruptcy courts to shirk their responsibilities.

While under pressure some of these companies have since reversed course, a federal backstop is required to protect coal miners, their families, and their communities. Hillary Clinton has called for such a backstop as part of her plan to revitalize coal communities.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Bloomberg, Vincennes Sun-Commercial, Charleston Gazette-Mail

Hillary Clinton Holds Town Hall for Digital Content Creators


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton attended two fundraisers and held a town hall event for digital content creators in Los Angeles, California. During the event, Clinton spoke about her plans to cultivate innovation and assist young people with their startups. Clinton then took questions from those in attendance and spoke about a number of topics including job creation, foreign policy alliances, and her thoughts on Republican Donald Trump.

Clinton also unveiled her Initiative on Technology & Innovation on Tuesday. While some of the details were discussed at an event earlier in the day in Denver, more details were discussed during the evening’s town hall. The extensive plan includes proposals to assist entrepreneurs, improve the technology used in the United States, update existing infrastructure, expand computer science and STEM education, protect user privacy, and make government more technologically efficient. An outline of Clinton’s proposals are below and the full details are available on The Briefing.

  • Spurring entrepreneurship and innovation clusters like Silicon Valley across the country
  • Allowing young entrepreneurs to defer their federal student loans for up to three years
  • Connecting every household in America to high-speed internet by 2020
  • Providing every student in America access to computer science education by the time they graduate
  • Building the Tech Economy on Main Street
    • Providing Every Student in America an Opportunity to Learn Computer Science
    • Engaging the Private Sector to Train up to 50,000 Computer Science Teachers
    • Encouraging Local STEM Education Investments
    • Opening up the Higher Education and Job Training Landscape
    • Rebooting Job Training around Industry Needs and Job Credentials
    • Supporting Programs to Diversify the Tech Workforce
    • Spur Entrepreneurship and Innovation Clusters like Silicon Valley across the Country
    • Support Young Entrepreneurs
    • Attract and Retain the Top Talent from Around the World
    • Invest in Science and Technology R&D
    • Ensure Benefits are Flexible, Portable and Comprehensive
  • Investing in World-Class Digital Infrastructure
    • Close the Digital Divide
    • Launch a “Model Digital Communities” Grant Program
    • Connect More Community Anchor Institutions to High-Speed Internet
    • Deploy 5G Wireless
  • Advancing America’s Global Leadership In Tech & Innovation
    • Fight for an Open Internet Abroad
    • Promote Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance
    • Grow American Technology Exports
    • Promote Cyber-Security
    • Safeguard the Free Flow of Information across Border
    • Update Procedures Concerning Cross-Border Requests for Data by Law Enforcement
  • Setting Rules of the Road to Promote Innovation While Protecting Privacy
    • Promote Healthy Competition at the Federal, State and Local Level
    • Defend Net Neutrality
    • Improve the Patent System to Reward Innovators
    • Effective Copyright Policy
    • Commercial Data Protection
    • Protect Online Privacy as well as Security
  • Engineering a Smarter and More Innovative Government
    • Make Government Simpler and More User Friendly
    • Open up More Government Data for Public Uses

A video from the town hall event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, The Los Angeles Times