Hillary Clinton Holds Four Events in California


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton attended four campaign events in California. The first event of the day was a community discussion in Slymar. The primary topic of the event was immigration reform. Clinton said that immigration is going to be a key issue in the 2016 election because statements about immigrants made by Republican nominee Donald Trump are often “hateful, very prejudicial, really unacceptable ways.” She spoke about the importance of keeping families together and passing comprehensive immigration reform. Most of the event was Clinton listening to stories told by the several Asian and Latino immigrants. She vowed to fight for a fair immigration plan if elected president.

Clinton then traveled to Oxnard where she spoke to supporters at a Get Out the Vote event. She covered a number of her platform points, but she went after Trump several times throughout the speech saying that he “fails” a number of important presidential trait tests. Clinton said that the 2016 election is very important to ensure the country continues to move forward with health care, the economy, clean energy, and climate change. She concluded by asking voters’ to support her in Tuesday’s primary. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Later, Clinton traveled to Santa Barbara where she held a community event focused on women and families. The round table discussion consisted of local officials and representatives. Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points aimed at improving the lives of women and helping families. She spoke about increasing the minimum wage, ensuring that women receive equal pay for equal work, ensuring families have access to affordable childcare, and guaranteeing workers paid family leave. After Clinton’s remarks, she listened to the concerns of several people in attendance. A video from the event is below.

The final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in Fresno where she spoke to packed crowd of supporters at Edison High School. While she criticized Trump on a number of occasions, Clinton covered a number of her key platform points including early childhood education, clean energy, abortion rights, marriage equality, immigration reform, and making higher education more affordable. She also spoke about an issue that is local to Fresno: water. The city has seen water shortages due to the recent droughts in the area and she said, “If I am fortunate enough to be your president, we are going to work on water and we are going to get this fixed.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Noozhawk, The Fresno Bee, CBS Los Angeles, Ventura County Star

Clinton Strong During CNN Democratic Town Hall


Las night, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took part in a town hall event on CNN. The town hall took place on the campus of Ohio State University and was moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and NewsOne Now’s Roland Martin. As with each of the previous town halls, the candidates appeared separately and were asked a series of questions from moderators and members of the audience. Both Clinton and Sanders accused Republican front-runner Donald Trump of inciting violence and Clinton suggested that he is committing “political arson.”

During Clinton’s portion, she was asked questions on a number of topics including heath care, race relations, infrastructure, clean energy, the economy, and education. One of the questions from the audience came from a man in the audience who had been on death row, but later found to be innocent of the crime. He asked Clinton why she said last year she did not favor abolishing the death penalty. She said, “You know, this is such a profoundly difficult question and what I have said and what I continue to believe is that the states have proven themselves incapable of carrying out fair trials that give any defendant all the rights that defendants should have. I would breathe a sigh of relief if either the Supreme Court or the states themselves began to eliminate the death penalty.” A full video of Clinton portion of the town hall is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN, The Washington Post

Hillary Attends Events in Three States


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in three different states. She began in Tampa, Florida where she spoke to a group of supporters at the Ritz Ybor. During the event, Clinton spoke about her plans as president, and she also criticized Florida Governor Rick Scott for turning down federal funds to develop a high speed rail system between Orlando and Tampa. She said, “It makes absolutely no sense, especially when we know that we’re going to have to do high-speed rail if we’re going to have a competitive economy.” A video from the event is below.

Clinton then traveled to Durham, North Carolina where she spoke to a crowd at Hillside High School. During her speech, she covered a wide variety of platform topics including voting rights, women’s rights, heath care, and jobs. She specifically spoke about investment opportunities in North Carolina saying, “That’s why I’m proposing more jobs with infrastructure, manufacturing, and let’s combat climate change with more clean, renewable energy jobs. And yes, let’s invest in more research right here in the Research Triangle. You know what that could mean!”

The final event of the day was held in Vernon Hills, Illinois. During the event, Clinton spoke about a number of her key platform points including clean energy, equal pay, LGBT rights, and gun control. During the event she took shots at her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders and the Republican presidential field, particularly Donald Trump. Directly referencing Trump’s campaign slogan, she said, “I listen to some of the other candidates, they are so pessimistic, so negative about us. I’ll tell you that’s not how I see us and our country. I don’t think you make America great by tearing down everything that made America great in the first place.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Chicago Tribune, Tampa Bay Times, WCNC

Clintons Campaign while SC Votes


On the day of the South Carolina primary, Hillary and Bill Clinton attended separate events in different states in preparation for super Tuesday. Eleven states and one Territory will cast their primary ballots on March 1 (Click here to see a full list). Bill attended two events in Oklahoma. The first was in Edmond where he spoke at the University of Central Oklahoma. During his speech, Bill framed his wife as a change-maker with the experience necessary to move the country forward. He referred to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address saying, “That beautiful picture the President painted of the future; still a whole lot of Americans can’t look at that picture and find themselves in it to save their lives. That’s the space in which this election is being fought out. Hillary is running for President to put every single American in that picture without regard of their age, their region, their gender or their race, or religion.”

Bill’s second event was in Tulsa where he spoke at Booker T. Washington High School. He was introduced by Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker and spoke about Hillary’s broad background and determination to make a difference. He spoke about her plans for health care, higher education, and clean energy. Of Hillary he said, “Here’s what I know — something about being president. I know something about building an inclusive economy and defending the country — you got to do them both. You can’t predict you can do one part of the job and not another. She’s the single best change-maker I’ve ever known.” A video from the event is below.

Bill then spoke at a Get Out the Vote event in Montgomery, Alabama. Speaking at Alabama State University, Bill said that that too many Americans do not share in the country’s prosperity, and that Hillary has plans to change that. Her platform is built on giving everyone an opportunity to better themselves. Bill wrapped up the event early after struggling with hoarseness, but he asked voters to support Hillary on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Hillary was in Birmingham. She began the day by visiting downtown Birmingham for coffee and to chat with voters at the Urban Standard. Then, she spoke at a Get Out the Vote event held on the campus of Miles College. Speaking to the crowd of 2,300, Clinton spoke about her plans to raise the minimum wage, enact criminal justice reform, and fight voting restrictions. Clinton criticized Alabama Republicans for making it more difficult for African-Americans to vote, and she criticized the comments and plans of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. A full video from the event is below.

Tonight, Hillary will be in Columbia, South Carolina as the results from today’s primary are reported. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: AL.com, News On 6, News 9, AL.com, The Plainsman

Hillary Clinton Attends California Fundraisers

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July 2015.

Hillary Clinton was in California for a second day of fundraising. She began by attending a Studio City fundraiser hosted by Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali and Anita Hirsh. Then she attended a fundraiser at the Los Angeles home of Ellen Goldsmith-Vein and Jon Vein. The final fundraiser of the day was also held in Los Angeles and was hosted by Mike Roberts and Former Governor Mike Bebe.

Also fundraising for Hillary for America was Campaign Chair John Podesta, who held a conversation on clean energy and the clean economy in Washington, DC. Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary hosted a Washington, DC event which focused on education. In New York City, Hillary for America Chief Financial Officer Gary Gensler also held a fundraiser.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clintons Head to New Hampshire


Following Hillary Clinton’s narrow win in Iowa, Clinton turned her focus to New Hampshire, which holds its primary on February 9. Clinton is currently behind in the polls, and both Bill and Hillary appeared at the first event in Nashua. Bill spoke first about Hillary’s ability to change things. When Hillary took the stage, she focused on the issue including clean energy, heath care, and climate change. A video from the event in Nashua is below.

Bill then spoke at an event in Laconia where he gave a speech about Hillary’s experience and her plans as president and how she differs from Democratic rival Bernie Sanders.

The final event of the day was in Hampton where Hillary was introduced by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Hillary then gave a speech highlighting her proposals for gun control, heath care, and her pledge to not raise taxes on the middle class. She said that she understood why many in New Hampshire supported Sanders, but she asked them to think long term and going up against the Republican nominee in November. She said, “You all are going to be giving us the once over, the twice over, the thrice over, and I welcome it, because this needs to be a contest of ideas about who is ready to be our president and our commander-in-chief starting next January.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, remains in New Hampshire for three events and a CNN Town Hall Event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS Boston, Masslive.com,

Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea in Iowa Day Before Caucus


Today, the Clintons were in Iowa on the final day before the caucuses. While Chelsea spent the day traveling with her mom, Bill did attend one solo event. In Iowa City, Bill spoke for an hour about Hillary’s accomplishments and experience before he spoke about several issues that she is going to make a priority if elected president, including health care and education. He then urged caucus goers to support her tomorrow night. He said, “We are going to share the future, the only main issues are the terms on which we share it. Are they going to be positive or negative? She’s the best change maker I have ever known and I hope you caucus for her tomorrow night.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Hillary’s first event of the day was in Council Bluffs. After being introduced by Chelsea, she asked the full house to support her in tomorrows caucus and discussed a number of her platform plans. She spoke about equal pay for women, the economy, repairing the country’s infrastructure, and working with other countries to keep us safe.

In Sioux City, Hillary only mentioned Democratic rival Bernie Sanders once when she was referring to her heath care plan and how it differs from his. She promised to make college more affordable, improve the country’s crumbling infrastructure, invest in clean energy, and combat climate change. She repeated her pledge to not raise taxes on those in the middle class as well. Hillary told the crowd, “If you stand up to caucus for me tomorrow (Monday) night, I will stand up for you.”

The final event of the day, and the final event before tomorrow night’s caucuses, was in Des Moines where a crowd of 2,600 turned out to see Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea. After brief speeches by Bill and Chelsea, Hillary took the stage to deliver her closing arguments before the caucus. She attached Republicans for “collective amnesia,” forgetting that it was the very policies that they are proposing that caused the recession. She also spoke about Wall Street and how there were ads funded by Wall Street against her running in Iowa because of her plans to regulate “shadow” banking. She also spoke about climate change, clean energy, and taxes.

Tomorrow is the Iowa caucus. No events are scheduled other than the victory party tomorrow night. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Gazette, KETV, Sioux City Journal, Variety

Hillary and Bill Appear Together in Davenport


Hillary Clinton was in Iowa on Friday for three Get out the Caucus events. The first of her events was in Des Moines where she spoke about health care. She focused on her plan and explained why the single-payer plan proposed by Bernie Sanders will “never, ever come to pass.” She explained that overhauling the heath care system again would take too long, and the American people don’t have time to wait. Clinton argued that building upon the progress that has been made is a more sensible solution. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

The second stop was in Dubuque where she admitted that some her plans may not be as flashy as some of her opponents’, but she would rather “underpromise and over-deliver” then the other way around. Clinton then spoke about the points of her campaign platform including health care, the economy, taxes, and clean energy. A video from the event in Dubuque is below.


In the final stop of the day, Hillary was joined by Bill in Davenport. Speaking to a crowd of over 1,500, Bill began by talking about her experience and why she would make a great president. He then handed the microphone over to Hillary and she spoke about economy under her husband’s administration and since President Obama has taken office. She argued that only a Democrat is going to continue the progress that has been made. She criticized Republicans for “wanting to go back to what failed us before.” A video from the event is below.

On Saturday and Sunday, Hillary and Bill will be appearing across the state of Iowa in preparation for the February 1st caucus. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Dubuque Telegraph Herald, The Des Moines Register

Clinton Attends New York Fundraisers and Iowa Events


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton began the day by attended fundraisers in New York City and a fundraiser in White Plains, New York. During the White Plains event, which also featured Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Clinton spoke about her plans to combat climate change, expand clean energy, expand health care, grow the economy, and continue to pressure Iran to ensure it sticks to the nuclear agreement.

Following her fundraisers, Clinton returned to Iowa where we are only three days from the caucus. She hosted two Get Out the Caucus events, one in Newton and second in Keokuk. In Newton, Clinton focused on education. She spoke about expanding early childhood education and making college education more affordable for everyone. She also covered a number of other platform topics including equal pay for women, updating the tax code to ensure the wealthy pay their fair share, and improving the Affordable Care Act. A video from her speech is below.

At the event in Keokuk, Clinton spoke about a number of platform points before opening the floor to questions. In typical town hall fashion, Clinton was asked a number of policy questions, but one man didn’t ask a question. He simply want to tell Clinton that she had convinced him to vote for her. He said, “I was going to vote for Donald Trump. But my daughter brought me here. She was really excited to come here and see you. And after hearing you talk — because all he does is give the exact same speech he gave when he started running for president — you actually have topics, solutions and all that stuff. And now I’m voting for you.” A video from the event in Keokuk will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will attend an event with Bill Clinton in Davenport, Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Journal News, WHOTV, The Hawk Eye

Clinton Outlines Climate Plan in Des Moines

In Des Moines, Iowa Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined her plans to combat climate change and invest in clean energy after touring green-certified transit station. In her plan, she called for cutting incentives to oil companies, extending tax credits for clean energy development, and continued investment in solar and wind energy. Clinton indicated that her plan would move the economy toward decarbonization by 2050 and provide enough renewable energy sources to power every American home by 2027.

The plan is ambitious, and she said that in the coming weeks she will outline plans to pay for the changes she is planning on making. She said, “A lot of these changes will pay for themselves. So there will be front-end money needed. But there are ways of making those investments and getting a return on those investments that will redound to the benefits of the American taxpayer. So I will be talking about energy and climate security, modernizing North American infrastructure, about safe and responsible production, especially making sure tax payers get a fair deal for development on public lands and areas that I think are too sensitive for production that should be taken off the table.”

A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton will attend the National Urban League Convention in Florida later this week. Until then, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: Politico (1) (2)