Bill and Chelsea Clinton Continue Campaign Appearances


On Wednesday and Thursday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton continued to campaign on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Wednesday, Bill was in New Hampshire for two events. The first was a gathering with volunteers in Salem. His second event of the day was in Concord where he spoke at a rally. He asked those in attendance at both events to support Hillary in the tight race between her and Bernie Sanders. Bill touted Hillary’s experience and the fact that she is a “change maker.” He admitted that he always knew she would have a tough time in New Hampshire saying, “We’re fighting it out in Iowa. We’ve got a little lead that I think is solidifying and maybe growing a little bit. We’re on a home-field disadvantage here. But the real issue is, who can win the election, who’s prepared the do the job, who can make real change?” A video from the Salem event is below.

Today, both Bill and Chelsea were scheduled to attend fundraisers. Bill was in Denver, Colorado for a fundraiser at the home of Cindy and Steve Farber. Chelsea, meanwhile, attended a fundraiser in support of the Clinton Foundation Haiti Relief Fund at the TriBeCA SoulCycle studio. The proceeds from that event were not for Hillary for America.

Tomorrow, Bill will be on the West Coast and Chelsea’s next scheduled event is next week in California. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post