Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in Ohio


Senator Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Ohio today. Sanders’ first event was on the campus of Youngstown State University. During his speech, he focused on Hillary Clinton’s plans to build the middle class by introducing plans to create jobs and raise the minimum wage. He said, “Middle class shrinking, millions living in dire poverty, the very, very rich getting richer. Large corporations enjoying huge profits. That is where we are today and what our job together is, to create an economy that works for all Americans, not just the billionaire class.” Sanders said that Clinton has a plan to ensure the economy works for everyone while Donald Trump wants to ensure that he and other billionaires have free reign. Sanders concluded by urging everyone to vote and elect Clinton. A video of Sanders’ speech is below.

In Cincinnati, Sanders spoke to a crowd of supporters at the University of Cincinnati. He focused on the same populist platform points that gained him popularity including income inequality, raising the minimum wage, overturning Citizens United, making college more affordable, and combating climate change. Sanders said that Clinton has plans that address all those points, including some plans that he had a hand in crafting. He concluded by asking everyone to vote and challenged them to stay involved in politics after the election saying, “After we elect Hillary on Nov. 8, I want you to wake up on Nov. 9, roll up your sleeves and begin the process of taking on the billionaire class and transforming this country.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch, WKBN,, WCPO

Hillary’s Plan: Supreme Court Justices


Clinton Will Appoint Supreme Court Justices Who Affirm Our Rights, While Trump’s Justices Will Roll Rights Back

The fourth topic for tonight’s debate is the Supreme Court. America’s next president could nominate multiple Supreme Court justices and the stakes could not be higher. Appointments made in the next four years could determine the makeup of the Court for decades to come. Hillary Clinton will appoint justices who will affirm the dignity and equality of all Americans. In contrast, Donald Trump will appoint justices who will roll back hard-fought rights.


*Considering Trump has been involved in more than 4,000 lawsuits, he should know this is not how the justice system works.

Hillary Clinton will appoint justices to the Supreme Court who will protect the constitutional principles of liberty and equality for all, and make sure Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land and women retain the right to make their own deeply personal healthcare decisions. Hillary will make sure the scales of justice aren’t tipped away from individuals toward corporations and special interests. And she will protect citizens’ right to vote, rather than billionaires’ right to buy elections.

Donald Trump has demonstrated his desire to appoint justices who would roll back rights Americans have fought for over decades. As president, Trump will:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

John Podesta Statement on Trump Campaign’s Hiring of Citizens United President


On Friday, Hillary for America chair John Podesta released a statement responding to Donald Trump’s hiring of Citizens United President David Bossie. Bossie recently joined the Trump campaign and will reportedly be working on campaign strategy. Podesta’s response is below.

“David Bossie is so craven and maniacal that in the heyday of the overreaching, Gingrich-era Congress, the top Whitewater conspiracy theorist in the House had to fire him for doctoring evidence. He has devoted his career ever since to trying to tear down Hillary Clinton. For months now, Citizens United has been acting as an arm of the Trump campaign, and this hiring of Bossie now makes it official. This is just the latest sign that Donald Trump has put the most extreme elements of the right-wing fringe in the driver’s seat of his campaign.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post

Clinton Statement on Endorsement of the Working Families Party


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton receive the endorsement of the Working Families Party, a group that backed Senator Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary. Clinton released a statement reaffirming her commitment to working families and building the middle class. A copy of her statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Working Families Party.

Working families are the engine behind our economy, the heart of our democracy, and the core of what makes America great.  But today, it’s too hard for working people to get ahead and stay ahead.

That’s why the Working Families Party is so important.  For almost two decades, they have fought to make our economy fairer and our country stronger. They’ve fought to raise the minimum wage in states and cities across the country; combat climate change and create new, good-paying jobs in clean energy and energy efficiency; and train and elect trailblazing progressive leaders.

As President, I’ll stand with working families like I have my entire career.  We’ll build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and finally make the minimum wage a living wage.  We’ll overturn Citizens United and protect every American’s right to vote, not every corporation’s right to buy elections. We’ll end the era of mass incarceration and replace the school-to-prison pipeline with a cradle-to-college and career pipeline.  We’ll make sure every American can afford a college education and tackle our country’s student debt crisis.  And we’ll finally enact policies that support how families actually live and work today—with paid family leave, affordable childcare, and equal pay for women.

Together, we’ll fight every day for working families—because we know when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Releases Statement of Support for “We the People”

RENO, NV - FEBRUARY 15: Democratic Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally at Truckee Meadows Community College on February 15, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. Clinton is campaigning in Nevada ahead of the February 20 democratic caucus. (Photo by David Calvert/Getty Images)
RENO, NV – FEBRUARY 15: Democratic Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally at Truckee Meadows Community College on February 15, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. (Photo by David Calvert/Getty Images)

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton released a statement supporting the proposed “We the People” Act that will be introduced by Senate Democrats. The plan is designed to remove money from politics and bring the democracy back to the people. The plan would add strict regulations to campaigns and PACs. The bill also includes provisions to limit lobbying in Washington, DC. Details of the plan will be introduced in the coming days; however, Clinton endorsed the plan saying it would “help restore our democracy and break the grip of wealth special interests in Washington.” A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I applaud the Senate Democrats for proposing a strong package of reforms to help restore our democracy and break the grip of wealthy special interests in Washington. As I have said consistently in this campaign, we need to overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision and make government more responsive to the American people. Our elections should be shaped by voters’ voices, not bought and sold by corporations and special interests.  Congress should pass this bill as quickly as possible—and should I be elected President, I would proudly sign it.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Releases Campaign Finance Plan

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton released her plan for campaign finance reform. In a release on her website, Clinton outlined points to her plan to cut untraceable money and the influence of wealthy individuals and corporations from politics. The proposal has three main points. First, overturn the Citizens United ruling by appointing Supreme Court Justices dedicated to overturning it and passing a Constitutional amendment. Next, end the flow of unaccountable money that requires public disclosure of donations and spending by outside organizations, requiring publicly traded companies to disclose contributions, and require all federal government contractors to report all political spending. Finally, she hopes to make the voices of everyday Americans heard over those who contribute large amounts by enacting a donor matching program, lower contribution limits, and enforce all campaign finance laws.

The goal of the plan is to ensure that average Americans have a voice in choosing their elected leaders and not allowing those with the deepest pockets to call the shots. Clinton has been a critic of the Citizens United ruling. Clinton’s campaign released a video (above), and you can read the full details of Clinton’s plan by clicking HERE.

Tonight, ABC will air an interview by David Muir with Clinton that will cover a number of topics including the agreement with Iran, her use of a private email server as Secretary of State, and her campaign. Details from the interview will be posted later this evening.

News Source: Time, The New York Times, The Briefing

Clinton Introduces “Four Fights” of Campaign

6/13 UPDATE: A full transcript of the speech is available from Time by CLICKING HERE.

In her first official campaign rally held at Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island in New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined what she called the “four fights” of her campaign. Throughout the 45 minute speech, Clinton made references to her experience as a lawyer, Senator, Secretary of State, and as a mother and grandmother. The theme of the speech was the prosperity of Americans, and she shared stories from people she has met and her mother to make her points. In her speech, Clinton also criticized Republicans for not looking forward and believing too much in “yesterday.” She vowed to fight for everyday Americans and prepare the United States for the future.

The key to her speech was the “four fights.” She outlined what those will be, but said that said will outline specific policy changes in the coming weeks. Nevertheless, her vision is clearly outlined by the four fights:

Economy: Clinton outlined a number of changes that would serve to strengthen the economy including strengthening the middle class, increasing the minimum wage, providing equal pay for women, making it illegal to discriminate against LBGT workers, rewriting the tax code, and focusing on lifelong learning that will allow works to adapt to a changing workplace. She also called for more affordable college for everyone and improving the infrastructure by creating an infrastructure bank that would sell bonds to help fund improvements roads, bridges, power grids, and broadband Internet. She called for protecting the environment by investing in clean energy and ending the denial of climate change. All these changes, which she will continue to outline in the coming weeks, will create jobs and improve the lives of American workers.

Family: Families have struggled since the recession and Clinton believes that more attention needs to be paid to helping families by guaranteeing paid sick days, paid family leave, pre-school and child care. She also wants to focus on the uneven incarceration polices and provide help to those suffering with mental health issues and addiction.

America’s Leadership: America has long been the leader in the world, but for America to maintain its leadership and influence, Clinton argues that we have not only show strength in our military, but we have to create economic and diplomatic partnerships across the globe. At the same time, we have to stand up to our adversaries and stand by our allies. We need to be better prepared against cyber attacks and provide better services to our veterans after they have served our country.

Governmental Reform: Clinton argued that now is the time to take government out of corporate hands and back into the hands of Americans. She called for stopping the flow of unaccountable campaign funds, undoing Citizens United, and improving government technology so it is more open to the pubic. She also called for improvements to voting including universal registration, longer early voting periods, and ensuring that voting rights are protected despite the Supreme Court’s recent decision.

061315_clinton_rally2_ap1_1160x629Clinton’s speech is only the beginning of the next phase of her campaign. Over the coming weeks, Clinton will travel across the country to spread her message and continue to flesh out her campaign platform. We will follow along and continue to cover her campaign events as she continues to build a strong platform for America’s future.

Join Hillary for America by donating, or you can text JOIN to 47246. As always, you can also follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and her all new Instagram page.

Image Source: Politico