Clinton Endorsed by former Bush Administration Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of James Clad, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for President George W. Bush. In a statement, he called on Republicans and Democrats alike to recognize the important of the election and the implications on national security it could have. A copy of Clad’s statement is below.

“Secretary Clinton has demonstrated her skills as Secretary of State, especially but by no means exclusively in helping other Asian countries counter Chinese bullying in the western Pacific.

For Republicans and Democrats alike, everything in national security requires clarity and steadiness, whether managing nuclear weapons or balancing great power rivalries. Never losing sight of the national interest is key – a discipline which Secretary Clinton possesses in full measure.

Our adversaries must never hear flippancy or ignorance in America’s voice. They should never take satisfaction from an incompetent president. Giving an incoherent amateur the keys to the White House this November will doom us to second or third class status.

In my career, I’ve seen close-up what happens when American reliability falters. It’s not pretty, for us or for the world. There is no choice: In razor sharp contrast to her opponent, Secretary Clinton is ready, steady and prepared. With a proven preference for bipartisanship, she must win this election.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by the UAW

Hillary Clinton leads the discussion at a manufacturing roundtable in Syracuse, New York on April 1, 2016.
Hillary Clinton leads the discussion at a manufacturing roundtable in Syracuse, New York on April 1, 2016.

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the United Auto Workers (UAW). During their announcement, the union cited Clinton’s “lifelong commitment to the job security of American families, and her ability to unify and win in November” as the reason for their support. Clinton responded by issuing a statement saying that she is “honored” to received the UAW’s endorsement. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have received the endorsement of the United Autoworkers and their more than 400,000 members.

Every day, the UAW shows us that we can and we will ‘Make it in America.’ The U.S. auto industry has come roaring back from the great recession and just posted its best year ever—because the U.S. auto industry has the world’s best, hardest-working, most innovative and most creative workforce.

We need to keep going—and we need a President who will always stand with working families. Today, about one in five cars built in North America come from Mexico—double the share in 2004. That’s why autoworkers need more than tough talk on trade. They need a President who knows how to compete and win for American workers. I have said for years that I want to see NAFTA renegotiated to give American workers a level playing field. And we need to take on new challenges, like weak auto “rules of origin” standards that provide a backdoor for Chinese steel and other products into the U.S. We’re going to throw the book at China and stop them from cheating American workers.

As President, I will stand with the United Autoworkers in protecting workers’ fundamental right to organize and bargain collectively, including in their fight to organize the VW plant in Chattanooga. And we need to make sure that the jobs of the future, including in clean energy and clean transportation, are good union jobs that can’t be outsourced. If I am fortunate enough to be elected President, organized labor will always have a champion in the White House and a seat at the table—because when unions are strong, families are strong, and when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Detroit News

Hillary Clinton Announces Jobs Plan in Detroit


On Friday, Hillary Clinton gave a speech at an auto manufacturing plant in Detroit where she unveiled her jobs plan. Clinton’s proposed plan, dubbed the “New Bargain,” focuses on American works and rewards American companies who expand their domestic workforce. During her speech, she criticized Wall Street firms, spoke about the decline of labor unions, spoke out against Chinese trade practices, and bashed uneven executive pay. She said, “Companies have to start treating workers as assets to be invested in — not costs to be cut.”

In a speech that had a populist tone, Clinton focused on job creation and manufacturing in the United States. She covered a wide variety of topics including raising the minimum wage, taxing corporations that outsource jobs, and criticized “inversion” practices which allow corporations to merge with overseas corporations thus moving their headquarters and avoiding taxes.

During her speech, Clinton also spoke about the Republican debate, which took place in Detroit on Thursday night. She blasted Republicans for their anti-worker and pro-business policies. Clinton said that she was most offended by the lack of discussion of any material topics by the candidates, especially the economy. She speculated that they avoided the topic “because all of the Republican candidates support the same failing policies: cut taxes for the rich, get out of the way of corporations, don’t raise the minimum wage.” A video of Clinton’s speech is available on C-SPAN.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, CNN, Time