Review: Newspapers Endorsing Hillary Clinton


Hillary for America released the following rundown of all the newspapers from across the country that have endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

As Republicans abandon Donald Trump in an act of self-preservation – coming to the long overdue conclusion they could have made months ago – newspapers across the country continue to show near-unanimous agreement in endorsing Hillary Clinton for President. One newspaper, The Columbus Dispatch, is endorsing a Democrat for the first time in 100 years.

From Florida and Pennsylvania to Colorado and Ohio, editorial boards continued to weigh in this week to make the affirmative case that Hillary Clinton is, by far, the best choice for President.

A selection of this week’s endorsements include:


Tampa Bay Times: Times Recommends: Hillary Clinton for President

October 6, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton is the only candidate for president with the values, experience and knowledge to meet the challenges at home and abroad. Donald Trump is stunningly unprepared and temperamentally unfit for the presidency, and he has played upon our deepest fears and worst impulses with reckless rhetoric, wild promises and flagrant disregard for the truth. His bombast makes for entertaining television, but it is not suited for the Oval Office.

Sun Sentinel: Sun Sentinel Editorial Board Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

September 30, 2016

Excerpt: The very bottom line? Trump is not qualified. Hillary is fully qualified to serve as president of the United States. Use your vote to swing this swing state to Hillary.


The Hawk Eye: Our Endorsement – Hillary Clinton

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton should be — and we believe will be — the next president of the United States. It will be as historic an election — the first woman to be elected president — as it was in 2008 when Barack Obama became the first black American to win the presidency.

Clinton Herald: Why Hillary Clinton is Best Choice for President

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton’s record of public service and detailed knowledge of the complex and imposing issues the nation will confront in the next four years make her the superior choice to become the next president.


The Columbus Dispatch: For President | Trump unfit, Clinton is qualified

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: For us, the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is not pleasant, but it isn’t difficult. Republican candidate Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States. Democrat Hillary Clinton, despite her flaws, is well-equipped for the job.

Cleveland Plain Dealer: In the Matter of Our Endorsement for the President of the United States of America…

October 9, 2016

  • Elizabeth Sullivan: “In a head-to-head, it’s evident despite her flaws that she understands diplomacy, she knows how to work the room on Capitol Hill, she understands the power of words and how to use them and – most important of all – she will not be reckless. Let me repeat that: Hillary Clinton will not be reckless. Trump will, it’s guaranteed. There is only one choice this year to keep Donald Trump out of the White House and to ensure a rational, non catastrophic next four years. That is a vote for Hillary.”
  • Sharon Broussard: “If you could stomach it, Trump would be great entertainment on a political reality show. But the Oval Office is the real deal and he should be nowhere near it. Vote for Clinton.”
  • Thomas Suddes: “You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or for that matter to loathe Donald Trump to consider Clinton the better presidential prospect. She is. Demonstrably.”
  • Mark Vosburgh: “But the words he has used during the campaign are what mark him as unfit for public office, or even a stool at a respectable tavern. His utterances are the most reckless, untruthful and hateful of any major-party presidential candidate in the 44 years that I have been of voting age. […] So, by default, I voted to endorse Clinton and will mark by ballot accordingly.”


The Tribune Democrat: Hillary Clinton the Only Choice for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: For all his rhetoric and brash statements, Trump has provided no specific plans for making America “great again” – his campaign pledge – nothing to generate confidence in how he would operate in the White House. […] The job of president requires resolve, refinement, vision and a dose of humility – none of which Trump has displayed during the campaign. The Democratic nominee is the only viable candidate for president.

Penn Live: For President, the Only Choice is Hillary Clinton

October 6, 2016

Excerpt: Our endorsement here, then, is based on an examination of the challenges facing the nation and the candidate best-suited to address them. That candidate, hands down, is Hillary Clinton.


Las Vegas Sun: We Endorse Clinton for President and Implore Voters to be Responsible

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: With absolute confidence in her abilities and our nation’s bright future, we enthusiastically endorse Hillary Clinton for president.


Raleigh News & Observer: For President: Hillary Clinton

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: As a candidate, Clinton will not win by dividing and offering hollow promises of huge tax cuts and restoring some mythical former America. She will win on knowledge, competence and grit. On the campaign trail, she connects with crowds by acknowledging their needs and raising their hopes. Trump says America is in decline. Clinton sees it rising into the promise of a new century. No candidate has ever been more qualified. She will be an excellent president. Vote for Hillary Clinton.

The Charlotte Observer: For president: A Flawed, But Capable, Clinton

October 1, 2016

Excerpt: But the sum of Clinton’s flaws adds up to far less than the danger of Donald Trump. The Republican nominee is a man unfit for the presidency, and one who would steer our country toward peril. For that reason alone – although there are others – we endorse Hillary Clinton for president.

ALABAMA Endorsement: We’re with Hillary Clinton. Frankly, Donald Trump’s dangerous.

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Donald Trump must not be president.

The Cullman Times: Clinton Only Choice for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Trump shows little understanding of the complexities of domestic and international challenges. His thin skin, impulsiveness and temperament make him a high risk in tense situations. He of- fers no ideas on how to address increasing racial unrest in urban cities. He cavalierly promises to destroy ISIS with military power and illegal torture. He talks of abandoning NATO and terminating longstanding defense agreements with Japan and South Korea. If elected, there is a strong possibility he might isolate the United States from the world no matter the dire consequences.


The Fresno Bee: Clinton Will Give More Americans an Opportunity to Succeed

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Based on her positions on the big issues of our time – the economy, taxes, immigration, the global war on terrorism, policing, gun control and climate change – and her huge edge in public service experience and temperament over her chief rival, we recommend Hillary Clinton as the strong, steady and compassionate leader America needs in the White House.

Ventura County Star: Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: When you vote for president, the Ventura County Star Editorial Board strongly urges you to select Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump does not have the personal qualities, experience, temperament or values to be president of the United States. More than that, we believe a Trump presidency could be dangerous for the future of this nation, domestically and particularly in our relations with the world.


The Denver Post: It’s an Easy Call: Hillary Clinton for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Democrat Hillary Clinton, the first woman ever to win a major-party nomination, is without question the most qualified candidate in the race for president and an easy call to make when considering the challenges confronting the nation. Her nearly 40 years in public life have instilled in her the temperament she needs to face the many challenges that await.


The Day: Hillary Clinton is the Candidate Ready to Lead

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Americans must reject promises that industrial jobs can suddenly be restored by renegotiating trade deals, a tactic that instead invites economically damaging trade wars. They must reject a huckster who says he can quickly dispatch of our enemies with a secret plan. They must reject the un-American notions of rounding up millions of people for mass deportation or banning, because of irrational fears, members of a specific religious group from entering our country.  They must reject a candidate who ignores the scientific evidence of man-made climate change and who would roll back hard-won reproductive rights for women. Instead they should elect the candidate who has demonstrated she is ready for the job. The Day endorses Hillary Clinton for president.

The Hartford Courant: The Courant Endorses Hillary Clinton

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: America needs a president who will lead with reason, not instinct; who will unite, not divide. Mrs. Clinton has, as President Barack Obama said, the compassion and the heart for the job.


The Daily Citizen: Hillary Clinton is Our Choice for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: We believe Democrat Hillary Clinton’s policies, plans and ambitions offer more balance and reliability for the nation than gambling on the risky promises of Republican Donald Trump. She has the political leadership competencies to steer a steady course in a time of increasing turmoil at home and around the world.


Effingham Daily News: Our View: Effingham Daily News Endorses Clinton

October 6, 2016

Excerpt: Trump is not qualified to lead and should not be elected. Agreeing are high-ranking members of the party he has usurped with bombastic appeals to fear and intolerance. We question his competence to lead anything, much less this nation. He is a man so full of insecurities, paranoia and outright bigotry that his only accomplishment during an unlikely run for the presidency has been to divide this country even more than it already was – something we thought impossible a year ago.


Tribune Star: For presidency, Clinton the Clear Choice

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton is clearly the better choice to serve as America’s 45th president in a complex world. Her skill set and experience match the deep and broad demands of that difficult office. Trump, through his immature actions and statements, has conclusively proven that he represents a threat to the republic and the values upon which its foundation was built.

Kokomo Tribune: Hillary Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: He has a disturbing self-heralded history of womanizing. He battled with one of our nation’s Gold Star families. He boasts he was “smart” to avoid paying federal income taxes and uses business debt for self-enrichment. He doesn’t share the values important to Hoosiers: generosity, humility and servanthood. We know who we are. We know Hillary Clinton’s record of public service and intricate knowledge of domestic and foreign policy make her the best choice for president.


Bangor Daily News: Hillary Clinton Has the Vision, Experience and Temperament to Serve as Our Next President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: For us, the choice isn’t between the proverbial lesser of two evils. The choice is between voting for someone committed to a life of public service who has the experience, the intelligence and the temperament to lead the nation versus someone who is committed only to himself, who lies constantly and who regularly displays a lack of self-control.


The Boston Globe: Hillary Clinton for President

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: This election isn’t a close call. Only one candidate on the ballot Nov. 8 belongs anywhere near the White House, and it’s Hillary Clinton. The Globe enthusiastically endorses her candidacy, and urges voters to run, not walk, to their nearest polling place when early voting begins in Massachusetts on Oct. 24.


The Joplin Globe: Our View: A Nation at Risk

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: When it comes to the future security of America — the most important issue of our time — Clinton is the candidate who makes the most sense.

St. Louis Post Dispatch: Hillary Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: The presidency is the most revered office in the land and America’s most precious possession. In Donald Trump’s hands, it would be a plaything. Clinton understands what an awesome responsibility it is to lead a nation because she has spent the bulk of her adult life participating in that very endeavor. That’s why she remains: America’s only choice.


Press Republican: Why We Support Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Clinton is a smart, strong woman who has the experience, wisdom, restraint and intricate knowledge needed to deal with war, terrorism, nuclear threats and the many other challenges America faces in dangerous times.

Niagara Gazette: We Endorse Hillary Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: In this year’s presidential race, only one candidate has any idea what it means to serve something greater than self or the proven ability to do so, and that candidate is Hillary Clinton. Clinton has significant experience as a public servant, including eight years as First Lady, eight as a U.S. Senator and four as Secretary of State. She is smart, diplomatic, poised and worldly. She has a clear-eyed take on the universe and her place in it. She is an adult.


McAlester News-Capital: MC-C Endorses Hillary Clinton

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Simply put, Clinton is the one candidate who presents the opportunity for steady, reliable leadership abroad and here at home. Trump’s policies, meanwhile, represent a dark, dangerous direction for the nation if implemented. As America struggles with political and racial division, the president of this country needs to have a calm, reasoned approach and be a unifier — not a divider. Trump’s comments and positions on immigration are inflammatory and insulting to a huge swath of Americans.

Enid News & Eagle: Hillary Clinton is Our Choice for Commander in Chief

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: Realistically, we have only two candidates for president, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, though other names will appear on the ballot. As has been demonstrated time and again in recent months, Trump does not have the skills, experience or temperament to hold office. For voters, Clinton is the only reasonable choice.


Myrtle Beach Sun News: Clinton By Far the Better Choice for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Clinton is the better choice for president because of her knowledge and command of critical issues and policy, domestic and foreign, her experience and long service to people, and her temperament. She has served as secretary of state, U.S. senator and First Lady. We understand that many people do not trust Clinton; we do not fully understand why so many who resent or fear her simply accept Trump’s many shortcomings as a potential president.


The Olympian: Clinton for President? In a heartbeat

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: This election needs to be over. Our country needs Hillary Clinton. It’s time.

The Seattle Times: The Times Recommends: Hillary Clinton, the Only for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Clinton has demonstrated courage, strength and resilience — the traits we especially value in a president. She does this not by tweets and talking tough but through unflagging public service through personal and political crises that would crumble an ordinary person.


The Register Herald: Trump Video is the Final Straw: We Are With Her

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: She has the temperament, the ability and the experience to lead this nation.

Trump does not. At the end of the day, this is an easy call. Hillary Clinton is the candidate better positioned by a country mile to lead our country.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph: Endorsement: Hillary Clinton is Best Prepared for the Presidency

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton has the credentials, political knowledge and battle-tested competence to deal with the consequential issues the nation will confront in the next four years. She is qualified to become our 45th president.

Other recent endorsements include:

The Atlantic: Against Donald Trump

October 5, 2016

Excerpt: In its founding statement, The Atlantic promised that it would be “the organ of no party or clique,” and our interest here is not to advance the prospects of the Democratic Party, nor to damage those of the Republican Party. If Hillary Clinton were facing Mitt Romney, or John McCain, or George W. Bush, or, for that matter, any of the leading candidates Trump vanquished in the Republican primaries, we would not have contemplated making this endorsement. We believe in American democracy, in which individuals from various parties of different ideological stripes can advance their ideas and compete for the affection of voters. But Trump is not a man of ideas. He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a liar. He is spectacularly unfit for office, and voters—the statesmen and thinkers of the ballot box—should act in defense of American democracy and elect his opponent.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by LeBron James


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of NBA star LeBron James. His op-ed was published by Business Insider and can be read below.

LeBron James: Why I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton
Business Insider
By LeBron James
October 2, 2016

Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. Below is the op-ed he has written about his decision, which he has exclusively provided to Business Insider. The op-ed will also be published in the print edition of the Akron Business Journal on Monday.

Two years ago, I told you I was coming home to Northeast Ohio — where I was born and raised. When I came back, I had two missions.

In June, thanks to my teammates and all your support, I accomplished my on-the-court mission. We came back from being down 3-1 in the NBA Finals to finally grab what we’ve waited 52 long years for: a championship in Northeast Ohio.

Holding that trophy was beyond words. It still hasn’t hit me. But for me, coming home was never just about basketball.

As a kid, I didn’t have much money. It was just my mom and me, and things were rough at times. But I had basketball. That gave me a family, a community, and an education. That’s more than a lot of children in Akron can say. There are a lot of people who want to tell kids who grew up like me and looked like me that they just don’t have anything to look forward to.

That’s dead wrong. And that’s why I came back to Cleveland to continue my second mission. I am determined to make sure my kids in Akron have what they need to become their best selves. Opportunities, a support system, and a safety net for kids in poverty or kids in single-parent households shouldn’t be limited to those lucky enough to be blessed with athletic talent.

When I entered the league, I founded the LeBron James Family Foundation. I didn’t know it at the time, but my mission has become clear. We give kids in Akron the resources and opportunities they need to stay in school and reach their dreams through education.

I don’t want to see any of them fall through the cracks. That easily could have happened to me.

But I was fortunate enough to have support and mentors around me who kept me on the right path. That’s what we’re giving these kids through my foundation. And when someone believes in you, that changes everything.

I’m so proud of the more than 1,100 students in my Wheels for Education and Akron I PROMISE Network programs. We’re working on year six now, and my kids have big plans for their futures.

A lot of them didn’t think college was for them, but now I hear they want to become things like doctors and business owners. We even have a future astrophysicist. I can’t wait to see how far these kids can go.

I also tell all my kids how important it is that they give back to the community. Because if basketball has taught me anything, it’s that no one achieves greatness alone. And it takes everyone working together to create real change.

When I look at this year’s presidential race, it’s clear which candidate believes the same thing. Only one person running truly understands the struggles of an Akron child born into poverty. And when I think about the kinds of policies and ideas the kids in my foundation need from our government, the choice is clear.

That candidate is Hillary Clinton.

I support Hillary because she will build on the legacy of my good friend, President Barack Obama. I believe in what President Obama has done for our country and support her commitment to continuing that legacy.

Like my foundation, Hillary has always been a champion for children and their futures. For over 40 years, she’s been working to improve public schools, expand access to health care, support children’s hospitals, and so much more.

She wants to make sure kids have access to a good education, no matter what zip code they live in. She’ll rebuild schools that are falling apart and put more money into computer science. She’ll make sure teachers are paid what they deserve so they can give everything to their students.

She also has plans to make college a reality for more people in America, especially for those who can’t afford it. My kids in Akron are proof of the hope and motivation that come from knowing college can be in their future, no matter what obstacles they might be facing.

Finally, we must address the violence, of every kind, the African-American community is experiencing in our streets and seeing on our TVs. I believe rebuilding our communities by focusing on at-risk children is a significant part of the solution. However, I am not a politician, I don’t know everything it will take finally to end the violence. But I do know we need a president who brings us together and keeps us unified. Policies and ideas that divide us more are not the solution. We must all stand together — no matter where we are from or the color of our skin. And Hillary is running on the message of hope and unity that we need.

There’s still a lot of work to be done in Akron, Northeast Ohio, and all across our great country. We need a president who understands our community and will build on the legacy of President Obama. So let’s register to vote, show up to the polls, and vote for Hillary Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Sports Illustrated, Business Insider

Civil Rights Leader Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Civil Rights leaders Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Rev. Dr. Moss Jr. served as the Pastor of Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio before retiring after 33 years of service.  He was also the co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Atlanta, Georgia. A copy of his endorsement is below.

Why Secretary Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President
By The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss. Jr.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is our best hope for moving the U.S. Supreme Court out of the hands of right wing, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, anti-human rights judges. The next president will shape the U.S. Supreme Court for perhaps the next 50 years! By that time, the millennials will be nearing (80) years old. Their children and grandchildren will be the living with the results of the 2016 election. The next president will nominate three or four U.S. Supreme Court justices plus score of federal district and appeals court judges.

We need Hillary Clinton to be our next president because she is qualified. She is prepared. She is dedicated. She is an activist in the struggles of the common life for the common good and has the record to prove it. She did not wait 70 years to “think” about civil rights and human rights. She is committed activist nationally and globally. She is the epitome of excellence.

Let me repeat, Hillary Clinton will save the U.S. Supreme Court from political arsonists, obstructionists and destroyers of the civil rights, human rights and voting rights. All the right wing extremists know this. This is why they are endorsing and supporting Trump – including some who tend to despise him. Mrs. Clinton will fight for voting rights protection, health care for all and education for all without crippling debts.

Hillary Clinton will give extraordinary national and global leadership. Leadership anchored in reason, wisdom, sound judgement, spiritual strength and moral courage.

She has been and remains active in her faith commitment from her youth. She has embraced The Holy Scriptures from her youth and knows the names of the books of her Bible and the unsearchable riches contained therein. She knows the songs and hymns and music of her faith and does not scorn and demean other faith traditions. She believes in the total Constitution – not just one or two amendments such as states’ rights and gun rights.

She does not bully her way through life. She has the courage of kindness, the endurance of long-suffering and the joys of Amazing Grace.

She loves children of all races, colors and ethnicities, rich and poor, rural, urban and suburban, healthy and ill, victorious and vulnerable, immigrant and Native American and those whose ancestors came in chains. This includes the well housed and the homeless. She does not seek votes from one group by hating and insulting other groups.

Mrs. Clinton deserves and needs our support and votes. If her opponent should win, we all lose; children, youth and adults. We can all win with Hillary Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton Campaign for Hillary Following Debate


Just hours after the conclusion of Monday’s night debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Hillary’s running mate, Time Kaine, spoke at a canvass kickoff event in Orlando, Florida. During the event, he spoke about the importance of voting and ensuring that everyone registered to vote. “I don’t have to tell you how important Florida is. (In) Florida, the election is going to be very, very close,” he said. While in Orlando, Kaine visited the site of the “Pulse” nightclub shooting with former Representative Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. A video from Kaine’s event will be added when/if available.

In Ohio, Bill Clinton spoke at National Voter Registration Day events in Toledo and Cleveland. In Toledo, he spoke about last night’s debate saying that it is clear which candidate is working for everyone and which candidate is running for himself. Bill spoke about a number Hillary’s platform points, but he focused on job growth and ensuring that the economy works for everyone and not just those at the top. He went on to say that it is important that everyone register to vote and head to the polls in November to ensure that their voice is heard. “We‘ve got a chance to do something together where nobody is left out and left behind. We need to go seize it and it all starts in Ohio by registering and voting,” he said. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Bill wrapped up the day speaking at a rally in Cleveland. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points and attacked Trump for his divisive views. But Clinton’s primary focus was voting and ensuring that everyone is registered. “This election is about you and your future and you need to claim it,” he said. On National Voter Registration, he urged everyone to vote because they have a voice. And he encouraged those in attendance to ensure their friends and family were registered as well saying, “I want you to promise yourselves that you’re going to vote, you’re going to get people registered. You’re going to get them to vote.”  A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Anne Holton, the wife of Kaine, attended three events in Michigan today. The first was a voter protection roundtable event in Detroit where she spoke about the importance of voting and ensuring that the right to vote is protected. Holton then traveled to Livonia where she took part in a phone bank at a local Hillary for America office.

Holton’s final event of the day was in Ann Arbor where she spoke at an organizing event. Speaking to volunteers and supporters at a local campaign office, Holton urged them to ensure that they, their friends, and their family are all registered to vote and exercise their right on November 8. Holton stressed the importance of Michigan saying, “I’m going to talk about you. You are the key to this election. You all know that, right? You all know Michigan is often the key to the national election.” Video’s from Holton’s events will be posted when/if available.


In New York City, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Laura Benjamin, Anahi DeCanio, Peter Gumpel, Drue Kataoka, Martha McAleer, and Leonore Robins.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source:, The Michigan Daily, Click Orlando, ABC News, Toledo Blade, Detroit Free Press

Senator Warren Campaigns for Hillary in Ohio


On Sunday, Senator Elizabeth Warren campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio. Speaking at Cleveland State University, she was joined by former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland and actor John Lithgow. Senator Warren spoke about Clinton’s major platform points, especially those related to higher education. She also went after Donald Trump saying, “Trump has led the charge on the “birther” movement and only when his handlers tied him down and made him did he finally admit that it wasn’t true. What kind of a man does that? A man with a dark and ugly soul. A man that will never be president.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

A fundraiser was also held in Sydney, Australia today on behalf of Hillary for America. The event was only open to American Citizens and featured a conversation with Jeffrey L. Bleich, United States Ambassador to Australia.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WKYC, NBC News

HFA’s Response to Trump’s Education Speech


On Thursday, Donald Trump unveiled his education plan during a speech in Cleveland, Ohio. Hillary for America Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris released the following statement in response.

“It’s no surprise that Donald Trump—whose only experience when it comes to education is his fraudulent ‘Trump University’—offered education policies that would prove disastrous for our public schools, our educators, and most importantly, our kids. Let’s be clear: Trump’s proposal to apparently gut nearly 30 percent of the federal education budget and turn it into private school vouchers would decimate public schools across America and deprive our most vulnerable students of the education they deserve.

Hillary Clinton believes that the public school system is one of the pillars of our democracy. As president she will fight to strengthen our public schools to ensure every student receives a world-class education, regardless of their ZIP code.”

Donald Trump’s proposal, explained:

TRUMP: “[U]se $20 billion of existing federal dollars to establish a block grant for the 11 million school age kids living in poverty.”

EXPLAINER: A more extreme version of past Republican proposals, Trump’s plan would apparently eliminate the targeting of federal dollars to schools and districts with the highest concentrations of low-income students. Instead, he would turn over all $15.4 billion in Title I funding to states, and allow money to follow students outside of the public school system to private or parochial schools.

  • Trump’s proposal could strip funding from up to 56,000 public schools serving more than 21 million children. By allowing funding to leave America’s 56,000 Title I schools, Trump’s proposal will put crucial funding at risk for nearly 21 million American students.
  • Trump’s proposal might only serve 1.4 million students, while stripping funding from the other 10.5 million low-income students in America. Trump’s proposal would serve no-where near 11 million students. The average cost of a K-12 private school is $13,640 per student, per year. Since the vast majority of states do not support private school vouchers, Trump’s proposal would have to carry the full cost of attendance. As a result, Trump’s proposal might only serve 1.4 million students, while taking away funding that serves America’s low-income schools.
  • Trump’s proposal could have a devastating impact on student achievement. Research shows that students who attend schools using vouchers often do worse than those who stayed in their neighborhood public schools.

To fund his $20 billion voucher program, Trump would have to cut all Title I funding and $5 billion dollars in additional federal education programs. Trump would need to “repurpose” roughly $5 billion in annual education funding which currently supports programming such as preschool, Pell grants, and crucial resources to help low income students, students with disabilities, and English-language learners.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Ohio and Illinois on Labor Day


On Labor Day, Hillary Clinton campaigned in Cleveland, Ohio with running mate Tim Kaine. Kaine spoke first saying that “this is the home stretch.” Clinton then took the stage and had a brief coughing spell before she spoke about her plans to build an economy that works for everyone by increasing the minimum wage and investing in the country’s infrastructure. She spoke about her jobs plan which would create the most jobs in the country since World War II. Clinton then spoke about her strong support for working families and organized labor. A video from the Cleveland rally is below.

Today, the Clinton campaign also unveiled a new campaign plane. The Boeing 737 will be used for the remainder of the campaign cycle and is large enough for Clinton, her staff, and the press pool to travel on from event to event. Clinton welcomed the press to the plane and answered several questions from reporters on a range of topics including her thoughts on the hacking of Democratic Party emails, the FBI report about her emails, and the Clinton Foundation. A video of Clinton’s Q&A with the press is below.

Clinton then spoke at the 49th Annual Salute to Labor in Hampton, Illinois. During her speech, Clinton continued to discuss the economy and her jobs plan. She spoke about her plans to invest in the country’s infrastructure, expand the clean energy sector, and committed to building the manufacturing sector of the country. Clinton also criticized Donald Trump for not being a friend of working people saying, “My opponent thinks that wages are too high. I don’t know who he talks do.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source:, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post

Vice President Biden Campaigns for Clinton/Kaine in Ohio

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On Thursday, Vice President spoke at two campaign events in Ohio in support of Hillary Clinton. At the first event in Warren, Biden spoke to a crowd of supporters at the United Auto Workers Local 1714 hall. Biden, like Clinton, included local references in his speech. He spoke about the importance of the automakers in Ohio and their successful turnaround following the recession in 2008 and 2009. He then spoke about a number of topics including Clinton’s record as a public servant and her dedication to the country, her plans for the economy and building jobs, and his ties to Ohio. Biden then went after Donald Trump for being ignorant of foreign affairs saying, “He is totally, thoroughly, completely uninformed.” A video from the event is below.

Biden then spoke at a rally outside of Cleveland in Parma. During his speech, the Vice President continued to go after Trump, but he focused more of his time on Clinton’s experience and his middle class roots. He told stories about his father’s job and his family’s money problems saying that his father couldn’t qualify for a loan to help him pay for college. When it comes to the struggles of the middle class, Biden said, “Hillary gets it, man. Trump has no idea. He has no idea.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source:, The Columbus Dispatch

Clinton Touts Jobs Plan in Cleveland

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At a rally in Cleveland, Ohio today, Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd of supporters at John Marshall High School. Clinton spoke about her economic plan, and more specifically, her plan to invest in manufacturing, clean energy, and infrastructure creating millions of jobs across the country. Clinton said that independent analysts have predicted that her plan would create 376,000 job in Ohio alone. She said that one of her primary objectives would be building upon the economy saying, “We’ve got to get the economy working for everyone. Not just those at the top.”

Clinton then went after Donald Trump saying that his economic plan would benefit him and others in the top income brackets. She said that if Trump is worth $10 billion, as he claims, his family’s tax break would net $4 billion. She then outlined how she could better spend that $4 billion on other projects including increasing funding for early childhood programs, provide additional heath care to veterans, provide free community college, expand broadband internet across the country, or fund state and local law enforcement. The Clinton campaign released the full details of how Trump’s tax plans benefit himself and how a Clinton administration could better invest the money. A video from her Cleveland speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Cleveland Patch

Clinton, Kaine Wrap Up Bus Tour in Ohio

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On Sunday, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine wrapped up their jobs focused bus tour in Ohio. Although it was initially reported that Clinton would not appear in Cleveland, Clinton did make a stop in the city and spoke during Sunday services at Imani Temple Ministry. During her brief remarks, Clinton spoke about the promise of America and her plans to defend the American dream. A video of her address is below (I apologize for the poor audio).

Clinton and Kaine’s final event of the bus tour was a rally in Columbus. Kaine and Clinton both continued to focus their remarks on her jobs plan and improvements to the infrastructure; however, Clinton did address comments made by Donald Trump about retired General John Allen and Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim American solder killed in 2004. Clinton said that she was disgusted by Trump’s divisive language saying, “It’s going to be up to all of us to repudiate the hatefulness, attacks on distinguished military leaders … or insulting the family of a fallen soldier, Captain Khan, an American Muslim who sacrificed his life to protect his unit and other soldiers.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 8, The Columbus Dispatch