Reviewing Hillary Clinton’s Schedule as Secretary of State


Over the past week, several news outlets have been reviewing Hillary Clinton’s daily schedule as Secretary of State. The 3,721 page document was released by the State Department and includes Clinton’s daily schedule from January 22, 2009 to June 30, 2011. Clinton left the State Department in February 2012, and the rest of her daily schedule will be released later this year.

The schedule is interesting because of it’s detail. It is a minute-by-minute account of Clinton’s time as Secretary of State. The schedule includes names of people she met with, countries she visited, and when she was in her office. The report has revealed that Clinton met with a number of people in an official capacity (heads of state, diplomats, etc.), and she met with a number of guests including Bill and Melinda Gates, actor Ben Affleck, and musician Jon Bon Jovi. Clinton has been criticized recently for allegedly meeting with donors to the Clinton Foundation, and some have suggested that Clinton’s time was for sale via donations to the foundation. While there is some overlap between those Clinton met with and donors to the foundation, there is no evidence that any influence was bought.

What the schedule provides is an intimate look at the life of the most traveled Secretary of State in the history of the post. Of course, there were a number of redactions made the State Department, but the extreme detail is interesting to read. A copy of the schedule is embedded below and a full PDF copy can be downloaded HERE.

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News Source: CNBC, The Washington Post, CNN