Bill and Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary/Kaine


On Wednesday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. At a rally in Orlando, Florida, Bill spoke about a number of Hillary’s plans including creating new jobs, improving the economy, and passing immigration reform. He also spoke about something important to him, the Clinton Foundation. The foundation has come under fire recently for claims that donors were given special access to Hillary when she was Secretary of State. While there is not evidence to support his claim, Donald Trump’s Trump Foundation has been fined for an illegal donation to Florida state Attorney General Pam Bondi. Bill took the attacks on the Clinton Foundation personally saying that Trump “attacked my foundation. I think that’s because he knew they [the news media] were about to report that he used his foundation to give money to your attorney general.” A video from the rally is below.

In Pennsylvania, Chelsea attended two events. The first was an organizing event in Carlisle where she spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform proposals including her plans to ensure women receive equal pay, improvement to the health care system, and introducing common sense gun control. Chelsea then traveled to State College where she spoke with supporters at the local Democratic National Committee office. Chelsea was there to help launch a local phone bank initiative, and she spoke about the importance of voting in November. “I hope you’ll keep having conversations about why it’s so important to register to vote,” she told the group. A video of Chelsea’s remarks in Carlisle are below.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in Miami, Florida where Bill Clinton and Hall of Fame Star Alonzo Mourning spoke with supporters at The Fillmore. Then, Melanne Verveer attended a fundraiser for American citizens living in Taipei, Taiwan.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Orlando Sentinel, Fox 43, Daily Collegian