Clinton Opposed to Health Insurer Merger

Clinton during CNN’s Democratic Debate on October 13, 2015

On Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton released a statement opposing the proposed mergers of proposed mergers between Anthem and Cigna and of Aetna and Humana. Clinton has been supportive of the Affordable Care Act because it gives consumers more choice, but mergers ensure less choice and less competition. The full statement from Clinton is below:

As we see more consolidation in health care, among both providers and insurers, I’m worried that the balance of power is moving too far away from consumers.  

I have serious concerns about the proposed mergers between Anthem and Cigna, and between Aetna and Humana. One could raise market concentration in New Hampshire to excessive levels, and both have concerning effects on competition in other markets. These mergers should be scrutinized very closely with an eye to preventing the undue concentration that they appear to create. I am very skeptical of the claim that consumers will benefit from them because the evidence from careful studies shows that too often the companies end up pocketing profits rather than passing savings to consumers. These companies should commit to passing on savings and efficiencies to consumers as lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs.

I strongly support delivery system reforms and care coordination that drive innovation, value and quality at an affordable cost for Americans and that improve transparency about prices – but companies proposing to merge bear the heavy burden of demonstrating that consumers will benefit. As president, I would strengthen the antitrust enforcement arms of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission and appoint aggressive regulators to take on troubling concentration wherever it occurs in the health care industry, among other sectors. That’s a pro-competition approach that is good for businesses large and small who want to compete on a level playing field and for consumers who should gain more choices.

Tomorrow, Clinton will testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing