Bill Clinton Kicks off Bus Tour in Florida


On Friday, Bill Clinton kicked off a campaign bus tour in Florida. He began in Orlando with a speech at the Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly. During the event, he spoke about the importance of the election and its potential impact on education. Bill spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to expand access to early childhood education and her plan to ensure that students graduate from college debt-free. He said that Hillary will be better than Donald Trump on education, jobs, and everything else. Bill said, “You can’t build a wall around yourself or the world in this world of social media. You’ve got to build bridges to empowerment. We are close to being able to rise together again. America needs a ‘What are we going to do about it?’ President.” Watch a video from the event below.

Bil then traveled to Jacksonville where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at a local library. Bill went after Trump for his proposals to scrap the Affordable Care Act saying that we cannot end a law that helped more than 20 million Americans access to health insurance. He also outlined a number of Hillary’s other policies including her plans to invest in the country’s infrastructure, clean energy, and the manufacturing sector. Bill explained that these investments would all lead to new jobs. He wrapped up his speech talking about the importance of voting and ensuring that everyone votes on, or before in the case of Florida, November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Bill’s final event of the day was in Quincy. He focused on a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plans to create new jobs, pass comprehensive immigration reform, and pass sensible gun control that requires background checks and closes a number of loopholes. Bill spoke about the importance of voting and the work that will have to be done after the election to bring the country together for the common good. “That’s what ‘Stronger Together’ means. So you’ve got anger on one side and answers on the other. You’ve got resentment on one side and empowerment on the other. You’ve got endless political conflict and name-calling on one side and the promise of real cooperation on the other. You’ve got walls on one side and bridges on the other,” he said. A video from the event is below.

Meanwhile, in London, a fundraiser was held for Hillary for America. The event was only open to American citizens and included a conversation with John Podesta, Campaign Chair and Wendy Sherman, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WFTV, The Orlando Political Observer, Tallahassee Democrat, The Florida Times-Union

Senator Sanders, Chelsea Clinton Campaign in the West


Senator Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton and local Democrats today in Reno, Nevada. During his speech, Sanders spoke about the importance of electing Clinton and rejecting the divisive rhetoric of Republican Donald Trump. He also spoke about the importance of voting local Democrats into office, especially the United States House and Senate. Sanders went after Trump on several occasions saying, “If we are going to take our country forward in a way that I think all of us know that we have to go, it is absolutely imperative that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States. I think that it is fair to say that based on character, based on policy there has never been in the modern history of this country or maybe the entire history of this country, a candidate less deserving of being elected than Donald Trump.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

In Tempe, Arizona, Chelsea Clinton campaigned on behalf of her mother on the campus of Arizona State University. She outlined Hillary’s experience working with foreign leaders and her history of bipartisanship as a Senator and Secretary of State. Chelsea spoke of the importance of compromise and rejected Trump’s vision of America saying, “There can be no common ground with bigotry. But we have to compromise where we can. I think we need that type of leadership.” She concluded by talking about the importance of voting on November 8th citing the close polls between Hillary and Trump in the typically Republican stronghold of Arizona. Watch a video of Chelsea’s speech below.

Meanwhile, two debate night fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in New York City and featured former Mayor David N. Dinkins and Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan. The second event was held in Newton, Massachusetts and was hosted by the Jewish Community for Hillary.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Reno Gazette Journal, Daily Mail

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Two More Local Newspapers


On Friday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of two major local newspapers. The first was Florida’s Miami Herald. The paper’s editorial board makes their case for Clinton is their opening paragraph saying, “Let’s make clear what the 2016 presidential election isn’t about: It is not about choosing between a bad candidate and a worse one. The narrative that Hillary Clinton is the lesser of two evils is patently wrong. Ms. Clinton is a pragmatic, tough-minded woman of accomplishment and political conviction with a demonstrated mastery of policy. She is politically flawed. However, Donald Trump is a damaged human being.” The board continues by making the case for Clinton by exploring her career and her positions on a number of issues.

The second newspaper added to the growing list of papers backing Clinton is the Idaho Statesman. In their op-ed, the editorial board makes the case for why Clinton is the best candidate for Idaho because of her policies, experience, and history of bipartisanship. Ultimately the board concludes, “Trump’s fantasies about a new country and era where “outsiders” are better equipped to fix Washington will always be undefined and out of reach. The need to compromise could never happen with him in charge. We live in the real world, with real problems that need real solutions. We need someone with pragmatic approaches that include patience and compassion. We need Hillary Clinton to be the next president.” Read the full editorials by clicking the links in the article or the links in the news source section below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Miami Herald, Idaho Statesman

Hillary Campaigns in MA, VA on Eve of Super Tuesday


On Monday, Hillary Clinton was on the campaign trail for the final day before tomorrow’s Super Tuesday primaries. Clinton began her day in Massachusetts attending Get Out the Vote events in Springfield and Boston. Speaking to a crowd of over 700 in Springfield, Clinton focused on jobs and eliminating the benefits companies are receiving for outsourcing jobs to countries overseas. She spoke about a number of other platform points before asking voters to support her in tomorrow’s primary saying, “Massachusetts is right in the middle of it and I need your help. I need your help to go and vote tomorrow and bring people to go with you.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

In Boston, Clinton spoke to supporters at the Old South Meeting House. She used her speech to turn her attention to Republicans and how her plans contrast from theirs. Clinton spoke about several platform points including heath care, the economy, and making higher education more affordable, but she also spoke about bipartisanship. She said that while Republicans have failed to compromise, the founders of this country relied on it adding that, “Democracy requires that we play well with others.” A video from her speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton then attended a Get Out the Vote event in Fairfax, Virginia. During her speech, she turned attention way from the primaries and focused on her strategy against the Republican Party. She criticized Republicans for threatening to take America backwards by re-introducing trickle-down economics, privatizing Social Security, and repealing the Affordable Care Act. Clinton said that the next president needs to build upon what is in place. In addition, she criticized Republicans for rolling back voter rights and standing in the way of women’s rights and LBGT rights saying, “It doesn’t seem like the Republicans respect anybody’s rights except the wealthy and well-connected.” A video from the speech is below.

In Norfolk, Clinton spoke at Lake Taylor Senior High School where she continued to go after Republicans and focused on her platform and plans for the future. She spoke about the importance of foreign policy and working with our Muslim allies to fight ISIS. Clinton said that Trump’s comments play into the hands of ISIS. She said, “It’s not only offensive, it’s dangerous. It matters what you say when you run for president. And it really matters if you are president.” A video from the Norfolk event is below.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday! Chelsea and Bill are expected to join Hillary in Florida tomorrow night for a Super Tuesday Event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WAVY, News 10, WRGB, Boston Globe

Hillary on CNN’s State of the Union

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On Sunday morning, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Jake Tapper in a prerecorded interview on CNN’s State of the Union. Tapper asked Clinton about her Nevada Caucus win and what she needs to do going forward to win the Democratic nomination. Clinton and Tapper also discussed a number of her platform points including the economy and finding common ground with Republicans. She was also asked about foreign policy points including the United States’ support of Israel. Watch the full interview below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Chicago


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton returned to home town of Chicago for fundraisers and a public Get Out the Vote event. During the public event, Clinton took the opportunity to criticize the Republican administration in Illinois for rolling back the progress in the state. She recalled politics a number of decades ago when Republicans and Democrats could work together despite their disagreements. She vowed to be a president who stood up for what was right, but work with Republicans to get things done. She also spoke about a number of platform topics including heath care and gun control. A video from her speech is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will return to Nevada before this weekend’s caucus. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Chicago Tribune

Bill, Chelsea, Meier Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, a number of events in support of Hillary Clinton were held across the country. In the Midwest, Chelsea Clinton attended events in Kansas and Nebraska. She began the day by attending a Get Out the Vote event in Overland Park. During her speech, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her dedication to protecting women’s rights, voter rights, and LGBT rights. She also spoke about Hillary’s experience with compromise saying, “I do believe we fundamentally need a president who knows when to stand her ground, but also does know how to find common ground.” While in Overland Park, Chelsea also attended a fundraiser at the home of Jackie and Lynn Johnson.

Chelsea wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Caucus event in Omaha, Nebraska. During the event, she framed her mother as a political realist who knows how to stand up for what she believes in, but knows how to compromise. Her speech was similar to one that she gave earlier in the day in Overland Park, Kansas. Chelsea asked those in attendance for their support in the upcoming caucus on March 5.

Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary in New York City. He attended three fundraisers beginning with an event hosted by Bal Das, Valérie Demont, and Seema Hingorani. The second event of the day was held at Brooklyn Bowl. The final event was held at the home of John Fitzpatrick. As with all private events, they were closed to the public.

In Texas, Hillary for America Director of Policy Outreach Ed Meier hosted a fundraiser in Austin. The event is part of a series hosted by Hillary for America covering a number of platform topics.

Tomorrow, Chelsea Clinton will host a number of events in Colorado and Nevada. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, KCTV

Bill, Chelsea, Albright, McCaskill, and McAuliffe Campaign for Hillary


Today, Hillary for America pulled off a multi-state campaign with a cast of supporters. In New Hampshire, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe traveled across the sate to meet with volunteers and supporters. While anyone was welcome at the events, he did not host any public rallies or events.

In Iowa, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Senator Claire McCaskill met with volunteers and encouraged voters to caucus for Hillary. At the same time, Chelsea Clinton attended two organizing events in Davenport and Iowa City. During the events, Chelsea highlighted her mom’s qualifications and plans, and how they differ from her Republican rivals. Attacking Republicans she said, “I don’t remember this kind of the racist, homophobic, jingoistic, sexist, misogynistic rhetoric that seems to have become normalized, and ever be given as much attention and being treated as if somehow serious.”

Bill Clinton was in Iowa as well. His events were in Council Bluffs and Fort Dodge. On his second day in the state, Bill continued with the theme from the day before touting his wife’s resume and the key differences between electing a Democratic president versus a Republican president. Bill also spoke about Hillary’s experience with reaching out and compromising with Republicans, something she did as First Lady and as a Senator. He wrapped up his speech in Council Bluffs saying, “I believe in all my heart that we can be a better country.”


The final event of the day was in Des Moines where both Bill and Chelsea spoke to the crowd. They spoke about similar topics and urged attendees to caucus for Hillary on February 1. A video from the joint appearance is available on C-SPAN. Videos from today’s events in Iowa and New Hampshire will be posted when/if available.

Hillary for America will likely continue to have a number of supporters appearing on Hillary’s behalf as we get closer to the primaries. Hillary is currently preparing for tomorrow night’s Democratic Debate in Charleston, South Carolina. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Roanoke Times, WOWT, Iowa City Press-Citizen, KWWL, Waterloo Cedar Fall Courier

World Affairs Council International Speakers Series

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke last night at the World Affairs Council International Speakers Series in Portland, Oregon. While she spoke on a wide variety of topics during her speech and a Q&A session that followed, Clinton continued to voice her concern with the extreme partisanship in American politics. She has been particualrly discouraged by the lack of comprise and urged voters, “Don’t vote for people who proudly tell you they won’t compromise.”

The video above is a news report from Portland’s KOIN news station. A full video will be posted if/when one becomes available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source:  The Oregonian

Drug, Chemical, & Associated Technologies Association Dinner

Thursday, March 13, 2014

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The surprise speaker at the 88th Annual Drug, Chemical, & Associated Technologies Association Dinner in New York this year was Hillary Rodham Clinton. The speaker for the event was not announced in advance. Clinton spoke about a number of topics including Ukraine, politics, and the fact that compromise is not a bad thing.

There is currently no video available for the event, but one will be posted if/when one is available.

News Source: Still4Hill

Image Source: Instagram