CNN To Air Clinton Documentary Monday

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On Monday, CNN will air back-to-back documentaries about the presidential candidates. At 8pm ET, “Unfinished Business: The Essential Hillary Clinton” will air. That will be followed by “All Business: The Essential Donald Trump.” The documentaries will provide an in depth look at the careers of both candidates and feature interviews with the candidates, friends, colleagues, and family members. Watch the documentaries live on CNN or on CNNgo.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CNN, Variety

Clinton Says She has “No Excuses” for Email Controversy


In an exclusive phone interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, Hillary Clinton was asked about a number of issues including recent revelations that the FBI has recovered 15,000 emails from her email server. Clinton responded by saying, “When I try to explain what happened, it can sound like I’m trying to excuse what I did. And there are no excuses.” Cooper also asked Clinton about her lack of press conferences and the attacks waged by Republican Donald Trump. An audio only video from the interview is below.

While on the west coast, Clinton attended two fundraisers in California. In the Los Angeles area on Tuesday, she attended a fundraiser at the home of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. Other celebrities attending the event were Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx, and Tobey Maguire. Then, on Wednesday, Clinton attended a fundraiser in the San Francisco area. The event was hosted by Apple CEO Tim Cook.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CNN, CBS News, Fortune, CNN

Clinton Campaign Reinforces Clinton’s Good Health


Today, Hillary for America released a fact sheet combating conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health. The release references the official physicians report released by Clinton’s doctor in 2015 and denies all allegations that Clinton’s health is failing. The full release is below.

Trump Pushes Deranged Conspiracy About Clinton’s Health To Distract From Tax Return Questions

Facing withering criticism from national media outlets, state editorial boards and even some Republican allies over his refusal to release his tax returns, Donald Trump is once again peddling deranged conspiracy theories in a desperate attempt to change the subject – this time with absurd and debunked claims about Hillary Clinton’s health.

This is hardly the first time Trump and his allies have donned tin foil hats when things weren’t going his way.  When his back was previously up against the wall, he’s suggested President Obama was a Muslim with ISIS sympathies, that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered and that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Now, with the help of his well-oiled network of conspiracy peddlers – from Roger Stone to Sean Hannity – Trump is desperately trying to give life to already busted myths about the health of a woman whose stamina and focus was publicly lauded following an 11 hours long hearing about the tragedy in Benghazi.

Per his long pattern, Trump will clearly say or do anything to avoid the barrage of questions only his tax returns can answer: Whether he’s worth as much as he dubiously claims?  Whether his pro-Kremlin policies stem from financial conflicts of interest with Russian oligarchs?  Or whether he actually gives as much as he says to charity?

“While it is dismaying to see the Republican nominee for president push deranged conspiracy theories in a foreign policy speech, it’s no longer surprising,” said Jennifer Palmieri. “Donald Trump is simply parroting lies based on fabricated documents promoted by Roger Stone and his right wing allies. Hillary Clinton has released a detailed medical record showing her to be in excellent health plus her personal tax returns since 1977, while Trump has failed to provide the public with the most basic financial information disclosed by every major candidate in the last 40 years. It’s time for him to stop using shameful distractions to hide his own record.”

Two Deranged, Debunked Conspiracies About Clinton’s Health

The Doctors’ Letters

Trump confidant and discredited conspiracy peddler Roger Stone and his right-wing allies have been pushing fake medical documents supposedly leaked from Hillary Clinton’s physician that purport to show grave health problems.

However, here’s a statement from the actual Dr. Lisa Bardack, Hillary Clinton’s real internist and Chairman of the Department of Medicine at CareMount Medical, debunking the veracity of these false documents:

“As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health.  I have recently been made aware of allegedly ‘leaked’ medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States.”

Here’s a link to the actual medical records about Hillary Clinton released by Dr. Bardack (written on actual letterhead) with the concluding summary directly below:

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 Now compare that to the medical records released from Donald Trump’s gastroenterologist – not internist — that makes several peculiar claims that Kurt Eichenwald, senior writer at Newsweek, dissected in a must watch segment on CNN this morning:

  1. Eichenwald: “This is not a real letter because what you have, number one, it’s not from an internist. It’s from a doctor who treats digestive problems.”

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  1. Eichenwald: “He says that all of Mr. Trump’s medical tests are positive. That means that everything he was tested for, he has. No competent or real doctor would write this.”

Only Positive Results

  1. Eichenwald: “It also says such things as ‘Donald Trump will be the healthiest president in the history of the United States.’ That sounds a lot like Donald Trump.”

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  1. Eichenwald: “It doesn’t have a real letter letterhead. The letterhead was written on Microsoft Word.”

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Hannity Drafts Urologist To Diagnose Potential Head Trauma Via Video Tape

To push the baseless narrative about lingering head trauma, Trump surrogate Sean Hannity drafted a urologist – not a neurologist – wearing a white physician’s coat to help diagnose whether a video tape was evidence of repercussions from previous head trauma.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on CNN

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On Thursday night, following the terrorist attack in Nice, France, Hillary Clinton was interviewed via telephone by CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Appearing on Anderson Cooper 360, Clinton and Cooper discussed the attacks, and she spoke about how the United States needs to approach the war against radical jihadists. She stressed the importance of working with our allies and gathering intelligence to combat terrorism across the globe. A video of the interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Mediaite

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on CNN, PBS

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On Friday, Hillary Clinton appeared on CNN where she was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. During the interview, Blitzer asked Clinton about the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation into her email practices as Secretary of State. She said, “It was a mistake for me to use personal email. And I regret that. I am certainly relieved and glad that the investigation has concluded but I also know how important it is to make sure everybody understands that I would certainly not do that again.” The State Department has opened an inquiry into Clinton’s email use as well as email use in the department.

Clinton and Blitzer also discussed recent racial tensions including the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and the murder of five police officers in Dallas. Clinton responded saying that we need to more as a country to respect each other and the police. She spoke about her proposed plans for criminal justice reform saying that there needs to be a clearer guideline for police to use force, and more needs to be done to protect our law enforcement officers. A video from the interview is below.

Update: Clinton also spoke with Judy Woodruff for PBS NewHour. During the interview, Clinton called for a national standard for police forces to follow in light of the events in Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Dallas. Woodruff also asked Clinton about the FBI’s investigation into her email server. Clinton challenged the call by many Republicans to revoke her access to classified material. She argued that she has been mindful of sensitive information saying, “Well, I think there is a lot of evidence to that, based on eight years as a senator handling a lot of classified material, based as four years as a secretary of state, handling classified material, which, in my view, didn’t include what was sent on an unclassified system, and certainly was the judgment of the hundreds of people with experience and expertise who dealt with me.” A video of the interview is below and a transcript is available HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: PBS, CNN

Hillary Clinton Pens Open Letter to Charleston


On the one year anniversary of the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church that claimed the lives of nine people, Hillary Clinton published an open letter to the citizens of Charleston, South Carolina remembering the victims of the shooting. Clinton mentioned each victim by name before discussing the work that still needs to be done to enact stronger gun control laws including provisions that would require a background check before the purchase of a firearm and barring those on the FBI’s terrorist watch list from purchasing a gun. A copy of Clinton’s letter is below:

Friends —

One year ago today, our nation lost nine precious lives. They were mothers and fathers, students and coaches, pastors and choir members. They were men and women of faith, each filled with passion and love, and with so much left to give. For many, time has done little to dull the pain of their loss. I still remember my grief and confusion when I heard the news. But their deaths have not been in vain.

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things,” Scripture teaches us. “Love never fails.”

On that evening in the “Mother Emanuel” AME Church, Clementa, Cynthia, Susie, Ethel, DePayne, Tywanza, Daniel, Sharonda and Myra lived out the lessons of their faith, like always — welcoming a stranger for prayer and fellowship, offering love without a second thought.

Their spirit of love remained long after they were gone. In court, one by one, grieving parents and siblings looked at the young man who had taken so much from them and said, “I forgive you.” And the entire Charleston community — black and white, Christian, Muslim and Jewish, and so many others — came together to stand up to hate and bigotry, providing love to one another instead.

Filled with that love, we have made progress. The Confederate flag that flew on the South Carolina State House grounds has been removed. Young people have called out for much-needed reforms to our criminal justice system. Mothers who lost their children to gun violence are channeling their grief into action and turning their mourning into a movement for common-sense gun reform.

But we have much more to do.

Another mass shooting, in Orlando, broke our hearts earlier this week. An average of 90 people a day are killed by gun violence in our country. This must stop. A good first step is closing the “Charleston Loophole” in our gun laws, which allows a person otherwise prohibited from buying a gun — such as a domestic abuser or other violent criminal — to buy one if a background check isn’t completed within three business days. This loophole allowed the alleged Charleston shooter to buy his gun despite his prior arrest record. How many more innocent people need to be cut down before we act and close this dangerous loophole?

On that terrible evening and every day since, Americans across the country have joined our hearts with the people of Charleston and South Carolina. Millions of Americans are still walking with them — in grief, solidarity and determination.

In the spirit of the Charleston Nine, let’s bridge our divides, fight for change and remember that love never fails.

With solidarity and warm regards, I am

Sincerely yours,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clinton Pens Op-Ed on LGBT Equality in America


On Friday, CNN published an op-ed written by Hillary Clinton focusing on LGBT equality in America. In the piece, Clinton says that America is moving forward with the recent Supreme Court ruling and some states banning employers for firing an employee because of their sexual orientation. She warns, however, that Republican nominee Donald Trump has called himself a “traditional guy” when it comes to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights. Trump has said that he would support the First Amendment Defense Act, which would allow organizations to deny services to LGBT people citing their religious beliefs as their reason. Clinton vowed to keep fighting for equal rights for everyone and supports the Equality Act ensuring federal equality for all LGBT Americans. The full op-ed can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clinton Responds to State Department Report Criticizing Private Email Use


Earlier this week, the State Department Inspector General released the findings of their investigation into the state of department email security, including Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. The report is critical of Clinton’s decision to exclusively use a private email address and not one that was government issues. The report said that Clinton did not seek approval before using an alternate email address, and the Inspector General said that she did not follow proper procedures in turning over all work related email before leaving the State Department. All emails have since been turned over.

The report is also critical of the State Department admitting that the current policies for record preservation are outdated and the technology is outdated as well. The report mentions former Secretaries of State that used private email addresses and failed to turn over any work related content. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a personal email address to conduct government business, but he has stated that he is unable to turn over records because they no longer exist. While Clinton is not the first Secretary of State to use a private email address to conduct business, she is the first to exclusively use a private server.

Clinton and team immediately responded, and she spoke to several news outlets by phone to address the report. Clinton spoke with reporters from Univision, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN, all of which asked a number of questions surrounding the report and its findings. Clinton, once again, admitted that using a private email server was a mistake, but she quickly turned the conversation to the election and Republican nominee Donald Trump. Speaking with Chuck Todd on MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily, she said, “I said this many times, it was still a mistake. If I could go back, I would do it differently. And I understand people have concerns about this, but I hope and expect voters to look at the full picture of everything I’ve done and stand for. And the full threat posed by Donald Trump. If they do, I have faith in the American people that they will make the right choice.”

The State Department’s review is the first report regarding her emails to be released. A report from the FBI is expected to be released sometime this summer. A full copy of the State Department’s report can be read HERE. Clinton has said on several occasions that she wants the emails from her private server available to the public in the interest of transparency. The State Department released the final batch of emails at the end of February. Since the release of the emails was part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), all the emails were posted to the State Department’s FOIA website. To access the emails, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Type “F-2014-20439” in the Case Number field
  3. Click on the arrow next to the “Posted Date” column header and select “Sort Descending” so that the recently released documents show first
  4. Click the title of the document in the “Subject” field to open a PDF copy

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, The Washington Post, Business Insider, CNN, Politico

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by CNN, Attends Chicago Fundraisers

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Today, Hillary Clinton was interviewed on CNN by Jake Tapper. The exclusive interview was about half an hour long, and Tapper asked Clinton about a variety of topics including her primary battle with Senator Bernie Sanders, a number of her platform points, and her thoughts on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. When asked whether she thought Trump is qualified to be president, she replied with a simple “no.” She added, “I know how hard this job is, and I know that we need steadiness as well as strength and smarts in it, and I have concluded he is not qualified to be president of the United States.” She went on to criticize a number of Trump’s proposals arguing that they would not make America safer, but would actually make it more vulnerable in the long run. Parts one and two of the interview are below.

Clinton also attended two fundraisers in the Chicago, Illinois. The first event was held in Park Ridge and was hosted by Beth and George Drost, Tracey and Charles Drost, and Betsy Ebeling. The second event was in the city and hosted by Barbara Burrell, Leslie Carey, Frank Clark, Les Coney, Nelda Connors, Dedrea and Paul Gray, Pat Harris, Elzie Higginbottom, John Hooker, Monica Hughson, Wilbur C. Milhouse, Langdon Neal, Marty Nesbitt, Tracey and Chaka Patterson, Desirée Rogers, John Rogers, Jason Tyler, Monica Walker, and Frank White.

Meanwhile, in Miami, Florida, Hillary for America held a fundraiser. The event included a conversation with Campaign Manager Robby Mook.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by Anderson Cooper

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On Wednesday, following her loss in Indiana and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump now being the presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. During the interview, Cooper asked Clinton about the Democratic race and whether she thought it was over. She said that in 2008 she fought until June, and she expects Bernie Sanders to do the same. Cooper also asked if she was ready to take on Trump in the general election to which she replied with a resounding yes. She spoke about Trump saying, “I don’t think we can take a risk on a loose cannon like Donald Trump running our country. I do think he is a loose cannon, and loose cannons tend to misfire.” A full video from the interview is below.

Today, Clinton also attended a “Break Down Barriers” conversation in Washington, DC hosted by Women for Hillary. The event featured a number of panelists including Eva Longoria, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Ilyse Hogue, and Maya Harris. The event was moderated by Cheryl Mills.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN